13. You Are Not Understand, Hooman!

1073 Words

Gianna Ossen. How's this? My skin feels like it's on fire. I'm having trouble getting this necklace off. Logan deliberately left me in pain. "Ah!" I fell down. It burned even more. "Logan." I kept trying to pull the necklace off. Logan just stares at me. Is he going to let me be in pain like this? I could die! Logan is really terrible. I had been suspicious of his attitude from the start. "Help me!" I screeched. Logan went even further. He left me behind. How was this? I was terrified. It was getting more and more unbearable. I screamed, and Logan did nothing. "Do you need my help?" Logan asked. "Yes! Yes! Please!" "Are you going to see that guy again?" "No. I'm not going to see Adam. I'll forget him!" Logan said nothing. Damn it. He's f*****g with me. He liked seeing me in pai

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