Chapter 2 You Want to Cling to Me?

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Lisa was shocked, pulling back her hand. "No, don't get me wrong. I was just..." She looked down at her dress with a helpless expression, which was now in tatters from his rough handling. "I just need something to wear..." The man's gaze swept over Lisa's almost naked body, her bare skin marked by recent bites and bruises he had inflicted. "In the back seat, there's a dress," the man said in a deep voice, "I had my assistant bring it, and it should be your size." Lisa turned to look and saw a luxurious bag on the back seat. She didn't recognize the brand, but it was clearly expensive. She hesitated for a moment but realized she had no better option. She leaned over and opened the bag. The man watched her with interest through the rearview mirror, making no effort to look away. Lisa began changing, and as she removed her torn clothes, she noticed his gaze in the mirror. Ignoring his eyes, she continued to change. After all, the man had already seen every inch of her. There was nothing left to be coy about. At that moment, the man raised his hand and adjusted the mirror, angling it so he could no longer see her. Lisa raised his eyebrows, feeling slightly touched by the gesture. Once Lisa was dressed, she said, "Can I have your number? I'll return the dress to you another day." "No need. Take it as a gift," August replied, lighting a cigarette and adopting a lazy, charming pose. "This dress looks pretty expensive," Lisa explained, "I can't just accept such a gift." The man glanced at Lisa behind him with his peripheral vision and raised his eyebrows. "Or do you think I'm too much of a catch, and you want to cling to me?" Lisa couldn't help but chuckle, albeit reluctantly. "Honestly, you are awesome, but I don't wanna try a second time with you." After throwing her rejection, Lisa got out of the car and slammed the door shut. He was just a tool for her to vent after her divorce. Although Lisa had indeed enjoyed the man's shape and skills, she didn't want to have such a crazy thing happen again. Inside the car, the man with a face as perfect as Apollo's went dark with annoyance as he watched her figure. "One-shot man" was a harsh label, but it clung to him like a curse. ***** After the frenzy, Lisa regained her calmness. She went straight home, pulled out her keys, and opened the door. The high heels at the entrance reminded her she had arrived just in time. "Hey, b***h! Did you enjoy screwing my husband?" she shouted. Hearing her shout, two entwined figures on the sofa quickly separated in shock. The disheveled woman was her former best friend, Fennie, who looked very flustered now. Compared to Fennie, her ex-husband, Eber, remained much more composed, sitting cross-legged on the sofa. "You're back," Eber said. "Not the good time, huh? I didn't expect to catch you two bastards in the act." Abel's gaze fell on the marks on Lisa's neck, his face instantly darkening. "Lisa, what are those marks on your neck?" Lisa was so indulged in the crazy night that she had indeed overlooked the marks left all over her body. Subconsciously, she stroked her neck and let out a chuckle. "Oh, just had a romantic date last night." Fennie instantly puffed up with arrogance. "You're just a slut." Lisa scoffed, "Someone who is caught adultery in the act is in no place to judge me." Ignoring their reactions, Lisa walked into the bedroom and began to pack her belongings. Eber stood up and wanted to demand who Lisa was with last night, but Fennie held him back, so he angrily sat back down on the sofa. After searching for a while, Lisa realized her divorce certificate was nowhere to be found. She recalled it was probably left in the man's car from the night before. "Damn it!" Lisa cursed under her breath. Finding that man again would be like finding a needle in a haystack. She walked out of the bedroom, and Eber sneered from the sofa, "We just got divorced, and you couldn't wait? Do you think he'll love a woman with a failed marriage?" Lisa paused her movement, looked at him with piercing eyes, and said, "Anyone who loves me would only sympathize with what I've been through." "You're good at comforting yourself!" Eber stared at her with a gloomy face. She put on a sneer and stared at Eber's darkening face. "Having a miserable marriage and an asshole as my ex-husband is not my fault!" "What did you say, you b***h?" Eber's eyes reddened. Fury exploded within him, and he shouted, "I just slept with your best friend for one night, and you dare divorce me and hook up with another man?" Lisa threw down her things and screamed at Eber, "Do you even have a heart? Fennie was my best friend! And you were my husband!" Her gaze flicked between Eber and Fennie, who was still on the sofa. "You two were the closest people to me, and you both betrayed me!" Eber dropped his gaze, but his fists clenched tightly. "She's pregnant..." Eber lowered his voice as if confessing. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have agreed to the divorce. You know I love you..." "Enough!" Lisa cut him off. "I don't want to hear your meaningless excuses anymore. Enjoy your time together."
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