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Edwina rushed through the halls, out to the squares and treaded the quad to the administration office in haste. Her hands still trembled in excitement at the outcome of the fencing course with Delphine. She could barely contain her joy. She couldn't help but feel that her wolfing out was the best thing that had ever happened to her. The world had never felt so relatable, comforting and mostly beautiful. She couldn't help but slow down a little to let out all her worries and live in the moment, in a deep exhilaration. Edwina had never felt so good in a long time. The feel of cold air brushing past her soft skin as well as her new found power to sense things sharper than any other thing left her in blissful satisfaction. It was the best feeling she'd ever experienced and despite the stares she got from people all around, her head was raised quite confidently. She could finally raise her gaze enough to observe the spooky roofings of the different buildings of the academy as well as the sparkly bright silver rush of water that fell from the sky in the background of the Academy. Cromsvelth was a school for the supernaturals and thus, is hidden from the rest of the world. No one could access the school unless allowed. It is hidden behind a magical veil that isolates it and is without doubt, the academy with the most mysterious background, students and every other thing anyone could imagine. Not that there is any other supernatural academy like it anyway. The smile on her face was so bright, broad and perceptible. Edwina didn't give a hoot about anyone's thought of her. She was finally free, and Delphine who had always bullied her currently stood no chance, not any longer. She had nothing to fear now. She was as free as a bird, just like the colorful birds that flew in the sky along with the children of mana. As she walked on, part in haste and pacifism, she heard the slight giggles of some girls walking down the other quad that led out from the masters' office. There were few students out in the quad since it was still lesson hours. "Did you hear? There's a human in the school" with her enhanced hearing, she heard what they were all gossipping about. "Hihihi, not even the toughest werewolf could survive the cruelty of the academy. I hope he doesn't get broken" Edwina was surprised at the news. What was a human looking for in Cromsvelth? She couldn't help but pity such man as Cromsvelth is an extremely cruel place even for supernaturals. "Oh, isn't that..." Edwina heard again and she could only do so little to not be curious. She turned around to face the girl that just spoke of the normie's appearance and she looked towards where the girl's gaze was fixated. And there she saw him... It was as though it was timed the way their eyes met. His deep black starry eyes met her green warm eyes and it felt like magnet the way they attracted her. The slight smile that he had on added to his charm and Edwina's heart fluttered like a sheet hit by soft breeze from the west. Her heart beat in slow rhythm with his deep blue hair that swayed gently under the influence of the soft breeze. Edwina found herself immersed and struggling to take her eyes off his. The guy waved at her but she was too stupefied by the sight of him to think at the moment, she watched as he raised his brows curiously and removed her gaze from hers. It wasn't until he left that Edwina finally gained control of herself. She was not apprehensive of whatever had just happened and somehow she felt excited, cool and at the same time, hot in her body once again. Just as she had felt with the new guy in fencing class from earlier. She was still baffled at all these things that happened to her. Edwina noticed that many who were observing the normie had their gazes on her since he waved at her and she didn't know what to do. She was so embarrassed that she lowered her head and ran off the place before she would die of embarrassment. She had just stopped functioning and stared at a stranger in awe like a fool, she didn't understand why she was like this at all. 'Whats going on?' ... 'I mean, I've never felt this free and satisfied. Life had never felt so good...' "But what is this feeling that enshrouds me everytime I meet these new people. It feels like I've known them all my life and... And it's strange that I feel good and curious to get closer to them. What's going on? What's wrong with me? Is this related to me wolfing out for the first time? Is it some kind of backlash?" Edwina muttered to herself as she thought hard on her way to the administration offices block. She didn't even know when she entered the building as she just went subconsciously towards the principal's office. It wouldn't be her first time going there afterall, she had a lot of history with Ms Merrigold. "Ah! No idea at all." She sighed in frustration at her cluelessness. 'Guess I'll have to ask her about it later' Edwina conceded and gave up the thought. She had little knowledge as to what happens after wolfing out. Hence, she gave up the thought and decided to ask someone who knew later. 'To focus on what's at hand...' Edwina despite adhering to Ms Merrigold's summon was still clueless as to why her appearance in the principal's office was required. She was certain that she hadn't caused any trouble recently. 'Is it about me wolfing out? Did she find out already? Or could it have been because I've missed class for weeks straight?' She was certain of the latter being the most probable cause for this summoning. But the doubt of the former was still left at chance. She stopped right about the turn of the hallway to the principal's office corridor and gave a thought to the excuses she could give in both circumstances. 'In the case of it being me wolfing out, I have nothing to hide, I just have to tell her the truth. On the other hand, I'll just feign victim of bullying.' She came up with a counter excuse rather quickly. She then moved on to take the turn. However... Bump! Edwina ran into a rigid figure. She stumbled and tried as much as she could to maintain balance but alas, she ended up on her butt on the floor. She was stunned for quite a while and had to take a moment to recollect herself. "Oh I'm so sorry, milady..." She heard a deep voice resound above her and she couldn't help but look up under the influence of the hypnotic voice of the person. The extremely handsome face of a pale man came into her sight just as she raised her gaze. His violet pupils that held the power of a universe beyond had Edwina enthralled. "Here, let me help you up" Edwina looked towards his extended hands and was compelled to take them. His voice carried that hypnotic effect that had her willing to do anything of his bidding. She couldn't tell if it was natural or if it were some sort of spell casted on her. All she knew was that her whole conscience had already submitted to this young man with long glossy hair that fell down his back. Edwina was soon back to her feet and she watched as he raised her hand in his and placed his soft velvetty lips on them. A short electrifying wave of pleasure washed through her from the spot where he kissed. Edwina's mouth parted but she was unable to utter a thing. She just stared with widened eyes at him. "Please, accept my apologies. I..." Edwina heard his voice resound again, this time in a far distance, even as he stood before him. She was lost in her own conflicting thoughts. 'He- he... He kissed my hands?' She was shocked by his action. Those hands were called filthy, and he kissed them without hesitation? "...See ya later then" his suddenly audible voice brought Edwina out of her thought. However, she could only watch him brush past her and leave. She turned around and stared at his leaving back until he was finally out of sight. Edwina was still dumbfounded by all that happened and she looked down at the hand that was just kissed in a daze. If only there were a mirror in front of her she'd see how red she was from her head to her very feet at the moment. 'Aaaaa! What is going on with me!!! Even a vampire????' The hot feeling was becoming so frequent that Edwina became worried about her mental health. The feeling had her speechless everytime and she became lost, totally lost which was something that troubled her most. Was she becoming some kind of freak? Moreso, she didn't know what to feel of having such interaction with a vampire. Because of her werewolf belief, she felt ashamed. But then she couldn't deny that it was sweet deep in her mind, and she hated that it did. Edwina was concerned about her well-being and thus, decided to get done with Ms Merrigold as soon as she could and leave to speak with that one person about everything already. Before things got worse. She felt, and was more convinced that this was all some aftereffect of her wolfing out and definitely, her mother being older, knew a cure for this. She rushed down the corridor and as soon as she came in front of the door to the principal's office, she knocked and pushed it open. However, just as she entered the familiar well-structured office, Edwina's eyes constricted to the size of a needle and she had the shock of her life at the sight of the person that sat before Ms Merrigold on the desk.
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