IX – A Secret Past

1151 Words
Maurice I stormed into our luxurious mansion, frustration coursing through my veins like an uncontrollable wildfire. My mother, Marla, sat in the elegant living room, engrossed in some glossy magazine. She looked up at me, a knowing grin playing on her lips as she took in my distressed state. "What's that face, Maurice? You look upset." she asked, placing the magazine on the side table. Her eyes glinted with mischief. I took a deep breath, attempting to rein in my temper. "Mom, we need to talk. About Zoro and Zake." Marla raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Oh? What about them?" I rolled my eyes. "They're getting too close to that b***h Crystal. Especially Zoro. He practically stopped targeting her. It's annoying!" A sly smile played on Marla's lips as she leaned back in her chair. "Why does that bother you so much? Crystal is just a measly omega. No one in their right mind would want her as a mate." I clenched my fists, struggling to contain my anger. "You don't get it, Mom. Zoro and Zake are supposed to be mine. They're meant to be the future Alphas of our pack, and I am the rightful Luna. No one else should be catching their attention!" Marla chuckled, the sound grating on my nerves. "Maurice, dear, you're being irrational. Zoro and Zake will eventually see through the insignificance of an omega like Crystal. It's just a phase." I shook my head vehemently. "No, Mom, you don't understand. It's not just a phase. Zoro seems genuinely interested in her, and I won't let him be fooled by some omega. I am the one destined to be his Luna." "Of course, Maurice, you are the only one worthy of being the next Luna. No one will change that." I sighed, the tension in my shoulders relaxing slightly at her words. "But I really can't stand the thought of the twins getting closer to Crystal. They treated her with a strange kindness. It feels like she's stealing their attention." Marla chuckled, her laughter echoing through the garden. "My dear, if Zoro and Zake have truly changed their behavior, it's merely a temporary distraction. They are destined to be with you. You mustn't let the actions of a passing moment unsettle you." I turned to face her, a mix of frustration and uncertainty in my eyes. "But how can we be sure? I can't afford to lose their attention. What if they do not pick me as their mate?" Marla placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Maurice, you have forgotten your mother's secret past." I furrowed my brow, intrigued. "Secret past?" She smiled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You know that our family carries a unique gift. I am a witch, and with that comes the ability to shape fate, within limits, of course." I looked at her in awe. "You're a witch?" Marla nodded. "Yes, my dear. I can cast spells and ensure that destiny aligns with our desires. But we must be patient. There's a delicate balance to these matters, and intervening too soon can have unintended consequences." My eyes widened with realization. "So, you can make sure Zoro and Zake only have eyes for me?" Marla chuckled again. "Of course, Maurice. But we must wait and observe. Let the threads of destiny reveal themselves before we make a move." I nodded, a newfound sense of assurance settling within me. "So, will we wait for now?" Marla smiled, her wisdom evident. "Yes, my dear. Let's see how events unfold. There's power in patience, and we'll act when the time is right. If ever Zoro or Zake show any signs of leaning towards Crystal more than you," she said, her eyes holding a hint of mystery, "we'll devise a plan. But for now, Maurice, you need to be closer to them, make sure you're with them always. This way, Alpha Zoren will see the undeniable connection between you and his sons, and he'll have no choice but to choose you as their wife and mate." Nodding, I acknowledged the importance of the task at hand. "I understand, Mother. I'll ensure I'm always around Zoro and Zake." Marla leaned forward, her eyes searching mine. "Closer, my dear, not just physically but emotionally. Forge a connection that is sincere and irrefutable. Let your presence be a magnetic force that draws them in." “I’ll do it, Mom.” I nodded. Marla, with an air of confidence and a sly smile, turned to me in the dimly lit living room. "Maurice, my dear, rest assured that Crystal's life here will be nothing short of a living hell. We'll make sure she understands the consequences of crossing you and the Alpha's sons." My grin widened at Marla's assertiveness. The idea of Crystal enduring hardships under our roof filled me with a sense of triumph. "Excellent, Mother. Crystal will soon realize her place and regret ever crossing paths with the Alpha's sons." Marla gazed at me with a thoughtful expression, her fingers idly tracing the rim of her cup as she spoke, "Maurice, there's another aspect we need to consider in our strategy. Your father, Gary, has always had a soft spot for Crystal. His interference could complicate matters for us." I raised an eyebrow, my interest piqued. "What do you suggest, Mother?" A wry smile played on Marla's lips as she continued, "We need to ensure that Gary doesn't become an unintentional obstacle. Crystal has a way of drawing people to her, and your father is no exception. We must divert his attention, especially if he gets too involved." I leaned in, eager to hear her plan. "How do we do that?" Marla's eyes sparkled with mischief. "You, my dear, need to become the center of Gary's attention. Spend more time with him, engage in conversations about the pack's future, and subtly guide his thoughts in our direction. It's essential to make him see the potential threat Crystal poses to the pack." A small smirk tugged at my lips. "So, I become the dutiful daughter, steering my father's focus away from Crystal?" Marla nodded, her gaze unwavering. "Exactly. Plant the seeds of doubt, make him question the stability Crystal brings to the pack dynamics. Once he sees things from our perspective, he'll be less likely to interfere." I mulled over her words, recognizing the delicate balance required in influencing my father. "I can do that, Mother. It's time for Dad to prioritize my well-being over his personal attachments to that b***h omega." Marla reached across the table, patting my hand. "That's my girl. Just remember, subtlety is key. Gary shouldn't suspect any manipulation. Let him believe that your concerns for the pack's future are genuine. He is the pack Beta, the second in command to our Alpha, if he asks Alpha Zoren to choose you as the next Luna, for sure the Alpha will not disagree."
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