Kinky's Dad Love on fire Chapter 16 By, baby favour SUNDORA KING AND QUEEN INTERNATIONAL "Thank you very much ma'am" Amelia said the head of school. "Oh ma'am I should be thanking you for bring your precious daughter here, entrusting her safety in our hands" The woman in her late thirties repiled. "She will resume tomorrow" Amelia said to HOD. "Sure we will be expecting her" She repiled. Amelia hold her kinky hand in hers and the head to the main gate. "Do you like the new school pretty baby?" Amelia asked. "I love with momma but I love you more" She repiled happily. "I'm glad you love" Amelia pecked her cheek and they book head to the bus station. They are still waiting for the bus when a car stopped in their front. Amelia have never seen the car before so she ignore it. "A