(Book Two- Truth Forever) Chapter Seven

1820 Words

Truth I did need to get her out of here. And out of that tiny mini skirt. All I could think of was how round her ass had looked framed by the emerald green thong when I had first seen her. I wanted to know what underwear she was wearing tonight. Would it be a thong again or something more modest? Not that it mattered to me. I was going to take a bite out of that peachy ass no matter how she had covered it. I just had to sort out some business first. Glancing behind me, I studied her quickly. Relieved to find her exactly where I had left her. My cut at the back of her chair was a clear warning to anyone who had thought about making a move. “You doing ok there, brother?” Wicked, my brother glanced up from his pint to study me. His face was serious, but he couldn’t keep the smirk that w

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