Chapter 45

1288 Words

Cora's POV I was so angry that I refused to talk to Bruno, the airplane ride was so quick that I didn't know when I drifted off to sleep. I didn't know how long I slept for, but soon I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, bringing me back to consciousness. '' Wake up, we have arrived,'' I heard Bruno's voice say as I slowly opened my eyes. I groaned softly as I adjusted myself on the seat as I still felt sleepy. '' Come on Cora, wake up , we don't have all day,'' Bruno said as he shook me until I was fully awake. '' I am awake, you can stop now.' I groaned out. '' Good, let's get going ,'' he said as he ushered me off of the plane. Getting down, we were welcomed by several groups of men who were armed to the teeth. '' Do we need this much security,'' I asked, and Bruno chuckled a

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