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Amy:     It's been a long time since I first shifted. Like five years to be exact. I thought I was going to lose her when she put her mate in a cell on the top floor of the prison she built after he killed her parents. She still sleeps there in the room on the same floor he does.     But Marty smiles and laughs. Her face lights up like Christmas morning but it never shines quite right in her eyes. If she had taken drama she'd be an Oscar-winning actress. For a long time, she faked those smiled until she started to believe in them herself. Until she convinced herself that this is what made her happy.     A few months after graduation Nathan and I were blessed with Jr. Since my wolf was suppressed for so long my body went through some complications and to make a long sad story short Jr might always be an only child. Sally has tried to find a way to help us. Her latest attempt was a rare blue flower. I had been drinking that tea for a few weeks now to no avail. We had considered adoption but had put it off with everything that has been going on. The rogues want their alpha back and Marty thinks it's cute that they're begging.     To be honest, I think she has every right to keep his sorry ass in her fortress of solitude. Especially, after what was done to her over a girl. Dylan, "The rogue alpha" and Marty's so-called soulmate lied and told her that the only reason he had come into the territory was to take his sister home. Well, it turned out that his so-called sister was his chosen rogue luna.      Her name is Minerva and they have a kid together. He's four about to be five. Marty was going to release him a few months after he was captured but then she decided on sentencing him to five years in prison. She still hasn't told him that Devon is alive though and is happily mated with two pups. He actually works alongside Marty at the hospital for mentally unstable wolves. Yeah, we have one of those.     Today is the day he will be told the truth. I really have no idea what Marty has in mind but these past few weeks she's been working overtime. She's been pulling a bunch of documentation along with the alliance of alphas she had set up three years ago when she became an official Alpha of the Court. I had never seen something in this pack done so privately.     "Nate, are we ready?" she asked walking out in her usual sexy business attire.  She had let her hair get a little longer and now braids it back letting the thick rope of hair rest on her shoulder. It makes her look scarier than when we were younger. She's a lot more intimidating now. Taller, thicker, prettier.     "Yes, alpha the prisoner has been briefed on his release," Nate reported walking over to her. I joined them.     "Good. Bring him out," she instructed holding a blue file in her hands.     "You're letting me go?" Dylan asked as his handcuffs were removed once Jeremy escorted him out.     I had never seen him before except the night he surrendered. I didn't really pay attention to him because I was too busy watching how he broke my cousin's heart into a million pieces. The guy is wearing regular clothes. Fitted jeans and a black v-neck. The muscle mass around him is scary and sexy in a Dwayne Johnson kind of way. His eyes are easy to look at. They tell the story of someone who had made the best of his suffering, They glow with a green intensity that could burn through anyone's soul. How the hell was Marty able to resist this man when he was specifically made for her?     "Yeah, and I have a few conditions to your release and a few parting gifts," the guy smirked at her but Marty seemed unaffected by it. I had to look away from the charm so that I wouldn't laugh at his boldness.     "Alright, shoot, princess," the way his eyes shine when he looks at her makes my stomach flutter. Oh, my god. He's a pretty man.     "Today, you become a free man Dylan. You will be released under two strict conditions. The first being is this," she said handing him the blue file folder. He looked at her skeptically but took it anyway. "That is a treaty to a lot of land. That is so you can establish safety for your pack. There are lists of suggestions on how to rank your wolves, along with the maps of the housing for mated wolves and your packhouse for the younger pups, security scouting schedules. whatever else you find in there. There are several things that I think you might find very accommodating there from your experience here,"      "I cannot accept this," he said looking it over before he shut the blue folder and tried to hand it back to her.     "Which brings us to the second part of your release. By the council of the alpha alliance, you are under strict orders to do this and if you don't, a hunt will begin for you and everyone in your pack. When you are caught you will not be coming back here. You will go to the council prison where you will be sentenced to execution along with the rest of your pack. That is explained in the paper right at the top. You are welcome to read it now or as you leave.      "I took the liberty of locating your pack and it wasn't very hard they're right outside my lands. None of them have been harmed at all. We actually took care of them for a few years. Your Luna was trained by my beta female and the tuition for your son to go to the alpha academy in the alliance neutral court has been paid all he needs to do is turn thirteen,"     "Why are you doing this?" he asked the anger evident in his voice. She smiled at him. I've never seen her smile like that.     "Dylan, you have suffered your entire life. I know exactly who you are," she turned around and gave Cameron a nod. Devon, his mate, and two pups came out of the truck.     "What the f**k?" Dylan whispered covering his mouth trying to fight the emotion that was overcoming him.     "I had every intention of hurting you," she said. "I had planned your demise over and over. I felt it would be sufficient enough for all of the pain you have caused not only to me and my pack but all of the other lives you destroyed. But, you are after all my mate. We both know that we can never be what we are supposed to be. That doesn't mean that I have to give up on you the way everyone else did. You are an alpha. I learned that a few years ago when I met your pack and saw how lost they were without you,"     "So, I only have the two choices do this or be hunted?" he asked wiping the tears from his eyes.     "You can stay here and live how you have for the past five years. The thing about that though, is that you would be letting your family down and you will be throwing away everything I have worked for to get you here, Dylan,"     "We are supposed to be together," he whispered to himself. The tone he used along with the heartbreaking expression made me look away.     Marty walked up to him and put her hands on both sides of his face. She had this smile on her face. I shivered feeling cold and empty inside. The sinister look in her eyes trapped him in her gaze. Nate grabbed my hand pulling me to him.     "We will always be mates. That is never going to change, Dylan. With that being said you and I can never be together. You have taught me so much about what it means to hate something so much that it consumes the goodness I once had inside. I wanted the darkness you left in me to take over at one point but then I thought of everything you took from me and what they represented. This darkness in me made me feel like I was a filthy person.      "So, I forgive you for all that you did but I will not and cannot make my pack forgive you. I wouldn't even ask them too because I love them more than I do myself. Their well being and happiness will always be my main priority and you cause a problem in that. So, I am letting you go so that we can finally heal from what happened. So that we can all put it behind us and start a real-life one without the painful memory of what happened. I look at you all I see is two dead wolves. I'm never going to forget.     "I love you and for as long as I may live I will continue to do so but this isn't the kind of life we should live. I don't want to hold you, prisoner, anymore. I don't want your son to grow up without you and I sure as f**k don't want Minerva to continue giving me the puppy eyes whenever I see her,"     "How long have you known she wasn't my sister?" the cheeky mother fucker had the audacity to ask.     "Since before you told me she was your sister. When we capture female rogues we only hold them for forty-eight hours. When we found her she was only a couple of months pregnant. My dad and Minerva tried to get a hold of you a couple of hours before you attacked so that she wouldn't have to shift to get back to you. He wanted you to come pick her up,"      His eyes filled with tears and he looked away from all of us. The realization of what he had done hit him a little harder than what she was giving him. Marty had a small sad expression on her face when she let her hand fall to her sides. That look in her eyes faded. I don't ever want to see it again in my life.      "Devon knows everything about your new set up. He has the dates so you can come to the council and we can set you up with a name, the census, and income. He also has all the contracts and investments he did to make all of this possible. Technically you paid for it all so you don't owe me anything,"     "She also managed to make six times as much as we originally had," Devon smiled going over to his brother. "It's so good to see, man,"     "Thank you," was all Dylan said. When he turned around to face her again. That made Marty smile fully that same dark smile from earlier. "For everything, I thought being your prisoner was the hardest thing I had to do but this is the worst kind of punishment,"      "You'll never stop being my prisoner," she laughed looking away. "You'll never be free so as long as you live,"      "That's dark as f**k," Nate shook his head looking at her. I completely agree with that statement. The look on Dylan's face was that of acceptance. He accepts this fate.     "So, I guess this is goodbye then, princess," he said looking down at her.     "Yeah finally," she said and let out a sigh of complete relief. "Try not to get yourself killed until you are mated so I won't die,"     "If you would look as bad as I feel I think it would be easier but the look of relief on your face will haunt me for the rest of my life,"     "That's good. That's kind of what I was going for," they both laughed. I shook my head feeling really uncomfortable.     "Alpha Martak," he said extending his hand out to her.     "Alpha Dylan,"     "I'll see you around, princess,"     "I hope not," they shared their last laugh as he walked over to Devon. He got into his truck without looking back when Devon drove away.      "Alright party at my..." Marty stopped when she looked at me. "Why are you crying?"     "Because I'm going to miss him," I said for some reason and the tears just rushed out of me.     "Oh, my god. What's wrong with her?" she asked coming over to me. The worried look in her face slowly faded into a smile. "I think it worked,"      "Oh, my god. I think you're right," Nathan whispered looking me over.     "Let's go get you checked, baby girl," Marty said pulling me with her.     "For what?" I asked wiping my face.     "She's pregnant," Sally cheered once she examined me. Both Nathan and I burst into tears. 
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