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Kinky's Dad Love on fire Chapter 04 ★★★ Writer pov Amelia resident **************** The Sun find it way down into the room reviling Lucas and Amelia hugging themselves to each other like the lastest couple who just finish a hot round of love making. The sun shine more brightly and shine on her slowly she open her eye slowly and yawn,wanting to stand up she noticed something is holding her down so she open her eye fully... "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! She yell pushing him away from her body. The two ending up on the floor due to the way she pushed him. "Lia!!! He called and wimper in pain of his buttocks landing hard on the floor. "What the f**k happen? He asked standing up. Amelia started crying immediately she lay on the bed and deep herself inside the duplet. "Get out of my room!! She yelled. "Lia what wrong? Lucas who is not getting a hint about what's happening asked in confused state. "I said leave my room you bastard!!!....just tell me nothing happen or it a dream !! I trust you and you betray my trust like that huh? Just leave, you bloody bastard,what should I have expect you all just same! Get out! She yelled and cover her face with the duplet. "Lia nothing happen gosh can't believe this! You are unbelievable! Lucas said and sat down looking her somehow. The duplet swipe off her face immediately. "You mean.... nothing... happen? She ask and start checking herself,she realized her cloth and everything is still intact and breath out in relief. "Oh my gosh, am sorry I thought....sorry anyway but don't hug me that way next time it look like we just finish one hot round of s*x and we're cuddling" she said and step out of bed heading to the bathroom. "Lia? He called but she already inside the bathroom. "Maybe she's just joking, won't she like us together beside I have not confess my feelings to her yet so it not proper" he said and walk out of her room. "Try and be dressing proper a kid lives around here" Eva replied walking pass him. "Gosh when are you going to stop finding fault in everything I do huh? Lucas asked staring at her like she has grown two horn's. "What! If you look me with a that eye I will them out of their socket, well maybe the day chicken start growing teeth" Eva said and turn to kinky's room. "Mother fucker" he said and scoffed. 'What ever you say belong to your future wife, son of a b***h" she replied. "My Lia! He said and faked heart hurts. "Oh in your dream will she marry someone like you" Eva replied and finally walk inside kinky's room. "What? yahhhh! What wrong with me being her husband! He asked running after her, he slip and tumble down the stairs. Amelia who is just walking out of her room witness how he tumble and burst out into laughter.... Later.... "So you are saying am the bad guy? Look she probably don't like the guy and I help her out" Lucas said defending himself. They were actually discussing about what happen at Lucas place of work he is manager at a oil company. "You should be party enemies turn to lovers so they might probably work out later" Eva replied. "So you are saying you can date me? He ask smirking. "Never! She replied almost immediately. "You see? Kinky let go' Lucas said and carried kinky heading out. "Bye pretty lady" kinky said waving at her mom who is on the stairs. "Bye baby pretty lady loves you" she replied and they left. ************* Brown's mansion: "What did f**k is this? You call this food? James yelled at the cooker who is shivering to his voice reaction. "You are going to bring down the mansion if you continue yelling this way" Noah said climbing down the stairs. "Just check what this cooked? He said standing up from the dining. "It too early for this please quit telling you know how much I hate noise" he said and sit down. "Am sorry it a mistake I can cook another please it just a mistake" the cook said slumping her knee on the floor already. "Okay let me see" noah said. The maid dish out the food in a plate to him with her shaky hands. He take a spoonful of the food and chew gently. "Gosh you have a bad temper James it still manageable it just little excess salt" he said and continue eating. "You call that little? You will die soon if you continue eating that everyday am not eating that" he said and head out. "Wait are you not going to wait for me? He ask after him. "Am sure you know how to drive beside I have something to do first I will meet you in the office" he said and left afterward. "You can leave don't mind him he is bad temper" he said to the girl. "Thank you sir" she said and left... ********** 8:50 American time. "Like what happen here the traffic is mad! Amelia said. "Like I don't know maybe accident happen who knows" Eva replied. "Gosh we are suppose to be heading to brown's now and we have not even start any delivery"Amelia said knocking her head in dot. "Gosh today already show how it going to be real stress! Eva replied. "So have thought of going out this Friday? Eva change the topic. "Eva! She called. "Don't eva me Lia you are going either you like it or not" she replied firmly. "Is okay, but what of kinky's we can't possibly take her to the club with us" Amelia said. "Yea...that she can just stay with nessa" Eva suggest. "No! My daughter is not going to that b***h house! Amelia counter her suggestion. "Then let her stay with bella" Eva replied. "I will think about it" she said. No thinking she staying there.. Lia watch out!!! But it already late she hit it....... Tbc.......
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