4. Runaway From Alpha

1136 Words
Gianna Ossen. The smell of sesame oil and onions woke me up. I saw a large, luxurious room. The same place I saw before I closed my eyes. I was stunned momentarily as I tried to gather my memories again. I touched my chest. I looked at the necklace from my mother. "Was it a dream last night?" I murmured. "Hem, it seems like the color changed. Shouldn't it be blue?" I observed that the pendant of the necklace I was wearing had turned into a red color. It was strange but didn't give off a peculiar light before. "Alpha, you have to be patient. She's a human. She needs time to understand!" I heard a voice from outside. It was Aiden's voice. The man is wearing a black suit. "She saw me last night. She'll definitely understand. We have a bond. I will mark her as my mate." And that was Mr. Maxwell's voice. Wait? Mr. Maxwell? I suddenly panicked. Instantly, the memory of last night popped into my head. I remembered something so horrible. What is this? I have to escape from this place. Mr. Maxwell is not a human. He's a werewolf. I saw him transformed last night. His entire body was covered with fur. He became a wolf before my eyes. I quickly got out of bed. I looked around for a way to escape. I was sure there was no way someone could be so kind as to give me a ride without a motive. He was a werewolf. He must want to eat me. "Window!" I quickly ran to the window and tried to open it. Shit! I pulled the window door with all my might but didn't get any results. I even tried to climb the trellis attached to the window. But suddenly, the door of this room opened. I was trying to climb up. How awkward! "Miss, what are you doing?" Aiden asked. "That trellis is made of gold!" Mr. Maxwell looked hysterical. I quickly climbed down and tried to stay calm. My heart was racing. What were they going to do? Why couldn't the window be opened? "I'm just checking the window," I replied in a stuttered voice. Aiden approached me. So, I glanced around. What should I do if he was suddenly going to catch me? "You're going to run away, aren't you?" Aiden said in a deep voice. I shook my head. Really, I thought I was going to die this time. There's no way to escape. At least if I pass, I'll catch up with my parents. "Don't eat me," I said while closing my eyes. I was terrified at this point. I didn't hear any sound. The situation became very quiet. I felt like I was in a thriller movie. Usually, after a very calm scene like this, a horrifying scene would make me cringe. "Do you think I'm a monster?" Mr. Maxwell asked. Mr. Maxwell's voice didn't show any tendency at all. It was lighthearted and leaned more towards the ridiculous than the serious. "You... You are a werewolf. I saw you last night." "Do you think werewolves are monsters? You've watched too many movies that make humans think ridiculously about werewolves." Mr. Maxwell didn't accept my prejudice. But that's not the case. Urban myths say werewolves are horrible monsters. Aiden sighed. He wasn't wearing black this morning. Just a gray turtleneck and sweatpants. He was handsome, by the way. "Let me explain to you. Werewolves in the real world are not like in the movies. We are another entity from humans. We have the same life as humans. It's just that we have different characteristics and certain abilities. Mr. Logan Maxwell is the Alpha of the Star Moon Pack or the leader of one of the werewolf clans. And you are his destined mate." Aiden explained in great detail. My mouth dropped open. Was this a dream? I even slapped my cheeks. "Never mind." Mr. Maxwell approached me. He looked at me intently. "You'd better clean yourself up. After that, we can talk in more detail. The point is we'll be together." "Wait. Why do we have to do that? Why don't you ask me what I think first?" I don't want to be treated like this. "What for?" Mr. Maxwell's eyes showed arrogance. "I'm also surprised you're human, but it's better than not meeting at all. I'll wait for you in the dining room." Mr. Maxwell clearly ordered me. "No way. Why should I obey your words?" "Because you are my mate. Your life depends entirely on me." "Absurd!" "Then do you think I'm not an absurd being?" I lost the argument. Mr. Maxwell was right. Even if I met a werewolf, then what else makes sense? I seem to have gone mad. "You'd better obey Alpha Logan's words. We will discuss your future with him." Aiden made a suggestion to me. At least he spoke more politely than Mr. Maxwell. Mr. Maxwell gave me a haughty glance. I still can't believe something like this is happening in my life. Oh, God damn it. *** After taking a bath, I had to go to the dining room. A woman helped me pick out my clothes, dressed me, and escorted me to the dining room. Her name is Belle. She was a maid here. "Are you a werewolf too?" I asked Belle. "Yes, Miss," Belle replied. "Call me Gianna." We reached the front of the dining room. I saw Mr. Maxwell sitting in one of the chairs enjoying a cup of drink. Do werewolves have the same table manners as humans? Ah, that's not important. I'd instead think about how to escape. "Please, Miss," Belle said. "Call me Gianna." I reminded Belle again. Unfortunately, she didn't care. She just walked away after dropping me off. Mr. Maxwell looked at me. Instantly, I felt scared again. Now, what will happen to my life? Why, among billions of humans in this world, should I be the mate of a werewolf. "Come here. We need to talk." I said nothing. I didn't want to do what he asked. It seemed like now was the right time. I quickly turned my body around. I ran out of the dining room. I searched for the exit of this house. "Damn! Why is this house so big!" I was overwhelmed looking for the exit. I even forgot where it was. I saw a big door. That seemed to be the exit. I ran to it, smiling happily because I managed to escape. But my smile suddenly disappeared when I found Mr. Maxwell already in front of me with a sharp look in his eyes. "Where are you going, my mate. Do you know that the destiny we have cannot be decided?" Mr. Maxwell said with a smile.
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