2. Abandoned and The Magic

1165 Words
Gianna Ossen. "Did you take my money?" I widened my eyes at Vienna. Vienna laughed mockingly at me. She didn't even flinch at all. This was really outrageous. I collected that money from the part-time job I did at school. "You can earn some more money. It's your fault anyway. You should have kept it in the right place," Vienna retorted. I was distraught. I walked up to Vienna and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Why are you doing this to me! Do you know how much it means to me!" I yelled through tears. "I don't care. You already gave my parents a hard time. So that money is the price you have to pay me." Ada walked into my room. She saw that I was arguing with Vienna. "What the hell, Gianna! Do you want to hurt Vienna! Shameless!" Ada pulled me and slapped me. "Leave this house soon. Don't let me see you again!" Ada was furious. She didn't give me a chance to explain at all. "I did nothing wrong. Vienna stole my money!" I screamed. I was slapped once again. This time, I was even dragged out of the room. Vienna helped carry my bag. I was pushed out of the house in this rainy weather. "Don't ever come back again!" screamed Ada. Vienna threw my bag. I tried returning to the house, but they closed the door. "Open the door! Open the door! At least leave it until the rain stops!" I yelled until my ears hurt, but I didn't get any results. I cried in the rain. I don't know where to go now, but I can't stay here. All I had to do now was find shelter. I quickly left my uncle's house. I headed to the bus stop. There I sat pensively. My body was soaked and cold. I touched a necklace that had a blue pendant. This necklace was the only thing my mother left me when she was still taking care of me. "Mom, why are they so cruel to me?" I sobbed. I stayed at the bus stop for several hours. Finally, a bus came. I got in as soon as it stopped. There was no one on the bus except the driver. I reached into the pocket of my pants. There were some coins I could use to pay. "Leave it alone. You're the last passenger," the driver said. "But I have to pay, don't I?" "This time, I'm giving you free," said the old driver. I was surprised, but I thought it was a stroke of luck that I was in such a bad state. I sat down on one of the seats. I hugged my bag. I looked at the street, which was still raining. I didn't know where I was going. The most important thing is that now I have a place to sleep. *** "Miss, we've reached the last stop." Someone woke me up. I opened my eyes. It turned out that I had fallen asleep on the bus. "I am sorry." I quickly got up, carried my bag, and hurriedly exited the bus. "Miss!" The driver called me again. I turned my head. He showed me some bills. "You dropped your money," the driver said. I furrowed my brow. I didn't even have any money. How could my money have fallen out? "No, it's not my money," I replied. The driver stepped towards me. He took my hand and gave me the money. "If it's not yours, then whose money is it? Consider it your luck," the driver said. “Be careful of people you just met. Especially now that it's late. You look skinny. Eat well." I was pensive for a moment as I received an unexpected favour. Especially since the bus driver was advising me. I smiled at him. Maybe he really wanted to help me. "Thank you," I said. Then I quickly got out of the bus. I didn't stand still for a moment while observing this area. I didn't know this place very well. It was hushed. I even saw a lot of pine trees. There were only a few buildings by the roadside. Many of them were closed. I saw a building that looked like a church. I thought I could sleep there. Moreover, the lights were still on. I ventured towards the building. A large gate covered the building. I then tried to push it. Magically, the gate opened. It was as if I was allowed to enter there. But this place was strange. If this was a church, why didn't I see anyone here? The place was too quiet. There was a sizeable ring-like arena on the side. Is it allowed to have matches in a church? The sound of thunder made me cringe. I don't want to overthink anymore. I need to find shelter. I'll have to sleep here for now. Tomorrow, I'll think about how to make money. I'll have to take the day off school, or maybe I won't be able to go back to school. I entered the terrace of this building. Amazingly, this building has a vast terrace. The floor was shiny marble. It's so different from Uncle Harold's place. I put my bag on the terrace. Then I sat down nearby. Thankfully, I had a place to take shelter. I looked at the rain that hadn't stopped since this afternoon. "What a special birthday," I muttered. I tried to lean on my bag. I was cold, but I had to endure. I dare not go inside this building. I'd rather stay outside. A while later, just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard the sound of the gate opening. I raised my head. A white luxury car pulled into the yard. I furrowed my brow. "Who comes to the church at night?" I muttered. I stood up to find out. A man wearing a black suit got out of the car with an umbrella. He opened the back door. The man in the black suit was shading someone coming out of the back door. My eyes widened when I saw a tall man with pure white skin. His face was handsome with a masculine look. His gaze tended to be sharp, like the men in the novel. This was the first time I'd seen a man so handsome it seemed unreal. I was surprised when there was a sudden sound of thunder. I shouted so that the handsome man turned on me. "Who's there!" He called out. I panicked. Was I wrong for breaking into a stranger's house? I felt something hot in my chest. I touched it. My mom's blue pendant gave off a strange light. Before I knew it, the man was in front of me, pulling at my necklace. He stared so thoughtfully. "Where did you get this necklace?" screeched the handsome man. He glared at me. His gaze was like a wild animal that had found its prey.
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