Chapter 51

1273 Words

Kate's POV My head was banging so profusely as I blinked, my eyes opened. ''What was going on,'' I mumbled out, as I tried to move, but I soon found out that I was tied to a chair. ''I was scared , what was going on,'' I asked myself as I struggled to get myself free of the ropes to which I was tied to. But as much as I struggled, I just couldn't. '' Someone help me,'' I screamed into the empty room. and soon Josh strode in with a big grin on his face. '' Oh my love, you are awake, how was the little time out,'' he asked, smiling. '' Josh what the hell is this? I demand you let me go,'' I screamed as I continued to struggle to set myself free. '' my love, please don't do that. You would only hurt yourself and I would hate to see any harm come to you,'' He said with an

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