Silly games

1240 Words

*Mary* I suddenly find myself wishing for charades, even though I'm horrible at it. I have never quite seen the humor in the game Alicia chooses, it is called Questions. We all sit in a circle. Sixteen people. I hadn't meant to place myself between Fitz and Stephan. It just happened that as we took our chairs, we ended up in the same area. Each of us holds a card with a unique number on it. In the center of the circle is a stack of cards. The game is simple. Someone poses a question, turns over a card, and the person with the corresponding number has to claim the question. "I will begin," Alicia says. "Who is the silliest person in the room?" She turns over a card bearing the number three and glances around. No one responds, and I get my first sense that this game is not going to go we

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