Chapter 5

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Ava In a dilapidated bungalow where my mom resides, I was cooking in the kitchen in a long-sleeved blouse and long trousers. But the restrained coughs from the bathroom made me worried. My mother had been sick for a long time, so she needed to take medicine all year round to help her immune system. I was still a student now, and we could not afford my own tuition fees plus my mum's medical expenses without my father’s help. I really wish I didn't have to live with my father and his family in their extravagant house in the heart of the pack. The only way I could get money from my mom’s hospital bills was having to put up with their bullshit. Suddenly, my phone rang, pushing me out of my thoughts. i picked up the phone and saw that the call was from my father. Only the Moon goddess knows what he wants to ask me. I did not want to answer the call, but I had to compromise for the sake of my mother and my tuition fee… Sooner or later I would have to swallow the humiliation and erase the insults that brushed my ego then return back to their house. I answered the call calmly. “Hello Father.” "Ava, my friend found a good doctor for your mother. Go to the Wavy Bar near Trinity Hotel at 8pm tonight. It's a formal dinner. Dress yourself up!" This was a huge surprise. I didn't expect him to say such a thing. Maybe after calming down, he felt sorry for my mother and wanted to make it up to her. For the first time my words got to him. I grinned at myself.. “Really? Thank you! I will be there on time!" I could not hide the excitement in me. The day quickly darkened and at 7:30 I made my way to the Wavy Bar. I wore my best clothes which was a slim sleeveless off-white dress and a pair of delicate stilettos, carrying a sequined handbag. I was a born beauty, looking just like my mother, the fairest of the ladies during her time. It is a pity that she didn’t end up with the man that deserved her. My Blue black hair was casually hanging down, setting off my fair and tender skin. I was wearing light makeup, looking even more radiant than usual. I kept looking at my reflections in everything that reflected my image. I deserved to be called a stunner, even passers-by turned their heads back to look at me without being aware of it. "Miss, do you have a reservation?" The waiter walked up to me "Yes, please. The reservation is under Elder Smith." I answered almost immediately. "This way, please,” the waiter said and led me outside the bar and took me inside Trinity hotel then finally to a private room. He pushed the door open for me to come, I saw my father and a fat middle-aged man sitting inside. Was the man the doctor he had mentioned? I vaguely felt there was something wrong but I shrugged it off. After I hesitated for a while, she still said, "Dad… Immediately he set his eyes on me, he stood up and smiled, "Ava, here you are! Come and sit here. This is... Dr Yale from a neighboring pack" His smile made me feel that awkward, he wasn’t usually like that toward me. But because of my mother's illness, I still forced a bright smile and said politely, "Dr. Yale, nice to meet you." Dr. Yale’s eyes scanned me from head to toe with a hint of surprise in his bean-like eyes. With a smile on his greasy face, he warmly reached out to me and said, “Miss Smith, nice to meet you too. Please sit down!" I dodged his hand that was about to touch my arm and sat down in the chair next to him. My father kept observing Dr Yale the whole time, which bothered me. "Ava, pour a glass of wine for Dr. Yale." he said with joy on his face which made things a little suspicious. Dr. Yale kept staring at me, it made me uncomfortable, but I stylishly approached his seat, poured him a glass of wine in person, and said, "Please enjoy the wine." Dr. Yale picked up the glass, sniffed the wine with his eyes closed, and said with a look of intoxication, "It smells good!" He irritated me all the time he was speaking to me. "Ava, entertain Dr. Yale well. I need to go to the bathroom first,” My Father said, and left the room. I was left alone with Dr Yale in the closed private room, it made me feel even more uncomfortable. From the aura he was giving me, he was probably an elder in his pack so I was a bit reluctant to speak to him or move closer to him. I also didn't want to give the impression that I was pushing myself on him. Later, I summoned courage and asked, "Dr. Yale, my mother's illness.." "Your father told me about your mother's illness. I'm happy today, so let's not talk about such unpleasantness. I'll figure out a way to cure her illness soon," Dr. Yale said while wrapping one hand around my waist and grabbing my hand with the other. Just like I thought, he was an old geezer. How can a doctor waive a patient’s affair just like that? Then, he continued, "I am not only a doctor but also a master of palmistry. Miss Smith, show me your hand." His large and greasy hands made me feel nauseated, I hurriedly stood up, avoided his hand, raised the glass in front of me, and said, "Dr. Yale, thank you for agreeing to treat my mother. Cheers." Father had been away for too long, and Dr.Yale' actions had become increasingly obscene, so I knew something was obviously fishy. But I decided to treat Dr. Yale with courtesy before my father came back. Inadvertently, I spotted a business card,I took a closer look at it and saw "Phillip Yale, President of Yale Group '' on it. Yale Group? I remembered my father had mentioned it before. So, the man in front of me was not a doctor but her father's business partner? I just knew because I couldn’t place any smell of medicine on him. Father had most likely tricked me into coming here because he wanted me to drink with the middle-aged man instead of treating my mother's illness! A sense of nausea swept over me! No wonder he kept smiling so enthusiastically when seeing me! No wonder this disgusting middle-aged man kept staring at me with a leer and taking advantage of me I must be a fool for trusting that my father still had a little conscience, so he found a good doctor for my mother. I was not sure if Dr Yale came with warrior guards so I didn’t let emotions take over me and cat rashly. Holding back my anger, I tried my best to force a soft smile, and said, "Dr. Yale, would you please excuse me? I need to go to the bathroom now. I'll be back soon, and then we will do the palm reading." Phillip hurriedly nodded, "Okay, I'll wait for you! Miss Smith, come back as soon as possible!" After I came out of the private room, her bright smile disappeared, and her face became extremely gloomy. I was barely able to hold my wolf back from attacking the shameless elder that wanted me sexually. Fortunately, no warrior guards were outside the Hotel, I could do whatever I wanted with no fear. I was not just going to let them walk all over me, i am going to get back at them for what they had done to me. I walked to the parking attendant at the gate and said, "Hello, I'm having dinner in the private lounge 2. Mr. Yale asked me to fetch something for him from his car. Could you please tell me where his car is?" “Sure ma’am.” I smiled to myself as the parking attendant did not doubt me and she even told me the location readily. I sneered and strode in that direction. Luke I walked out of the nightclub in anger mixed with frustration. The place was supposed to give me top notch entertainment, the foul atmosphere inside had made me upset. Many pretty women with curvy figures tried to throw themselves at me, but I had pushed them away mercilessly. Even if those women had taken off all their clothes in front of me, I would have only felt disgusted and would not have wanted to get close to them at all. It was unlike me to act like that but this was my mood. Suddenly, as the cool breeze and fresh air hit my face, I remembered the wonderful s*x that night, and it angered me that I was turned on by that ugly woman again. “Damn it!” I cursed along and walked to my car Getting into the car, I stroked my forehead with one hand and took out my phone with the other to call my Beta, asking, "Have you found that woman?" "Not yet. Alpha Luke, that woman vanished without leaving a trace, and we can't find any information about her at all." I frowned slightly, snorted, and said in an extremely cold voice, "You can't even find a woman now! You guys are getting increasingly useless! If there is no good news within three days, I guess my Beta will have to change." “We will find her as soon as possible.” I hung up as soon as he said those words then I threw the phone aside in annoyance. When I was about to start the car,I suddenly heard a loud bang from overhead. As I looked out, I saw a crazy woman smashing my car angrily with a brick in her hand. I instantly regretted not asking my Beta to come pick up instead now I had to deal with this on my own.
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