85. The Secret Of Gianna's Mom Death

1106 Words

Logan Maxwell "Police?" Ada was not happy with Grace's words. "What you're saying is outrageous, Miss. We've given Gianna a life. We fed her and sent her to school. Why should we be reported to the police?" Grace shook her head. It was probably the first time she had ever encountered humans like these. Narcissistic and lacking in empathy, even for their niece. I looked at Harold, who was trying to avoid me. I was sure he knew something, but he kept it a secret. "I didn't mean anything by it, Mr. Miller. I just want to help Gianna get her mother's insurance money. This process has to be done to get that money," I said. "Money?" Ada's eyes lit up at the mention of money. "Is it a lot?" "Enough to buy back her mother's house that you sold," I said. Harold was embarrassed again. He kept

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