(Book 2- Truth Forever) Chapter Thirteen

1238 Words

Cali This was crazy, absolutely crazy but hadn’t I wanted to live a little on the wild side? And being with Truth was definitely living on the wild side. The fact that he was insanely hot and blew my mind out of the top of my head in bed was an added bonus. It couldn’t last forever. I knew that, and I was ok with it. A fling, a few weeks of letting loose and living wild and then I could go back to my boring, mundane life. I was owed some time off, and even if I wasn’t, I was sure they could cope in the office without me. It wasn’t like I was important there. I flopped back on the small double bed, letting my eyes wander around the room. It was sparse, almost threadbare, but at least it was clean. But there was absolutely nothing to do. I didn’t have my bags with me; all I had was my

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