16 - "Unanswered Questions"

419 Words
~~~ Tony POV ~~~ Tony woke up to the soft glow of morning light filtering through the curtains, casting gentle shadows across the room. Stretching his arms above his head, he yawned deeply, feeling the remnants of sleep slowly dissipate. The events of the previous day lingered in his mind like a heavy fog, refusing to fade away despite the passage of time. As he got dressed and prepared for the day ahead, Tony couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of his stomach. The sudden search of the omega quarters had left him with more questions than answers, and he couldn't help but wonder what had prompted such drastic action from Xander. Heading downstairs to the common area, Tony spotted Don sitting alone at one of the tables, a contemplative look on his face. Sensing his friend's troubled demeanor, Tony decided to join him, hoping to glean some insight into the situation. "Morning, Don," Tony greeted as he pulled out a chair and sat down opposite him. "Did you sleep at all last night?" Don glanced up, offering a half-hearted smile in return. "Not much, to be honest. I couldn't stop thinking about the search yesterday. It just doesn't sit right with me." Tony nodded in agreement, folding his hands on the table. "I know what you mean. It all seemed so sudden, and I can't shake the feeling that there's more to it than meets the eye. Do you have any idea why Xander would order something like that?" Don sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I wish I knew, Tony. It's unlike him to act so impulsively, especially without consulting us first. But then again, there's been a lot on his mind lately. Ever since he found that omega..." Tony's eyebrows furrowed in concern at the mention of the omega. "You think there's a connection?" Don shrugged, a troubled expression crossing his features. "I don't know, but it's certainly possible. There's something about her that doesn't sit right with me, and I can't help but wonder if Xander feels the same way." Tony nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "Well, whatever the reason, we need to get to the bottom of this. If there's something going on in the pack, we need to know about it before it's too late." Don nodded in agreement, his expression grave. "Agreed. Let's keep our eyes and ears open, Tony. Something tells me this is just the beginning of whatever's to come."
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