
297 Words
A lot of us start out with a dream of having a big family, but of course in reality this doesn’t always pan out. Relationship breakdowns and not finding the right partner to settle down with can mean that planning for parenthood is more challenging than we expected.  Every single woman is different. Some women are single by choice and don’t see that marriage and coupling needs to happen for them. But some women now end up in their mid-to-late thirties with their biological clock ticking loudly – but no partner on the scene to start a family with.  Sugar, when she was thirty and single, she believed she had plenty of time to find a partner, and to have children. But now that she's at the other side of her thirties and time is running out … how can she have the baby she has dreamed of if she doesn't have the partner to fulfill it? To make things worse,  only 6 months before she reached 40, she was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency.  Now, The drop in egg count is even more dramatic, numbers will lower each month until she hits menopause. As her menopause approaches, it can be more difficult to get pregnant naturally. So she decided to freeze her egg, and save it for the future until she finds the man of her dreams. But just only few days after the extraction she met Alex. She is the Architect, and he is her client.  One project turns into days of affair between the two of them. Her desire grew stronger each passing day. Although their relationship at first is purely lustful, with time, Sugar finds herself falling in love with Alex. But she found out that Alex was 10 years younger than her. 
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