More than an attraction

1200 Words
Lisa woke up first, opening her eyes to a breathtaking view - Gamaliel ‘s face, even in sleep he was beautiful, she had to go , she thought, she didn’t want him to see her like that and remember how slutty she was, or remember how s*x starved she behaved. She removed the bed covers from her body and quietly got out of bed, located her underwear , she could still feel the impact of their love making all over her body, she wore her clothes. tiptoeing , she left the room. “I can finally breathe “ she said once she was out. She realized that her friend could be back, she got inside room, she looked... “Oh thank God “ Her friend wasn’t back “ I would have been in for a talk” She dived into bed and slept immediately her hit the pillows. Gamaliel woke up shortly after , he tried to touch her side of the bed, but she was gone. Last night was amazing,but he finds himself wanting her more and more “this is crazy , and she is different. Every other girl would have stay behind. He could not help but wonder what was in her mind, she was wild, he would give her that, she felt vulnerable in his arms, he wants her there again, he doesn’t want this to end so quickly. Turning away from temptation, he went into his bathroom and took a very cold shower. As the icy water poured on his skin, he tried to relieve his mind from the thoughts of Lisa, But that was hard. He could still feel the way her body felt underneath him , how her lips tasted, the smell of her perfume , the way her body moved. He was almost numb before he turned off the shower. No matter how much cold water was poured on his head and body, he was still burned with lust and desires for her He cleaned up his body and reminded himself to stay focused, “it’s just s*x! Nothing more” he said. “I bet she feels the same way! And that would be amazing if this could go on for the remaining of her stay” But this isn’t the feeling of an ordinary attraction, he is attracted to her no doubt , but he has never felt so much connection with any lady and this makes him curious. He picks up his phone to dial Lisa’s number, after the fourth rings , she picks ... “Hey Gammie! I can call you that right?” “Yeah, you can call me that, but it makes me feel like a kid , just when it’s us alright “ “Thanks. I just woke up, I’m sorry I left without saying goodbye, I just didn’t want to intrude for long” “Yeah , that’s okay , so what are you up to today? “ “Nothing really, i Dont have plans yet, Hope isn’t back yet so I’m probably going to find something to eat first, then I will plan on what to do “ “Oh good, I actually have time on my hand, I tell you what , because you are going to help me to my sister’s wedding, you have me for whatever during your stay” “By whatever you mean ? “ “I mean everything “ “Okay, Help me get over my ex boyfriend, that’s why I agreed to come out here, I want to stop thinking about him” “That hurts, you are still thinking about your ex boyfriend after last night? “ “ I’m sorry if that hurts but it’s the truth, I can’t get him out of my head, last night was hot but I need to get him out completely, I can’t be emotionally linked before I do that, you understand right? “ He didn’t see that coming, she is really different, she is trying to go away emotionally instead coming close. “That’s alright, I am okay with that “ But somewhere in his head he feels really hurt , he doesn’t where that was from and it’s crazy that he doesn’t even want to acknowledge it. “Meet me at the lobby in an hour Lisa ? “ “Alright . Let me freshen up “ As she drops the phone . There is a sense of fear in her, and it’s crazy, like giving in to this guy was going to cause another heart break again, she is just going to take it as it is right now, no pushing, no putting strains on their friendship, she likes his vibe and he how he looks at her, she enjoys being a center of his attraction but she won’t let it end bad , she wouldn’t survive if she suffered another heart break from someone who she would give her heart to, she would not be whole again, last night was fun and all but that’s all it should be, she checked the time, time was running out, she stood up , took a quick shower. She put on some jeans and sweatshirt , she wanted to look simple, quickly again she starts going to the lobby. Just as the elevator opened to the lobby , he could see him in those blue shirt and jeans trousers, he looked so beautiful, last nights feelings started coming back down on her and she immediately begins to feel the soreness of her v****a , she thought this might be more than attraction. She likes this guy, but she wouldn’t let him know, until she was sure he likes her too, she was in for another heart break. He looked up as he heard the elevator sound, and he saw her looking all simple but yet looking like a snack , He couldn’t take his eyes off her at all. “You look beautiful “ “Aww thank you, so do you , I almost thought it was an angel sitting here” she smiled while taking her sit beside him. “Hahaha thank you, that was flattery, but thank you” “You are welcome “ “ what would you like to eat “ “ Actually something simple will do the trick. Bacon and eggs with toast bread with some coffee would be absolutely perfect “ “We should be able to get those around here “ He helped her up and let her walk in front of him “what a sight “ he mutter to himself. After they got to the restaurant , the waiter took their orders and left. They began to talk about lot of things about themselves, the waiter brought their order and they dove in , still talking. This feels so natural and amazing, as if they are on a real date. Gamaliel thought and smiled . “What ? Why did you smile ? What are you thinking about ? “ “ nothing , I was just thinking how we got to this point , being good friends with no strings attached “ he lied “ haha right” They talked more about each other and their life as they ate. After their meal , they stayed longer for more coffee, They laughed and joked and for a complete moment she forgot all about her worries. She is very attractive. Without thinking, “ Would you like to be my girlfriend for 3months and stay with me till after my sisters wedding? Gamaliel said suddenly . . . . .
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