Blissfully happy and in love.

1043 Words

Ariana The second Noah’s phone rang, I knew what it was about. When I saw the look on his face, however, I began to worry. “WHAT?! How is that even possible?!” Noah growled down the line. In the background, I heard my brother trying his best to calm Noah down and I frowned. We had been waiting for the call to tell us what Conner’s punishment would be. It was our first day on the island. Our first day away from it all. It was also the day Conner and Emily would find out what their fate would be. I had been focusing on Noah, so I couldn’t think about any of that, but I had no other choice now that he was looking so furious! “Hang on. Let me put you on speaker. Ariana is right here.” His finger bashed the phone screen so hard I thought he was going to break it. My brother’s voice came thro

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