Chapter 4: A Playful Kiss

1435 Words
Sam couldn’t believe that all that pretending was done just for Raymond’s liking. It seemed he want to rebel and just pay off his company's debt to them. But how would he pay if all she had left was her car and their house which were the only memories of the bereaved parents? Her will was resentful but she had no choice but to follow even if it was done against her will. She sighed, even more, when she remembered that Raymond was waiting outside Theo's apartment building. It was him who suggested and persuaded her to go to his place to find out if the strategy they would use to deceive him will work to get any information for his next product that would release on the market. "What took you so long? My God, I've waited here for how long?" he almost yelled at her. While his hands are fluttering in the air matched with his sexy voice tone but doesn't complement his body figure. He has a muscular body type but trying to sound like a woman. As a spoiled brat then she wanted to retaliate and don't even bother what Raymond wanted her to do. "You shouldn't wait then if you don't like staying here that long," she pouted her lip as she mumbled. "Are you annoying me?" he immediately replied. He looked at her like she did something wrong. "I am not! I did what you asked me to do," she shrieked. She was starting to get irritated. "Good! That was good? Do you think you'll attract someone like Theophile Demetrio?" he asked with his sarcastic tone. "Well, you both compatible with each other. You, as someone who underwent surgery just to be a woman and he as a nerd, a weirdo, " he said then laughed. She pouted her lip, she was restraining herself not slapped him but it seems he was exhausting her patience. "Anyway, it's better to be a nerd and weirdo as long as not crazy like you!" she gushed in her annoyance. "What did you say?!" he snapped and grabbed her arm. "Remember that you are doing this to save your company. Don't dare give me that attitude again!" he shouted in her face. He looked at her intently. It seems he wants to snatch his eyes but he holds back especially due to the company's indebtedness to them. "What are you going to fight for? Think of your huge debt, because you don't have the money to pay. You just have to comply and do what I asked you to do. Is that clear?!" he shouted in front of her. "Yes," she replied followed by a deep sigh to controls herself from exploding in anger. "Good! You may go!" Raymond said in a cold tone. She is about to depart from his car when she heard him for the last time. "Get the information I want then you are free to go. You just have two choices, do what I asked or pay me now!" he blurted. Samantha just gives him a cold look at Raymond before she gets out of his car. Meanwhile, Theophile is left stunned by the sudden arrival of Veronica, her mother, and especially the unexpected arrival of Samantha Davis at his apartment. He still wearing his robe and trying to figure out how to catch Sam off guard to confess to him their plans. Robinson badly wants him to be ruined. They did some petty moves to destroy his company by sending some decoy who pretend to be customers but the main purpose is to ruin their company image to the public. "Theo not again," he sighed. For the second time, he doesn't want to be victimized or used by somebody. Samantha is pretty and has an irresistible charm like Candy, the first woman he fell in love with, and later he finds out that she just up into his money. The relationship ended devastatingly and he doesn't want that to happen again. He laid back to the couch and stares at the ceiling. Soon Samantha's beautiful beautiful face played on his mind. It's as if he wants to laugh at himself because, despite the knowledge that she is transgender, it is still unavoidable to think about her. So before his mind goes where else, it is better to get up and continue taking a bath. Sam's life has not been easy since her parents died. Especially she did not expect that their company left by her parents would be in debt. She is having a hard time rebuilding their business especially since they still owe a lot to Robinson. With that thought, she felt even heavier knowing that Theophile was kind and she'll admit that she likes him. She was even more confused as to whether she would be able to complete the mission that Raymond had asked her to do. It was as if Theo had captured her heart even more and it didn't seem hard to love. "A penny of your thought," Charlie sneered and sit next to her. Charlie is her gay friend and he is trying to undergo surgery to become a woman like her. She sighed. "Is there any problem?" he asked with a concerned voice. She sighed again. "Oh! I think it's serious, mind sharing it with me?" he continued. Encouraging her to open up what's bothering her. Charlie is the kind of friend that will matter to him what your problem or your feeling. He will never stop until you will say something or confess. "I don't know what to do?" she almost cried in desperation. Both palms placed into her face as a sign that he did not know how to carry out her mission plan. What if Theo finds out and gets mad at her? 'Why would I even think that?' she said in her mind. After realizing that she already thinking about what Theo will think of her, she starts questioning herself. Is she in love with him? "You don't know what to do?" Charlie replied in a clueless manner to what she is referring to. "Why don't you clean your house, see?" she joked to enlightened her feeling. But part of what she said is half true. She badly needed to clean her house, it was messy and things were out of place. "Yeah, you're my best friend, " she answered with a sarcastic voice. Charlie laughed at her, "Of course, I'm always here to keep reminding you of things you fail or forget to do. So better starts cleaning your house now!" She shooked her head and lay on the couch. "I know everything is difficult, especially since your company is in debt, but can you also clean your house because it's dirty. If you can't, you can always hire a cleaner, right?" he suggested even though she seemed uninterested in what her friend's saying. When Charlie noticed that she wasn't listening, he suddenly threw a pillow at her. "Looks like you have no intention of talking to me nor listening to me I'll better go home!" he said with a sullen melody. He quickly sat down and looked at her friend, Charlie. "I'm sorry I'm thinking too much. Do you remember my story to you about the nerdy guy I met?" she asked. Charlie immediately raised his eyebrows then suddenly get interested to know more about the nerd guy she was telling about. "What about him?" he chuckled. She can't help but smile. Theo's face plays on her mind that made her smile wider. "What about him?" Charlie repeatedly asked as if he becomes more interested. "I'm waiting? Are you going to share or keep it with you and keep smiling like a crazy monkey?" he tittered. "Crazy monkey?" she exclaimed. She knows that her friend is just joking. She grabbed the pillow he threw to her awhile ago and threw it back. Then they both laughed. "Tell me? What about the nerd guy? I'm excited about your story so don't let me wait!" he insisted. She saw the eagerness in his face. "He's goddamn hot and sexy!" she guffawed. She can't contain herself anymore and smiles even more. "Oh! How hot is he?" he giggled. "Hot as in extra hot!" she exaggerated by describing Theo but for her, it was the proper word to describe him. "Oh my God! Don't tell me, you already kissed him?" Charlie blurted looking at her touching her lip. Then remembered the kiss they shared. "Yes, we did!" she babbled. Charlie's scream echoed throughout her house at her last words.
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