The plan.

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Ariana It felt strange to be back in my room. This was my home, but I had spent more time in the homelands than I did here. I spent my holidays with my family here at home, but I could never wait to get back to school. I prefer to be with my friends. Now I can’t even think of being there. A place that I loved had turned into the place where I was so horrifically betrayed. “Hey little wolf.” My brother sauntered into my room and I fell backward on my bed, pulling my pillow over my head. “Hi big shoes.” My muffled voice came from below the pillow. He called me little wolf because my wolf was smaller than his and I called him big shoes because he had always been far too damn big for his shoes! “Mom told me what happened.” He sighed and I could hear that he was walking around my room probably touching my stuff to get a rise out of me, but I ignored him. I loved my brother very much, but he could be so damned irritating most days that I just wanted to strangle him! “I’m sorry. We will go and beat him up if you want.” I felt the bed dip as he sat down beside me and I moved the pillow just enough to look at him with one eye. “I’m the king, you know? Nobody would say anything.” He grinned. “Future king.” I sighed deeply. “Same thing. Anyway, I thought I would just come up here and invite you to have lunch with us. A group of us are going out to the square and maybe we can go for a swim afterwards.” I wondered if my mother had put him up to this. My brother didn’t really like swimming, although he would go out with his friends a lot. They loved hanging around the square. Their girlfriends loved shopping nearby. I thought about it for a moment and decided against it. By now, the entire pack would know what happened and I wasn’t in the mood for the sympathetic looks. I honestly didn’t need anyone’s sympathy. I made my decision and now I had to live with the consequences. My mother warned me not to lose my heart to just any boy. Both my parents warned me to wait until I met my destined mate before falling in love. My brother left and I sat up and stared at my backpack, realizing I didn’t even know what the hell I had packed. Most of my stuff was still in my dorm room. Sighing as I got up, I unpacked my stuff. I caught sight of the warriors on the training grounds through my bedroom window. My life would have been so different if I didn’t go to the homelands. There was no use in thinking about that now. I had to call the school and make arrangements for my exams. All my plans for graduation were down the drain. I would ask the principal to send my certificate here. All my plans for my future had been shattered, as a matter of fact. I wanted to further my studies in the homelands, and there was no way I could do that now. I wanted to build a home there with Conner and look after our family, our children … Blinking the tears away, I decided I needed some physical exercise and I quickly changed. Rushing downstairs, I shouted at my dad that I was going to join the warriors for some training and he nodded and smiled. At least, there I knew I wouldn’t get those sympathetic looks. The Warriors were always so focused that they didn’t pay much attention to the gossip. I joined in and after practice I felt so much better. It was amazing what a little physical activity could do to lighten the mood. I had dinner with my family for the first time in a while and went to bed. It was only then that the memories of why I was here rushed to mind. I really hated them! I didn’t want to. It wasn’t like they had actually planned to be mates. Still my hopes for the future … My dreams had been crushed. Conner “Why the hell are you packing? Her parents won’t let you anywhere near her. That little brat has probably told them everything by now. Why don’t you stay here with me? We can have our mating ceremony and live happy lives!” Emily cried and it tore me in half. If I wanted a better future for both of us, I had to fix things with Ariana. Emily and I had a plan and when Ariana caught us, all of that went straight down the drain, but I wasn’t going to give up that easily. I wanted the title and the power that came with it. Even if I had to grovel. I knew that as soon as we were mated, she would be mine and I would be able to do whatever I wanted. “Babe, we had a plan, remember?” I stopped packing and focused on Emily. It was all she really wanted. Some attention. “If I don’t go after her, then all will be lost. I have to try. Remember, we want wealth. Just keep your eyes on that diamond necklace you have been telling me about. If I’m mated to Ariana, I will be able to afford it.” Emily wiped her cheeks with her sleeve and nodded. We knew very well what we were getting ourselves into when we figured out we were mates, but we both decided to push through. I would mate Ariana, but Emily would be the one I loved. I would only sleep with Ariana to produce an heir and link us forever and then I would move out of our room and have a separate room that I would share with Emily. We had it all planned until fate crushed our damn dreams.
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