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Dominic pulled into Devon around two in the afternoon. He parked at the local inn which consisted of an office and a total of five rooms. Getting out, he headed into the office and was greeted by an older man who swiped his credit card and handed him a key for one of his five rooms. He moved his car across the parking lot and turned on his security alarm before taking his things into the room. He tossed the suitcase on the table and unzipped it. He took out his tablet and tried to get internet service. The sign outside said they had service, but Dominic found he had to wander the room until he found a spot that worked. He brought up his e-mail and sent Nicki21 a message that he was in Devon and would love to meet her in the town’s only restaurant and pub around six for dinner; and that he was looking forward to meeting her. Then he put his tablet away and took a shower. *** “Oh, dear god!” Nicki panicked as she read the message. Lacy and Millie came running from the kitchen to see what was wrong. “What is it?” Millie asked concerned. Nicki glared at Lacy. “He’s in Devon.” Nicki snapped. “He showed up, and it’s all your fault for leading him on.” Lacy smiled and came to look at the e-mail. “That’s great. He wants to see you tonight.” “Who?” Millie asked. “The guy Nicki has been chatting with. He came all the way from New York to see her, and she’s too chicken to meet him in person.” Lacy filled Millie in. “Really?” Millie giggled. “You have to meet him; he came so far.” “He didn’t come to meet me he came because he had an art show in Helena. The fact that Devon is only an hour away is just a coincidence.” “Still he’s here you can’t stand him up.” Lacy pointed out. “I have no way to get into town,” Nicki argued. “I’ll drive you in.” Lacy offered. “And when you’re ready to come home just give me a call, and I’ll come to pick you up.” “I have nothing to wear.” She said. “I have a cute little white dress that I bet would fit you.” Millie offered. “No,” Nicki snapped, “No skirts.” She was still self-conscious about that ghastly scar where her knee used to be. “Ok, a pair of jeans and a cute little top. I’m sure he doesn’t expect you to show up in a cocktail dress.” Millie teased. “Come on Nicki this is doable. You got to go.” She was still nervous. “I can’t go alone. I could never face him alone.” “Ok look, what do you say I go in with you and if things start going well I’ll think up an excuse to leave you two alone, and if you’re still not cool with it, we can leave together.” Lacy offered. Nicki thought it over. “Ok.” She wanted to at the very least get a look at him. “Great let’s get you dolled up,” Millie said helping Nicki off the couch. They went up to her room, and Lacy went through her closet to mix and match something suitable for a first date. She chose a pair of blue jeans a black tank top and Nicki’s white jean jacket. Millie then brushed out Nicki’s dark brown hair and helped her put on makeup which she claimed would make her eyes pop. Both her sisters were good with men, so Nicki trusted them to help her make a good first impression. Around five they went out to the truck where Millie insisted on getting all the details when they came back. She was only twenty and still couldn’t get into the pub otherwise she would have gone along. Lacy helped Nicki into the truck and then got in behind the wheel. They drove into town and parked by the pub. They went inside and got a seat near the window and Lacy ordered them both a drink to help calm Nicki’s nerves. “Remember, if you want me to leave just give me a signal otherwise I’m right here with you,” Lacy promised. “Take a deep breath.” Nicki took a deep breath to calm her nerves when the sound of an engine approaching drew everyone’s attention. Nicki and Lacy looked out the window to see a sleek, flashy sports car zip into a parking spot. It was a gorgeous midnight black with some hotrod red and whitewall tires. It was one of those million-dollar cars. No one in this town had ever seen such an expensive luxury vehicle. The driver’s door opened and out stepped the driver. Nicki couldn’t believe her eyes. He was tall and lean. He was thin but muscled, from his broad shoulders to his narrow waist and those long powerful legs. His dark hair was just long enough to fall into his silvery eyes regardless of the gel he used to tame it. It was unruly in a sexy sort of way. His skin was tanned, or perhaps he was Latino or at least partly. His features were strong yet gentle almost angelic with his full lips, high cheekbones, and straight aristocratic nose. “That can’t be him.” Nicki breathed in shock. “Didn’t his profile say he was a struggling artist?” Lacy asked. “He doesn’t look to be struggling to me.” He dressed in designer blue jeans with pristine white runners that looked expensive. He had on a deep forest green dress shirt which was left unbuttoned around the neck showing off a hint of dark curls on his chest. He was wearing a leather jacket that looked like it could cost as much as Lacy’s truck. On his wrist a gold watch and in his hand a cell phone he was talking on. He shut his car door and paused outside to finish his call then he tucked the cell phone into his pocket and came inside. He glanced around the room and spotted the women. He was looking right at her. Self-consciously Nicki hid her cane under the table and out of sight. This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t possibly be Dom27. He flashed an easy dazzling smile that lit up the room and headed in their direction. The stranger walked right up to the table, and Nicki realized she was staring. “Nicki21?” he asked in a silky, sultry voice. Nicki nodded. She couldn’t speak. “You look just like your picture.” He held out his hand to shake hers. “Dom27, or as I am known in the real-world Dominic Sanchez.” He introduced himself properly. Nicki shook his hand; he had a firm grip and soft hands, this was not the sort of guy that did manual labour; in fact, she was suddenly aware of how dry and calloused her hands were from a lifetime of working the farm. “Nicki Taylor.” She finally managed to get out as Dominic took the empty seat at the table. “This is my sister Lacy.” She introduced her sister. Dominic smiled and shook Lacy’s hand. “A pleasure.” He said warmly. “Nicki tells me you’re an artist,” Lacy said trying to break the ice. “Yes, Ma’am I am.” “You must be very good.” She said looking out the window at his car. Dominic just laughed. “Yes, I am, but the car was a gift.” He confessed. Nicki looked surprised. “A gift from whom?” “My Father got it for me for Christmas last year. We all got one, not the same one but a car nonetheless.” “Your Father bought five of those things for Christmas gifts. You must have been very well last year.” Nicki said. “Well, I have a confession to make.” He said. “I may have fibbed a bit online. See I didn’t want people contacting me because of who I was. So, I claimed to be struggling when in fact I’m not.” “I can see that,” Nicki said. “Wait you said your name was Dominic Sanchez and you’re an artist?” Lacy said knowingly. “I think I read something about you in some magazine in the doctor’s office. Yeah, there was this People’s magazine, but it wasn’t just you there were a bunch of you.” Dominic nodded. “Yeah, I remember that issue. Entitled, The Next Generation.” He said. “It was about me, my brothers, and our social circle. The offspring of the great musical titans and what they have chosen to do with their lives. It was a big puff piece.” “What does your brother’s do?” Nicki asked. “Well, Lance is a fashion photographer. He works with some of the biggest names in the business. Lucas is a daredevil, always thinking up new and exciting ways to almost killing himself. Brandon’s away at Harvard he’s taking law. Then there is Justin; he’s a freelance photojournalist. I think right now he’s someplace in Saudi Arabia.” “What did you mean by musical titans?” Nicki asked. “Oh, Nicki hon you got to get your head out of the books. His father is a rock star, and so was his grandfather. They were both huge; I’m talking rock n’ roll hall of fame.” Lacy filled her in. “That’s right. My grandfather was a Heathen, and my father played drums for FX.” Nicki smiled she had heard of them. Well, she’d heard of the bands at least. She was more of a country music fan, but she had heard of them. From what she heard they were on the same level with legends like Elvis and Jimmy Hendrix and other unforgettable music icons. Suddenly it struck her; Dominic was a third-generation rich kid. He was a trust fund baby and famous in his own right in the art world… and he was sitting here having dinner with her, an insignificant nobody. How did this happen? Dominic waved the waitress over. “I’m starving. Can we get a menu?” He asked the waitress with a smile. “Oh, course and something to drink?” She asked. “Bring me what they’re drinking. Thanks, doll.” He said with a wink as she giggled and walked away to get his beer. He quickly glanced at the menu and then placed it on the table. “So, in truth, I was starting to think I’d scared you off. I mentioned meeting, and you hightailed it off like a scared rabbit.” He teased playfully. Nicki blushed. “I’ve never done this before it was intimidating.” “Never do what? Meet men you met online or dating in general?” “Both, I’m a little socially inept.” Wait did he say this was a date? “Is this a date?” Dominic laughed. “No this is just two people,” He paused and looked at Lacy, “three people, having dinner and getting to know one another better.” He said relieving her anxiety. “Do you do this often?” Nicki asked. “What? Online dating or dating in general?” “Either.” “The online thing, never this is my first time. I don’t usually put a lot of stalk in the online thing. I mean really what sort of loser has to go online to get a date it’s sad, but I suppose I can’t be judgmental since I was online looking for a date myself. Not that I can’t get a date.” Then he chuckled, “Because I have no problem getting dates. But it usually doesn’t get past that physical gratification. It’s all hot and heavy until the next morning, and then you find yourself sitting at the breakfast table thinking to yourself is she still here? You realize you got absolutely nothing in common with the other person and the very sound of their voice grates against your nerves like m**********g with a cheese grater.” Nicki didn’t know what to say to that. She was speechless. “I mean what’s the point of dating if you can’t hold an intelligent conversation with the other person. Most of the time my dates’ blood alcohol level is greater than their IQ. You know the kind, the one where you’re surprised they can chew gum and walk at the same time. The ones that need someone to remind them to breathe or they’d drop dead.” “It sounds like you know a lot of interesting people.” “Well I know a lot of people, but I wouldn’t say they were interesting.” He said accepting the beer, the waitress offered him. “Thanks, doll.” “Are you ready to order?” The waitress asked. “I’ll have the cheeseburger, gravy with the fries,” Dominic ordered. “I’ll have the BLT,” Nicki said At that moment Lacy’s cellphone rage and she answered. After a quick, cryptic back and forth she hung up and frowned. “Nicki, we got to go Dad, and Jove are having another scrap, and Bryce needs help breaking them up.” Jove was Millie’s new husband. He and their father had gotten off on the wrong foot, and even now neither one liked the other. Jove, in particular, was rude and hot-headed and constantly starting fights. Nicki bit her bottom lip. She didn’t want to go she was enjoying Dominic. “Can’t you just come back and get me later?” “You know if you need a ride home I would be more than happy to take you.” “Oh no,” Nicki said quickly, she didn’t want him to know about her leg. “Great, you can go home with him,” Lacy said standing up and quickly abandoning Nicki with a wave and a wink then she was out the door. “Well, I guess it’s just us for dinner.” Dominic smiled. “She’s nice, but I’m glad she’s gone. Gives us a little time alone.” “Another round of beers too please,” Nicki said quickly as the waitress walked off. “You know I came out here today because I had meet you. You’ve been the most interesting person in my life at the moment.” “I’m not interesting.” She said quietly. “I don’t do anything. There is nothing to do in this town but work.” She said looking at her hands and putting them in her lap to hide them from sight. Dominic laughed. “You don’t have to feel self-conscious around me.” He said. “I think you’re quaint. Most people I know have never done an honest day’s labour in their life. You’re rocking the homegrown thing.” She wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean. She supposed that was supposed to be a compliment, so she was going to take it as one. The truth was she didn’t have a lot of experience with men, well not men interested in her that is. Looking at him now she couldn’t believe this man, of all people, was interested in her. She had to come clean. “I’m not good with men.” She came right out and said it. He just nodded, “I can tell, but I’m used to it, sometimes I feel larger than life. Women look and me and squeal do you know who you are? Like I’d somehow forgotten my name between the car and the table. I’m kind of intrigued that you’re not star struck now that you know who I am.” Nicki frowned she hated to admit it but, “I don’t know who you are. I’m not big into music and celebrity magazines. I know you said you were an artist but in truth, I’ve never heard of you. Not that I don’t think you’re talented, I’m sure you are, but I don’t know anything about art besides a few things I read in some book.” He looked surprised. “You don’t know who I am?” “I don’t.” Dominic chuckled. “That’s refreshing I suppose that means I will have to rely on my charm instead of my name.” Nicki smiled, she might not know his name, but his charm was easy to see. He was attractive, well spoken, and he oozed charisma. He was the kind of person that everyone wanted to say they knew. The waitress placed their orders in front of them, and Dominic wasted no time digging into his meal. “I haven’t eaten all day.” He said picking up his burger. “So, you said you had a show in Helena that must be exciting.” “It’s not my first.” Then he put down his burger. “Do you want to see some of my work?” “You have some with you?” He nodded. “Yes, I would love to see it.” Dominic stood up and left the pub, Nicki watched from the window as he opened his trunk and took out a large sketch pad and closed the trunk. He returned to the table and handed her the book. Nicki opened the book and looked from one page to another. They were mostly charcoal sketches. Everything from the Northern Lights above a calm lake to a few portraits. “These are good.” She smiled. He was very talented. “How long does it take you to do this sort of thing?” Dominic took the sketch pad back and snatched a pen from the apron of the passing waitress. He then set to work and in minutes had drawn a caricature of Nicki and placed it on the table in front of her. Nicki grinned, to see herself as a cartoon. “That’s cute.” She giggled. “Is it always that fast?” “No, the really good stuff takes time.” “Well this is adorable do you do these a lot?” “Not anymore. This was my first job. When I was fourteen, I used to sit on the boardwalk in Sana Monica and draw caricatures for ten bucks. It was fun.” “I thought you said you were from New York?” “I am… now. It’s where I spend most of my time but I grew up all over the place we were always travelling. My family has homes in seven different cities over four different countries.” He explained. Nicki was surprised, he seemed well-travelled, and she’d never been farther then Helena. “Do you travel?” She shook her head. “You know how small towns are, you never leave. I was born in this town, and I’ll likely die in this town.” “Don’t you want to travel?” She did, but she didn’t have the money to do so nor anyone to travel with. “It would be nice, but we don’t all have trust funds.” There was that easy smile again, a big bright row of sparkling white teeth. His steel blue eyes seemed to light up when he smiled. She could see how women could fall for him it was hard to look away. “I suppose I do have an advantage.” He said lifting his beer to his lips. He took a sip and placed the bottle on the table again. “You should pose for me someday.” Nicki blushed. “I’m not the model type.” She refused. She could not possibly model for this man or any man. “Wouldn’t you rather paint a beautiful woman?” “Exactly why I suggested it.” He said with a wink. “You think I’m beautiful?” She asked blushing. “You have a very classic beauty, with the right lighting, the presences of light and shadows caressing all the right curves and angels you would be breathtaking.” She knew he was lying he had to be there was nothing breathtaking or remarkable about her in any way regardless of the lighting. She was just simple and plain, unlike her sisters. He was saying these things to seduce her, although why he would want to seduce her when he could have any women he wanted was beyond her. Perhaps it wasn’t so much her but the chase and the gratification of just knowing he could twist her to his will. Usually, Nicki was the voice of reason, the one telling her sisters to watch their back and not fall for all the flowery words men spewed. After all, men were only after one thing, and it rarely matters what woman they got it from so long as they got it. She couldn’t imagine Dominic would be any different. Still, it was tempting to let herself fall for it. If she had to be used by someone at least Dominic was insanely attractive. “So, what happens after Helena?” She asked as she ate her sandwich. “Well I’m in Helena for a week, and then I’ve got another show in California. I’ll spend a few days in LA, and then I’m off to Miami for a week and then back to New York for some much-needed downtime.” He said taking a bite of his burger. “You sound busy. I’m surprised you found time to come to Devon.” “I made the time. My Father was insanely busy all my life. Between his band, my Grandfather’s recording studio, and Blue Moon Recordings, he hardly had time sleep; but he always made time for my Mother and us. He said when something is important you make the time. You only live once, and you don’t want to miss all the little pleasures.” Nicki couldn’t fight the smile curving her lips. She was sure he said that sort of thing to every woman, but it was still nice to hear. “Aren’t you a smooth operator? You got that line down.” She chuckled. He laughed. “I know it sounds like a line, but it’s not. I’ve had money all my life. I’ve been everywhere and done everything. Enjoyed all the benefits of wealth and fame, but I can still enjoy the simple things. For example, caviar and lobster are all fine and well, but sometime you just can’t beat a good burger.” He said taking another bite. Oh, he was good, he was really good. “So, I’m a burger?” “A really good one.” He smiled. Nicki blushed and looked away as she quietly took another bite. “You sure blush easy. Come on what happened to that confident, witty woman on my computer?” “She thought she was talking to someone on her level.” “Oh,” He said putting down what was left of his burger, “I get it, you found out who I was, and now you’re intimidated.” He was right; his stature did intimidate her. They were from very different worlds. If she was honest, he was way too good for her. “This always happens to me. It seems like the only women that look me in the eye are big breasted bubble-headed blondes looking for a payday.” For a moment his scolding made her feel terrible and then her mind drifted to the last part of his rant. He was used to big breasted beautiful blondes, and she wasn’t either. Nicki looked down at her small bust and felt self-conscious about her less than curvy figure. This back and forth seemed easier online when she didn’t have to look him in the face. “Well, you are a bit larger than life. I wasn’t expecting you I was expecting the guy from my computer.” She confessed. “I’m the same guy. Do you have a cell phone on you?” “Yes.” She said wondering why. “Does it have an internet connection?” “Yes.” Dominic took out his cell phone and then tapped away on the digital keyboard. “Check your e-mail.” Nicki took out her cell phone and checked her e-mail to find a message from Dominic. Dom27: Is this better? Nicki laughed, he was smiling again, and this time she didn’t turn away. Maybe she was just foolish. She shouldn’t treat him differently just because he was a celebrity. If he could see fit to treat her as an equal, she could learn to look him in the eye. Just for fun, they spent the rest of the dinner texting back and forth. It was great that he could goof off and be silly. It put her at ease. After dinner, Dominic insisted on paying the check. “It’s on my doll.” He said handing the waitress his credit card. “What do you say I drive you home?” Panic washed over her. He wanted to leave and to take her with him. She would have to stand up, and he would see her cane. Things were going so well she didn’t want to weird things out by revealing she was disabled. She didn’t want him to look at her with pity. “Um, I’ll just call Lacy, she’ll pick me up.” She said. “Don’t be ridiculous, why drag her out when I’m perfectly capable of just taking you home.” He said taking his credit card back and returning it to his wallet. “Come on let’s blow this joint.” He said standing up. “No, I would rather wait for Lacy.” She said forcefully. “Come on Doll; you’ll love my ride it’s fast.” He said taking her hand and pulling her to her feet. Pain spiked through her leg; the muscles had become stiff from sitting for so long. As he pulled her to her feet, Nicki’s knee knocked her cane to the floor. Dominic looked down at the cane confused. He looked around for someone else. “Did someone forget this?” He asked picking up the cane. Nicki hung her head embarrassed. “It’s mine.” She confessed. He looked confused. “Yours? I don’t understand.” Nicki snatched the cane away from Dominic and limped her way to the door. “Yes, mine.” She said with annoyance. Dominic followed her outside. “How did this happen? Did you fall or something?” “I didn’t fall.” She sighed. “I was home alone, and there was a home invasion. They beat me up and pushed a refrigerator on top of my leg. It was shattered in four places. They had to operate, reconstruct my leg and knee; I got a steel rod and four pins in my leg, ankle, and knee.” She then looked him in the eye and took a deep breath. “I’ll never walk right again. So, there you know. I didn’t want you to know, but you do.” “That’s horrible. Wait why didn’t you want me to know?” He asked. “I don’t want your pity. I don’t want you to look at me the way everyone else does.” “Well, I admit I’m a little… surprised, but I suppose no more than you were when I told you my secret.” He then looked her in the eye again. “So, you’re a little banged up it doesn’t change the fact that I find you fun and smart. I like you, not your leg.” Nicki searched his eyes trying to detect falsehood, but all she saw was honesty. “It doesn’t bother you?” “No. Come on let me take you home.” He said walking past her and opening the passenger’s door. Nick stepped off the curb and climbed into the car. It was nice with a fine leather interior. She’d never been in anything this nice. She could feel the car depreciating while she sat in the seat. Dominic climbed in and backed out of the parking lot. “So which way doll?” It only took a few minutes to reach the farm. The sound of the engine brought everyone outside. Millie and her husband Jove had come over for dinner that night and were still there judging from their maroon Mustang parked between Lacy’s truck and her father’s. As Dominic pulled up to the farmhouse, her family filed out the door and onto the old wooden porch to check out Nicki’s date. Dominic came to a stop, and Nicki reached for the door handle to get out. “Thank you for dinner and the ride.” She said quickly trying to get out before anyone came over, but she didn’t make it. “Why so fast?” Dominic asked. Jove and Bryce reached the car, and her father wasn’t far behind. Nicki groaned it was too late. “My family is going to want to meet you.” She said embarrassed. “I’m sorry.” “I would love to meet them,” Dominic said getting out of the car. Nicki got out and stood beside the car watching Jove run his hand over the hood and whistle. “Wow, this is a beautiful car,” Jove said. Jove was a Latin lover and Bryce’s foster brother. They had both been orphans and grew up with one another then they married sisters. Bryce had been hired on two years ago to help her father with the planting season and stuck around after falling in love with Lacy. Like his brother, he was a good-looking man with his golden hair and dark eyes. He had caused quite the rift between Millie and Lacy until Jove showed up and stole Millie’s heart. “I bet she’s fast.” “Zero to sixty in two seconds.” Dominic bragged. “Sweet.” Jove grinned and held out his hand to shake Dominic’s “Jove Perez.” He then pointed back to the porch where Millie stood with their baby girl. “That’s my wife Millie and our daughter Morgan.” “Dominic Sanchez.” He introduced himself as he shook Jove’s hand. “Bryce Adams.” Bryce introduced himself and shook Dominic’s hand. “I’m Lacy’s husband.” “Pleasure to meet you.” “This is my Father-in-law Mitchell Taylor.” Bryce introduced Nicki’s father. Her father shook Dominic’s hand and eyed him suspiciously. “Nice to meet you, Sir.” “You got a good strong handshake.” Her father noted. “My Father says you can tell a lot about a man by his handshake,” Dominic said with a pleasant smile. “Your father sounds like a smart man.” Her father then looked at Nicki and back at Dominic. “You two have fun?” “Oh yes, Sir,” Dominic said. “Your daughter is amazing, so smart and grounded.” Mitchell smiled with pride. “Well, she has always made me proud. Tell me what do you do for a living?” “I’m an artist.” Her father looked at the car. “You must be very good.” “I am.” “Would you like to come in for some coffee?” Mitchell asked. “I would love to, but I have a long drive back to the city. I have to be up early to oversee the setup for my gala.” “You do that yourself?” Mitchell asked. “Anything you want to be done right you should do yourself.” Dominic looked at Nicki. “I have a great idea. I would love to see you again. Why don’t you come to the gala tomorrow night? I’ll put you on the list.” Then he looked back at her family. “Why don’t you all come? I’ll put you all on the list, and you can get in for free.” “Oh no…” Nicki began. “We would love to.” Millie interrupted. “We’ll be there.” “Great.” Dominic reached into his car and pulled out a brochure with the address. “It starts at seven,” He said coming around the front of the car and handing Nicki the pamphlet. “Wear something dressy.” He then took her hand in his and kissed the back of her knuckles. “It’s been a blast doll. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Then he waved goodbye to her family, got in his car and drove away leaving everyone staring at her. “Oh my god, he is so cute.” Millie teased from the porch. “Good looking and rich. You sure do know how to pick them.” “A night of art and culture,” Lacy said taking the booklet. “I can’t wait. I suppose we’re going to have to go into the city tomorrow morning and buy some dresses, so we fit in.” Nicki took a deep breath. It was all so much. She didn’t want to limp her way through the art show, but she did want to see Dominic again. She was so conflicted.
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