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Ariana Conner was stopped at our border. I wished I could have told him off myself, but my big brother and his best friend did that on my behalf. Conner was escorted back to the homelands by royal guards. There was no way my family were going to allow that bastard anywhere near me. His little play at power also seemed to change my parents’ minds about me going back. My mother was the first one to comment that I should stay a little longer. I was caught off guard by her comment at breakfast, but I appreciated it very much. It was agreed and after breakfast I sat with my parents in their office while they called the school principal. Although nobody was really happy with the situation, they all agreed that it was for the best. At least, until Conner realized there was no going back to the way we were. I spent my mornings writing my exams online, and my afternoons training with the warriors. For the first time in my life, I really enjoyed all the fighting and the strenuous training. My brother’s best friend and the future beta to the kingdom teased me a lot, but it was all in good fun. At least, he never held anything back. Whenever we sparred, he would give me his all. Even if it meant giving the princess a black eye! I healed faster than him, so I didn’t think that much of it. “So, princess, have you thought about your possible future mate yet?” He teased me after our last training session and it felt as though he had just put a blade through my heart. I shook my head, not saying a word about it. “I’m sorry! That was too soon.” Noah looked pained as I looked up and I sighed. “It’s okay. At least, you don’t go around giving me sympathetic looks and then gossiping behind my back.” I nodded in the direction of a group of females who were doing exactly that at that very moment and he softly growled. “Yes, I guess that takes some getting used to. I’ve never gotten used to it. I don’t know how you guys do it. Living in this damn fishbowl, watching people pressing their ugly faces up against the glass.” Laughter burst out from deep inside of me and soon we were both crying with laughter. He was lying, of course. He grew up a beta of the kingdom and knew exactly how it felt. “When are you going to get a mate?” I shoved him and laughed. He sighed deeply. I knew it was a touchy subject for him as well. I had once overheard him talking to my brother. Noah had a plan and taking a mate wasn’t part of it so soon. “My parents have been trying everything to get me to meet some of the girls they think I should accept, but I am not interested just yet. I need more time.” He sighed deeply. Yeah, we weren’t in the same boat, but if you weren’t us, you wouldn’t understand the kind of pressure we were under to mate with the right person. I tried to pretend with Conner. I realize that now. I fell in love with the boy from the wrong side of town just like all the love songs I used to listen to, but this time it wasn’t going to work. “How are the birthday plans coming along?” Noah asked as we made our way back to the packhouse and I shrugged. Honestly, I wasn’t in the mood for a party, but my parents were planning my graduation and birthday party to be held one night. Since I refused to go to the homeland for my graduation, they probably thought they were doing something nice for me. I just wanted to get it all over with and move on with life. I hadn’t decided which direction I was going in yet, but I just wanted to put the entire past couple of years behind me. Conner and Emily were such an integral part of my life that it tainted every possible memory I had of my life in the homeland. At that very moment, I wasn’t even sure if I would ever go back there. What if I ran into the two of them? What if they were happy? And I was still single? “My parents are planning a huge thing, but I really don’t feel like partying. Gotta put up a brave face, you know?” I shrugged before walking into the main house. “Hey bro! Is she any good?” We met my brother in the kitchen where he was destroying a sandwich he was trying to make. I shoved him aside and started over, making a sandwich for each of us. “Nah, she’s weak and slow. All those years in that fancy pants school has made her weak.” Noah teased and sneaked a wink before returning his attention to my brother. The teasing didn’t last long before they started talking about some party they had to attend. I ate my sandwich and left without them even noticing. There was no use in trying to get their attention when they were like that. My brother was eager to meet his mate, and Noah couldn’t stand the idea. Yeah, they made the perfect couple. They would one day work really well when they took over ruling the roost, so to speak. I would never say it out loud, but I was proud of them both. Of the incredible men they had become. That was when I made up my mind. I would find a mate that was like my brother and Noah. Responsible. Caring. A man who would put me first above everything and everyone. After taking a shower, I hit the books, but my mind kept drifting back to Conner and the fact that I thought he was that man. How could I have misjudged him so terribly?! Around three, my mom popped her head around the corner to remind me we had an appointment to fit my dress and I really didn’t feel like going, but I had to. I hated having these responsibilities. Other girls dreamed of being a princess, while I dreamed of being a normal person. With the last fitting of my dress all done, I could finally get back to my studies. I HAD BEEN HOME for a couple of weeks and it was beginning to feel like home again. I had my routine, and had just finished the last exams. My brother met his mate on the night of the party and he was simply gushing over the girl who would be our future queen. That kind of made Noah the outsider all of a sudden, which meant we spent more and more time together. He surprised me a couple of times with his sharp wit and I could actually imagine him taking really good care of a mate if he ever found one. Not that I imagined myself in that position! It would be wrong! He was like a brother to me. Like my own big brother! NO! Noah and I would never work out.
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