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Dominic tossed his jacket on the couch and slipped into his desk chair. He brought up his profile and reviewed his messages. He’d spent all day thinking about his possible online date. God that was sad. He was a Sanchez and the highlight of his day was a late-night chat with a stranger. He looked at his watch and frowned. It was ten after midnight, and here he was sitting at his computer like a chump. He waited five more minutes and then sighed. Well, it looked like he was stood up. He was about to log off when a chat window popped up. It was her. She had shown up. So, they were both there what did he do next? Dominic thought for a moment and then began typing… Dom27: So glad to see you could make our date. Nicki21: Well I had nothing better to do. Dom27: I hate to give myself away, but I have to confess, this is the highlight of my day. Nicki21: You must have a boring day. Dom27: Frankly I live the same day over and over. It’s rather dull. Nicki21: Me too. It’s like being unable to wake up from a bad dream. Dom27: I feel you. Every day I have to put on a false smile and pretend like I care when I would rather be in my studio painting. Nicki21: That’s right you’re an artist. Dom27: Yes, I am. Nicki21: Are you any good? Dom27: I’ve sold a few pieces. I don’t do it for the money. I like to paint. It’s freeing. It’s a great way to express yourself. Do you have any hobbies? Nick21: I read… a lot. I suppose you could say I’m a bit of a bookworm. Dom27: Nothing wrong with that. Nicki21: I spend a lot of time reading. Dom27: What do you do for a living? Nicki21: My father owns a farm. I used to help him work it, but now I sit around mostly. Dom27: Why is that? Nicki21: A few months ago, I had an accident, and I’m still sort of recovering. Dom27: Sorry to hear that. Nicki21: Do you do something besides paint? Dom27: I have a little money stashed away. It gets me by. Nicki21: Must be nice. We kill ourselves just to put food on the table. I wish I could help out more I feel a little useless to tell you the truth. Dom27: You can’t beat yourself up over something you can’t control. So, who are you appeasing by being online? Nicki21: My sister. She thinks I need a distraction, and you? Dom27: My Mom. Don’t laugh, she’s hell-bent on me meeting someone. She wants more grandchildren even though she already has three and one on the way. Nicki21: I take it that means you’re not an only child. Dom27: No, I’m the middle of five. You just got the one sister? Nicki21: No, I’m the second of four. Both my sisters are married, and my brother is still too young. I think they think I need a man. That’s why they set me up on this thing, but frankly, I can’t imagine meeting anyone on this thing that would be worth meeting. Dom27: I couldn’t agree more. I don’t put a lot of stock in this internet dating thing. It just seems so desperate. By the way, I’m not desperate. I wouldn’t even be on here, but I promised my Mom one week to get her off my back. Nicki21: I completely understand. I wouldn’t be here either if I hadn’t already read every book I own like twenty times. To tell you the truth I was surprised when you wrote me back and suggested this. I’ve never done this, but I have to confess the fact that this isn’t face to face makes it less intimidating. Dom27: Yeah, there’s no presser to be something you’re not when you don’t have to look the other person in the eye. You have no idea how much presser there is to be me. Everyone expects so much from me, but sometimes I want to go out and have some fun without worrying about what people will think of me. Nicki21: Sounds like a small town, we have the same problem. You can’t keep secrets in a small town. Everyone knows your name and what you did last night. Nothing spreads faster than gossip. Dom27: Agreed, I’m often the victim of gossip. You got to have a thick skin and a real sense of self to survive in this world. So, may I ask a personal question? Dominic waited for her response which didn’t come. He was staring at the monitor, but she did not answer. Had he scared her off taking the conversation to something more than casual chit chat? After a long moment, a reply popped up… Nicki21: Depends on what you ask. Dom27: Why no boyfriend? You seem normal and grounded. Real down to earth sort of girl. You don’t find that often. Nicki21: I don’t know what women in New York are like, but here in Devon I’m nothing special just the girl next door. Like all the other girls. Besides guys like pretty girls. Dominic pulled up her profile and checked out the picture. She was young with creamy skin and long chocolate hair. Her eyes were doe-like and dark. She wasn’t a knock out supermodel type, but she was beautiful in a simple natural way. He’d seen a lot of beautiful women, and in his opinion, she was very pretty… Dom27: I think you’re pretty. Nicki21: Liar. Dom27: No seriously. I’m an artist, and I can see the beauty in everything, and when I look at your picture, I see beauty and elegance. Nicki21: You must be hard up for a woman. Let me guess you don’t date often? Dom27: Actually, I date plenty; mind you sometimes it seems pointless I never find that connection you hope to find. Nicki21: It’s my turn to ask a question. I notice there is no picture on your profile. Why is that? Are you camera shy? Dominic laughed. No, he grew up in front of cameras. He hardly noticed anymore. Still, he wasn’t sure he wanted to share his picture just yet. He wanted to get to know someone before he outed himself. Dominic had a recognizable face. Dom27: I just figured if someone likes me it shouldn’t matter what I look like. But I suppose if you like I can offer you a description. I’m about six-four with jet black hair. It’s not long, but it certainly has a little length to it. I keep fit, though it’s hard at times I have such a busy life sometimes there’s just no time to work out. Nicki21: Sure, you’re probably really forty-seven, balding, with a beer belly and adult acne. Dom27: Oh, ye of little faith. I swear I’m not lying. I am what I say I am. Nicki21: Well I suppose it doesn’t matter either way. You can hold up your end of the conversation, so your already leaps and bounds ahead of any of the other guys that messaged me, so what you look like really doesn’t matter. After all, it's just talking. Dom27: That’s a very good way to look at things. Unfortunately, it’s getting late, and I have to be up early in the morning. I’d love to chat again if you would. Say tomorrow same time? Nicki21: I suppose so. You don’t seem like a maniac. We’ll chat tomorrow night. Dom27: Great, until tomorrow. Dominic logged off and shut down his computer. He couldn’t believe it, but he was excited to chat with Nicki21 again. He’d found someone to talk to, but he wasn’t going to tell his mother. He didn’t want to vindicate her meddling ways. *** The next three weeks passed by in a flash. During the day Nicki would read on the porch and do what she could to lend a hand. Twice a week her father would drive Nicki into the city for her physiotherapy appoints where she would struggle against painful odds to walk again. It was slow progress, and Nicki often left with a sense of hopelessness. Though her day was tedious, she looked forward to the evening. She would head up to her room and get into bed where she would wait for Dom27 to log on. And when he did, they would talk for an hour or so after which he said he had to get to bed. It had become something to look forward to each night. Nicki liked chatting with him very much, and the conversation always stayed PG. He never tried to force the conversation into something s****l unlike the few others she had chatted with during the day. They always started out nice, but after a little while, it always turned to what are you wearing and other dirty things that made her uncomfortable. But with Dom27 that never happened. He was always on his best behaviour. Though she was content with the way, things were progressing between them, with the easy back and forth, she couldn’t help but wonder just why he’d never even hinted or tried to direct the conversation down a more X-rated direction. It was bugging her so much; she had to know, so she asked… Nicki21: I have an off the wall question, but it’s been eating at me for weeks, and I have to know. Why is it you’ve never hit on me? Every other guy on this site does, but you never show any such interest. Is it me or are you gay? Dom27: lol, no darling I’m most certainly straight. But my Mother raised a gentleman, and a gentleman doesn’t make a lady uncomfortable. Besides, I prefer to do my seducing in the flesh and blood. It’s so much more satisfying. And since we are on the topic of face to face encounters, I have a gala showing in Helena next week. I looked it up, and Devon is only an hour away from Helena, I thought maybe we could have dinner you know chat in person. Nicki paused; she didn’t know how to reply. She liked Dom27, he was easy to talk to, but she wholeheartedly believed the ease was due to the distance and the screen between them, but meeting him in person made her pulse race and not in a good way. She was utterly intimidated by the idea of meeting him face to face. Unsure how to answer him Nicki shut off her laptop without a reply and placed it on the nightstand like it were on fire. She couldn’t meet him. The very idea was crazy. No, she would block him. Their relationship was over. *** Suddenly a message window popped up saying that Nicki21 was no longer online. She had not answered him and then she had logged off. It was the cyber equivalent of getting up and running out of the room. What had happened? All he did was suggest dinner. It wasn’t like he had proposed. He knew Nicki was a bit timid but he found her funny and smart, and he wanted to meet her in person if only for dinner and never again. He must have intimidated her just popping the question on her as he had. He’d give her a couple of days and then e-mail her and ask again. He had to be in the area anyway so he might as well make the one-hour detour and meet the woman that had been consuming his nights. *** Nicki shifted uncomfortably on the couch reading the many e-mails Dom27 had left her. She hadn’t chatted live for days, but he was persistent. Suddenly Lacy dropped down on the couch beside Nicki with a heavy, exhausted sigh. They had been planting all day, and her sister had cooked dinner and cleaned up after everyone. If anyone needed a break, it was Lacy. “What are you reading?” Lacy asked leaning over to read the e-mail Dom27 had sent her. Lacy smiled. “Look at that you have a date.” “I’m not going.” She said closing her laptop. “Why not? Isn’t this the guy you’ve been spending all night every night chatting with?” “Yes.” “So why not meet him?” Nicki shook her head. “I just don’t want to.” Lacy eyed her sister suspiciously. “Why not?” When Nicki didn’t answer Lacy took a guess that was dead on. “Is this about your leg?” Nicki sighed. “I haven’t told him I’m handicapped. He’ll take one look at my cane, and that will be it. He won’t talk to me anymore.” “From what you’ve told me about this guy I don’t think he’ll be that shallow. Besides, it’s just dinner then he goes back to New York. What could one dinner hurt?” Lacy then took the laptop from Nicki and opened it up. The screen went right back to the e-mail, and Lacy quickly typed in acceptance and then sent the message before Nicki could stop her. “What did you do that for?” Nicki snapped. “You’ll thank me later when you meet him.” Lacy smiled. “I told you I didn’t want to go.” “Stop being a coward. There is life outside this farmhouse. Just because you walk with a cane does not mean your life is over. You need to get out.” “I’m not going to go.” “You’ll stand him up? That’s incredibly rude after you said you would go.” “I didn’t say I would go. You sent that e-mail.” “He doesn’t know that. He’ll think you stood him up. Come on Nicki go to dinner. If it doesn’t go well, you never have to see him again.” Nicki considered her sister’s words. She would like to put a face to the words on her screen. She wanted to meet Dom27, but she was scared. Her experiences with men had never been good. She’d dealt with a few boys in school, and they always turned out to be jerks and even the good ones like her sisters’ husbands had their moments when they deserved a slap. Every guy she ever knew was only ever after one thing, but with her leg, she probably wouldn’t even get that. “I have nothing to wear,” Nicki said. She was just some redneck hillbilly farm girl. She would never fit in with a sophisticated city boy. “I don’t think he’ll care what you’re wearing, but I’m sure if you want to make a good first impression you can borrow some of Millie’s clothes, she’s pretty trendy,” Lacy suggested. She was sure she could, but the fact remained that Nicki was scared. What if she wasn’t what he expected? Or worse what if he wasn’t who he said he was? It was dangerous for a woman to meet men they met online. Still, she would like to meet him. She felt so conflicted. *** Dominic tossed his suitcase in the trunk of his black and red Bugatti Veyron. At 2.5 million dollars it was the most expensive street-legal car on the road. It went from zero to sixty in two seconds. It was a high-performance vehicle that left the driver feeling like they could fly. Opening the driver’s door, Dominic got in and slipped his key in the ignition. He had sent his work ahead of him with a shipping company he used often. He could have flown to Montana, but he had decided to drive. He was looking forward to unleashing this beast on the interstate. Just before he pulled out, his cell phone beeped. He had it linked to his e-mail account since he did so much business via e-mail, he had to stay on top of things. Taking a moment, he brought up his e-mail. A smile graced his face. It wasn’t business, but it was something just as good. Nicki21 had finally responded and said she would be happy to have dinner. So, it looked like he would have to make a stopover in Devon. He was going to need a map.
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