Twin Flames

1657 Words
TABITHA We stopped a few feet from them, clearing my throat. I announced our arrival, Rowena and Cedric whipped around and both of their mouths hung open. I knew they were focusing on Asher, the strange man that had accompanied me to our sacred spot. "Tabby, what were you thinking, bringing an outsider here?" Rowena scolded me. She was always the mother of our group. Her and Cedric were only a year older than I was, which always made me giggle. I wished those two would have been twin flames but it didn't seem to have happened, at least not yet. Cedric glanced at Asher, I could see he was trying to figure out who he was to me, and why I would bring someone out here with me. Tobias entered the clearing with Sorren following close behind him. I smiled a little when I saw that Sorren had actually come, I thought he would avoid this meeting like the plague. As they walked over to the rest of us, I could see the stone-cold way that Sorren looked at Asher. He looked at him like he was the enemy, I guess to the group he sort of was. Asher was an outsider and a wolf, most of us were not very trusting of the wolves at the moment. I let out an exasperated sigh which seemed to get Asher's attention quickly. He watched as Tobias and Sorren walked past us joining the others who had formed a half-circle around us. "So are you going to explain what we're all doing out here, and why you brought...him here?" Tobias asked me. He seemed as unimpressed as Rowena did. I took a deep breath, this was it. I was about to accept the path my life had given me. "This is Asher, yes he is a wolf! I'm sure you all have questions as to why he is here with me today."I started to say, I was so nervous; my whole body began to shake.The last thing I wanted was to cause more friction between my kind and the wolves, but this needed to be done. "Asher is the Gamma of the Dark Woods pack, he is also my twin flame." I explained. I could see the look on my friends' faces. Rowena, Tobias and Cedric looked completely shocked at the revelation. Sorren, well he just kept his gaze fixed on the ground. He already knew all of this from when I went to see him earlier that morning. Everyone was quiet, I knew they would have to take some time to process the information I had just given them. "How do you know for sure?" Rowena asked, breaking the silence. I knew she would question everything. It's why she was appointed to the council's inner circle. While I would eventually hold the title of high priestess, those selected would help with the decision-making in regards to the coven. Most of the inner circle were trusted members of the coven, ones my parents had trusted with their lives. For me, Rowena, Cedric and Sorren were it. Rowena because she questioned everything, Cedric because he looked at both sides before making choices. They both upheld the laws of the coven and were obvious choices for me. Sorren, well his father held the position as my mother's right hand for as long as I could remember. While awaiting mother’s decision on who would succeed her, Sorren and I used to sit in on meetings as children so we could learn what could eventually be expected of us if chosen. "Asher tracked me in the woods the other night, I was looking for supplies to help Sorren. He never attacked me, and when I tried to escape our skin touched, I could feel the sensation of the bond-forming.” I hoped to have answered Rowena's question without needing to go into many more details. She seemed to think over what I said, and nodded to me in agreement that she understood. "As you are all well aware, we do not choose our twin flames, they are chosen for us." I began explaining to the group. While I knew that my friends knew the rules, Asher didn't know how things worked for us and this was my chance to fully explain that he was my forever, whether he wanted me to be his was yet to be determined. "Once a twin flame is selected for a witch that is it. Their life forces become intertwined, and since we do not get second chances. This is why it's so rare for our kind to have a twin flame that is not one of us." I said directing the last part of that sentence to Asher. I wanted him to understand that no matter what, he was mine, and in my heart and soul I was his. Cedric and Tobias had shared a few glances at Sorren. Sorren however was having a staring contest with the ground of the forest’s clearing. "Do your parents know about this yet Tabitha?" Tobias eventually asked me. I nodded that yes, in fact they were well aware of the fact Asher would be linked to me for the rest of my life. "Father was actually the one to officially point it out." I said which seemed to cause a few low murmurs from everyone else. I knew I needed to explain the rest to them. "Asher, well he followed me home the night he found me, father picked up on the strange behavior we were both experiencing and explained that I was Asher's mate." I looked up at Asher who was smiling back at me. "Look, guys, I know this is far from normal. I know we don't have the best relationship with the wolves anymore" I started to say until I heard Sorren break out in laughter. I shot him a warning glance, which he completely ignored. "Tabs, they are hunting our kind, we don't even know if we can trust this wolf." He blurted out. I could feel Asher get tense, Sorren was looking for a fight, and Asher would be all too ready to give it to him. The silence grew thicker, you could cut the awkward tension with a dull knife. Cedric had been very quiet through all of this. He was the level headed one out of all of us, myself included. He would weigh both sides, and eventually come to a reasonable conclusion of what should be done. I watched as Rowena played with a strand of her tight ringlets, she was nervous and I understood why. I don't know what I could possibly say at that point to make my friends believe me that Asher meant us no harm. The silence started to choke me, finally Asher spoke to the group. "You have no reason to trust me, as I have no reason to trust any of you. But, for the sake of Tabitha, I am willing to get to know you and not pass judgment based on the actions of others of your kind." He said loudly. I could see why he was a Gamma, he could command warriors with ease. He held his head high as he spoke, meeting the gaze of everyone, but holding Sorren's blazing stare. The two of them were sizing each other up and neither seemed to want to back down. Cedric finally spoke, breaking the silence. " Look, if he is willing to work with us rather than against us I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, we all know our twin flames are chosen for us. Obviously, Asher was chosen for Tabitha for a reason and vice versa." For once I was thankful that Cedric was on my side. He had light brown hair, brown eyes and very light stubble making him look a little older than he was. While Cedric may only have been twenty-one, he was wise and usually everyone eventually listened to his reason. Rowena and Tobias looked at each other, then they both turned to face Sorren who was still having a staring contest with Asher. It took a lot of persuasion from Cedric but eventually, Rowena caved and agreed to give Asher a chance to prove himself. Tobias seemed torn, he was logical and knew the facts to be true, but he wanted to side with his friend out of loyalty. "Are you sure this is what you want, Tabitha?" Tobias asked me. At that moment I had to decide, was Asher really what I wanted? A better question and the one that lingered in the back of my mind. Was I really what he wanted? I chose my next words carefully, they would be the deciding factor in whether Tobias sided with Cedric and Rowena or not. "Asher, is what I want, he is it for me. But I pose a question if it pleases the court" I said sarcastically. I loved my friends more than anything in the world but at that moment they were trying my nerves. For the first time Sorren broke contact with Asher, he fixed his gaze on me instead. I dropped Asher's hand and walked in between the two men who had just been squaring off with each other. "I have made my stance perfectly clear, this wolf here" I said, jerking my hand towards Asher, "He is it for me. Period. But, Asher" I said, turning to face him. "If this is not what you want, say the words break the bond and never come looking for me. I will give you a potion to forget you even met me if you want. But do it now." I said to him, I was wearing my heart on my sleeve at that moment and I didn't know how Asher would react or if I would end up picking up the pieces of my broken heart.
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