Night party

1020 Words
Kinky's Dad Love on fire Chapter 05 ★★★★ Writer pov "No thinking! she staying there a.s.a.p.. Lia watch out!!! But it already late she hit it. "Holy freak!!! Amelia yelled and step on the break breathing up and down The two rushed out of the van to go and check the damages. "Gosh! Can today be any worst?? Eva said. The owner of the other car also get down from the car and walk to them. "Like what the hell? Are you blind or something? He said looking at the plate number that fell off completely. *What? Your plate number is the only issue and our own light break yet you are sprunting nonsense? Eva fired back. "Eva! Amelia called. "Noooo let him mention the word blind again and i will show him how a blind man drives mother fucker" she replied. "Why won't it break when you drive like a senseless being" he reply. "Tell me who is senseless out of me and you " she said and face him like she is going to beat him up any moment. "Eva to car! Amelia said. She scoffed and walk inside the van back. Amelia face the so called person and her jaw dropped. "Sprite of my dead father" her mind whispered. "Hey i***t fix that thing! Lucas snap at her and she fall out of her wonder land. She registered his word in her brain and raise her brows looking at him with zero explicacy "Sorry but not, what you said now is out of registered brain" Amelia said and pick his plate number up to fix it. "Like for real gosh some damn people" he groan. "To be sincere you stop on notice that why this happen and am even the one fixing your number" she said and stand up. "Well I don't blame you I blame the government for giving you a van to drive about at you age" Lucas said and turn to leave. "Let move already" Eva yelled from inside the van. "Am coming let me answer this brainless handsome dude" she replied. "Me? senseless ? unbelievable do you know who I am? He asked out of curiosity. "Who cares you think am a kid am a mother i***t! I bet you are even married to think of i***t, you are just handsome for physical sake useless for spiritual canal" she said and went inside the and drive out. He stand at same spot ruminating her words like he has never get washed like this since the day he know he is called brown noah.. "Just pray we don't cross part again" he said and enter his car too before driving out.. **** He park the car at the CEO space and walk inside the company. He know if he should tell Lucas about this he will mock him for being too cold but them he can't possibly create a scene there like unknowledge person and runined his company carrier. Social media can be mad sometimes one will never know they are around videoing the event till boom you see it all over the net. Head keep going down and greeting him as he walk but he ignore and step inside the elevator. *Gosh he is too hot* he heard the comment before the elevator close up... He didn't know why her voice keeps resounding in his ear though. It too tiny to belong to a woman or mother like she said,he thought... What ever we won't cross part again after all. "Good morning sir" the secretary greet smiling out so great at him.. He ignore and enter into his office. "Wait did he just ignore my greet? She ask no one in particular.. ******* Friday night: "Shouldn't we be on our way by now? Lucas groan. "We are almost done so just keep shut till I said ta-da " Eva replied. "Like seriously you have been repeating that sentence since like are we going to the club when they decide to close? "Minutes Lucas she will be done soon" Amelia replied with eye close as required by miss Eva. "What ever I will be downstairs waiting for you guys it boring waiting for what not going to end soon when will all know it will end in rubbish" Lucas said.. "Yahhhh you called my effort rubbish?? She asked in anger, pick the make up brush and start chasing after him. "You guys should stop this or we are not going to club again! Amelia yelled. "f**k you! Eva said and spat at him. "What the hell! Eva! He whines. "Suite you mother fucker" she replied. "Gosh! I need a bath"he said and walk to the room. "I wonder when you guys are really going to stop fighting" Amelia said in a groan. "maybe the day his tongue his cut off and he was not able to talk" Eva replied. "That cruel" Amelia said. "This is more cruel" she replied. "Ta-da!!! She giggles and and add a little brush to her face. "Now open your eyes" she said. "Oh my gosh!!! Eva is this really me? Like real me? Amelia asked surprised at what she's seeing right now. "You are beautiful Lia who born this beauty deserves award" Eva said. "Gosh! Thank you bestie" Amelia said and hug her. "Don't you think...I deserve....that....hug....too" Lucas said stammering, staring at her lost in her brown eyeball. "Close your mouth" Eva said and use the make up brush to push his mouth up. He glare at her but it didn't last longer as he shift his gase to Amelia. From her perfect make up to her off shower red grown down to her hips and then her expose leg where the grown is split."You are just too beautiful" lucas said. "It sound like frog comment after all you said it rubbish" Eva said. "I hate you" he yelled. "f*****g mutual! She yelled back and zip up her shoe. "Let rock it! Amelia yelled. "Yahhhhhhhh" Eva replied and they lead the way while Lucas follow behind touching his pocket making sure he didn't forget what he kept there...... Tbc......
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