Facing the future , head forward.

1119 Words

“ Hey dad , i hope you are doing good, I’m coming over to the house today at about noon , there is someone I’d like you to meet . You got nothing to do right ? “ trying to hint his dad over the phone “Yeah I got nothing to do around noon , I’m going to quickly finish up what I have to do this morning , who are you coming over with ? “ A lady. And I hope you would be pleased to meet her “ “Gamaliel! Really a woman? This is wonderful, I’m going to get the maid to prepare some amazing lunch, I can’t wait to meet this lady. You know this is the first time you would introduce me to a lady, not to talk of bringing her home, this is wonderful. I think you just made my day” “Hey dad , you gotta calm down , yes I know but don’t bring your hopes too high “ “ It doesn’t matter, this whole situ

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