X – Father’s promise

1080 Words
Maurice I noticed the faint glow emanating from beneath my father's study door, casting a warm light into the dimly lit hallway. Beta Gary was engrossed in his duties, a common routine during these late-night hours when the pack's affairs demanded his attention. It was the perfect opportunity, the serenity of the night providing a cloak of confidentiality for the conversation I intended to have with him. I approached the door and knocked gently, the sound echoing in the quiet corridor. "Dad," I called out, waiting for his acknowledgment. The door creaked open, revealing my father's tired yet welcoming expression. "Maurice, what brings you here? Why are you still awake?" he greeted with a warm smile. "I thought you might need a break," I replied, holding a tray with a steaming teacup. "I brought you some tea. And I want to have a little chat with you…" His eyes lit up with gratitude. "That's thoughtful of you, Maurice. Come in." I entered the room, the scent of aged books and the faint flicker of light creating an ambiance of familiarity. Placing the tray on his desk, I took a moment to observe my father. His greying hair spoke of years dedicated to the pack, and the furrowed lines on his forehead told tales of the responsibilities he carried. "Thank you, my dear," he said, taking the teacup in his hands. "Now, what did you want to talk about?" I hesitated for a moment, mustering the courage to broach the delicate topic. "Dad, it's about the pack's future. I've been giving it a lot of thought." He leaned back in his chair, a silent invitation for me to continue. Removing his eyeglasses, he set aside the documents he had been immersed in. I took a deep breath, my words carefully chosen as I continued the conversation with my father. "Dad, there's something I need to remind you of—a promise you made when I was much younger." Gary raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "A promise? Maurice, I make many promises. Can you be more specific?" "You promised me that when the time came, I would be given the choice to be the wife of either Zoro or Zake, depending on who becomes the new alpha. As your daughter, the Beta's daughter, I am the only one worthy of such a position." Gary scratched his head, his expression shifting from curiosity to mild confusion. "Did I make such a promise? I honestly don't recall." I pressed on, determination fueling my words. "Yes, you did. It was a solemn promise, and it's time for you to honor it. The pack needs a future Luna, and as your daughter, I am the most suitable candidate. It's important for the pack's stability and our family's legacy." His frown deepened as he grappled with the memory. "Maurice, I can't believe I made such a promise. It seems unusual, and decisions about mates are not typically made through promises." I met his gaze, unwavering. "Dad, the pack needs a future Luna to maintain order and unity. I am the Beta's daughter, and I am the only one worthy of that position, right?" Gary leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapping on the desk. "Maurice, these are unconventional times. The Alpha's sons should have the freedom to choose their mates based on their feelings and compatibility. It's not fair to impose such a decision on them." "But, Dad, it's not just about me," I insisted. "It's about the pack's future. Zoro and Zake need a Luna who understands the pack's dynamics, who can lead with strength and wisdom. I am the best choice for that role, and you promised me that choice." He sighed, a hint of frustration in his voice. "Maurice, decisions about mates are delicate matters. We can't force relationships, especially when it involves matters of the heart." "But it's not just about love, Dad," I argued. "It's about duty and responsibility. I am willing to fulfill my role as Luna for the pack's sake. This promise ensures the stability and continuity of our lineage." Gary pondered my words, his gaze distant. "Maurice, let me think about this. It's not a decision to be made lightly, and I need time to consider the implications." I sensed a suitable moment to enact my plan. With a calculated display of sorrow, I approached him. My eyes welled up with tears. Kneeling down in front of him, I clasped my hands together, my voice quivering with a mixture of desperation and sorrow. "D-Dad," I whimpered, "please, you have to help me become the next Luna of Crest Moon Pack. I promise I'll do my best to honor our family and make you proud. You made a promise to me, and I trust you to fulfill it." Gary, taken aback by my sudden emotional outburst. He looked at me with a mix of concern and surprise as I continued my dramatic plea. "Maurice," he said, reaching out to me, "Why are you so anxious?" Gary sighed, realizing the gravity of my distress. He pulled me up from my kneeling position, embracing me in a comforting hug. My sobs echoed through the room as I maintained the act, my tears soaking into his shoulder. "There, there, Maurice," he murmured, patting my back. "Tell me what's troubling you. We'll figure this out together." Summoning my acting skills, I sobbed louder and then, in a heart-wrenching plea, I spoke, "Dad, please talk to Alpha Zoren for me. Convince him that I'm the right choice. I can't bear the thought of losing this opportunity. You are the pack’s Beta. He surely will agree with you." Gary, trying to calm me, said, "Maurice, I'll do my best to address your concerns about Alpha Zoren. But you must understand, the decision ultimately lies with Zoro and Zake. They have the freedom to choose their own mates." Feigning desperation, I clung to him, my voice muffled by my cries. "I know, Dad, but I can't accept losing this chance. Please, promise me you'll help." Gary, moved by my apparent distress, nodded. "I promise, Maurice. We'll talk to Alpha Zoren together and see what can be done. But be prepared for the possibility that things may not go exactly as you hope." But I pressed on, I kept my gaze downcast, my voice shaky. "I just want to fulfill my destiny, Dad. It's all I've ever dreamed of. Please help me."
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