20. Everything So Absurd

1116 Words

Gianna Ossen. It's awkward, but the food in this cafeteria is delicious. I really liked the chicken I ate. The taste of this food distracted my mind so that I could enjoy this food. "Why don't you eat fresh meat?" I asked Logan. He was about to put the food in his mouth but immediately spit it back out. I looked down because Logan was distraught. It was better for me to be quiet when I was with him. Silence would save me from everything. "I am not an animal," Logan defended himself. "I am the Alpha, the leader of the werewolves. Do you think I could appetize a freshly hunted deer in the middle of the forest? Are you imagining me biting every sinew of a deer dripping with blood?" I'm nauseous. Why did Logan have to go into such detail? I was just asking a question. The response didn't

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