(Book 2- Truth Forever) Chapter Six

1555 Words

Cali He was sweet, in a darkly dangerous way. At least he was sweet to me. Sweet and attentive. But there was another side of him, I was sure of it. A darker side that I caught glimpses of when he spoke to his friends. Truth was a very confusing man. Multifaceted, I was betting you could know him for years and not really know him at all. Not that I could ever scratch the surface. I only had until Monday. Not enough time to learn all his secrets. And I was betting there were a lot of them. “You daydreaming about me beautiful?” His fingers brushed over my arm, a feather-light touch that instantly caused goosebumps to erupt. Blinking, I turned my face up to him. A smile playing over my lips. “Sorry, I zoned out there for a minute, didn’t I?” I hadn’t heard a thing he had been saying for

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