Met again

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KINKY'S DAD Love on fire Chapter 06 By, baby favour ★★★★ Brown's nightlife! Amelia pov Cars were already parked everywhere when we arrived, there was hardly any space for cars to reverse. Luckily for us, Lucas saw an empty space which a car just drove out from at one side he quickly drove in and parked his car. Best Feeling ever to taste the nightlife,Lucas opened the door for me and jumped out in excitement A bright smile appeared on my face as I scanned the place. With all these expensive cars and people going in and out, I'm sure they're gonna be a lot of rich dudes here. "Brown's nightlife?" I read out the club's name. "Yeah," Eva replied beside me. I laughed briefly. "Such a weird name, '' I said. Lucas came to our side, he stared at the name for a brief moment. "It's not so bad, I think it's a nice name," he said. Eva and I rolled our eyeballs, as if we planned it out. Well he is always odd so why won't he find it nice. "Whateves!" We said simultaneously. I ran out of the parking lot towards the building taking the lead why they follow behind me, but stopped a few meters away from the entrance "Can't wait to rock this place!" I exclaimed loudly, almost too loudly. "Let's get in," Eva said. We headed towards the entrance without wasting any time, but just when we were about to go in, two bouncers stopped us. "Excuse us?" Eva asked. "Sorry, ma'am, but where's your pass?" One of the bouncers asked us. I don't know their names, so I am just going to describe them with their looks. One of them was bald headed and the other was a white, we're being questioned by the white. "Pass?" Eva asked. "Yes, ma'am," he replied. Lucas, Eva and I shared a confused look, then we turned back to him. "Wait,,, we aren't VIPs, do we still need a pass?" I asked. "Yes" "But all the clubs I've been to, your ID is the only thing needed to get in and we have our IDs here with us" I told him. We quickly searched through our bags and pulled out our IDs, then showed them to him. "I'm sorry, we can't let you come in without a pass," the bald head said. "Hold on a sec, this is our first time coming here, how are we supposed to know we need a pass or something to enter?" Lucas asked, Eva and I nodded in agreement. "We'd advise you to go back, we won't appreciate it if there's a scene here" the albino said. Eva's brows arched. "We aren't here to cause a scene, do we look like troublesome people to you?" she asked, her voice rising a bit which is not going to end well if they provoke her any longer I cleared my throat and leaned closer to her. "Well, baby the way you are talking right now, it seems like we are," I told her in whisper " But since it's our first time here, can't you make an exception for us?" Lucas asked calmly. They shook their heads in disagreement, which made me scoffed mentally, their rules here are just too arsh! "What's going on here?" I heard a voice which seemed familiar to me. We all turned to look at the person, I broke into a shock when I realized it's the guy we met some days ago who created a scene because of the plate number ,,,, ! "Hey! Dude, it's a good thing seeing you here!" I said. "Gangster" he called quietly, as if he's surprised. "Amelia! Eva called my name. "Hold on, he might just help us in who knows, '' I said to her in a whisper. "I didn't know our second meeting would be in a club, what are you doing here Mr plate number?" I asked. It's obviously a stupid question because everyone comes to clubs for fun, but I think asking him that wasn't stupid cause he look like a family man to me. He doesn't seem like someone's interested in such things, he looked responsible. "Actually, my friend dragged me here" he answered my question. "Oh, see," I said. His friend stepped forward, I gulped quietly when his friend flashed me a smile. It's really true what they say, show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are,,, his friend is also a hot dude on his own. But my case is quite different. I have beautiful friends but I'm ugly just that slim girl with a baby voice carrying a seven years old girl around mystery. "Hi, I'm Johnson james" Naoh's friend (james) said, stretching his hand for a handshake. I quickly shook his hand. "I'm Amelia, but my acquaintances call me Lia," I replied. His eyes trailed my body,like he was trying to devour me with his looks. "Christ lord, you're hot!" He exclaimed and I giggled. Lucas quickly rushed to my side and snatched my hand from his, while Naoh smacked his head. "Ouch! I was simply appreciating God's creativity, ``James winced. "Well,I think her boyfriend doesn't appreciate it," Naoh said. "Welcome, Mr Brown" the bouncers greeted the so-called Naoh. We turned our attention to them, I frowned slightly when I noticed they bowed their heads slightly, as if showing their respects. Is he some kind of popular person? Or is he their regular customer? "Are you a regular customer?" I asked Jayden. "No, miss, he's,,,,,," He suddenly cleared his throat loudly, as if a bone was stuck in it and he's trying to get it out. "Are you ok?" I asked him. "Yeah" he replied. I wanted to pat his back, but Lucas stopped me and I realized he's staring at Naoh as if he's shocked. My gaze turned to him and I also realized he's glaring at Lucas, though it seemed as though he's sending a message. "James and I always come here when we're bored, that's how they're familiar with me," he said. "Oh" I nodded in understanding. "So,,, what's going on? Why aren't you guys coming in?" He asked. I sighed. "Well, unfortunately we can't come in, we don't have a pass" I told him. He nodded, then turned to the bouncers, with his hands shoved in his pants pockets, making him look like a boss. "Let them in," he said. "Yes, sir" Just like that, the bouncers made way for us. "Come in, please," they said. Eva and I exchanged looks, then walked in very tall with our heads raised high and our legs making the boss noise,,,we released a scoff when walking past them but why is Eva kind of hiding behind me and she has not made a sound since Naoh approach us too. ••••••••••••• We made it inside, it was already filled to the brim. Smell of sweat mixed with cigarettes and alcohol lingered in the air, loud music was blaring too. I bet it's gonna be hard hearing the person next to you. Some girls were already on the dance floor, sending guys crazy with their killer's move. I admit defeat, Eva and I are nowhere near these girls when it comes to dancing, though we're trying too. "Are you guys coming with us to the VIP booth?" James asked. "No, we're staying here" I answered for the three of us. "Why?" He asked again. Eva rolled her eyeballs. "You!!! James shouted looking down at Eva beside me…. TBC…...
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