
1247 Words

*Mary* In the piano room, as my cousin Alicia's fingers trip merrily over the keyboard, I cast a surreptitious glance over to where Stephan stands with his brothers. My aunt had hoped to enfold them into the high packs, but they continue to remain apart. I don't think they are uncomfortable with their surroundings. They simply don't see themselves as belonging within it. I can understand the feeling. When I first came to the city, I felt as though everyone watched and remarked on my every move. Without a proper introduction into pack Society, I had been an object of curiosity. I know I have managed to win many over, but some still aren't quite sure what to make of me. I glance around. Fitz has slipped out, no doubt to puff on a cheroot with one of his friends. I'm surprised he left me.

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