Chapter Nine - Milkshake, staying and making out

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Cole’s P.O.V I was waiting at the diner where I had arranged to meet Ruby, she was late, and I was beginning to wonder if she was even going to show up? I had not heard from her since I saw her since last class. Maybe she has had a better offer, and I wouldn’t blame her if she chooses that over me. I was considering leaving, feeling very awkward and pathetic sitting here alone; people were staring like they could tell I have been stood up. “I am so sorry that I am late. I got into a huge fight with my dad.” Ruby said as she approached the booth I was sitting in. “It’s OK.” I smiled. I could see the look on people’s faces when they know who I was waiting for, the shock on their face visible. Ruby is the type that gets attention anywhere she goes, which is understandable since she is beautiful. They were all wondering why she was here with someone with me, even worse when she reached in kissing my cheek before sitting across from me. “I hope you haven’t been waiting for me for too long?” She said. I shook my head, not wanting to tell her I have been waiting for over half an hour for her. “Are you OK? After you fight with your father?” I asked. “No, not really but nothing I can do about it. I will find somewhere else to stay tonight, he has one of his floozies over and drunk already.” She shrugged. It seemed like it was a normal thing for her, and I think maybe it was even though that is not fair. “Where will you stay?” I asked, concerned. “Not sure will find somewhere…with a friend maybe.” She said. “If you can’t find anywhere, let me know. I will ask my parents if you can stay at ours, we have a spare room anyway, they wouldn’t mind.” I suggested. It was the truth; they wouldn’t. My parents were lovely, very caring people that would help anyone out if they needed it and that’s how I knew if I asked for Ruby to stay, tell them why then they wouldn’t mind one bit. “I appreciate that, but I will find somewhere,” Ruby said. I nodded, as long as she knew it was an option that was OK. A waitress came over, asking us both what we wanted. “Are you hungry? Wanna share a pizza?” Ruby asked, looking at me. I nodded, Ruby, ordering us a cheese pizza, a side of fries and two banana milkshakes for us. Ruby and I chatted until our order arrived.  I still couldn’t believe how different she was around me comparing to the way she usually acts. ***** Ruby and I had been at the dinner for the last three hours, hanging out, drinking milkshakes and talking. I don’t think I have ever spoken as much as I have been with Ruby tonight, she seems to be bringing me out of my shells little by little. “Is that offer to stay still available?” Ruby asked. Ruby has tried a few friends but had no luck finding somewhere to stay. “Yes. I will call my mum; she will ask why is it OK if I tell her or do you want me to tell her something else like you have been locked out or something?” I asked. “You can tell her the truth. I don’t want you lying to your parents for me.” She smiled. I nodded, grabbing my phone and called my mum, explaining the situation to my mum, she was sympathetic and understood why Ruby never wanted to go home, saying she could come and stay for the night. Tomorrow was Saturday anyway, so no school. “My mum said that is OK.” I smiled. “Thank You.” Ruby smiled back at me, “I will follow you back in my car.” She added. I paid for the things we had order, Ruby wanted to pay half, but I never let her. The two of us headed back to my house in our cars. I pulled up first, waiting for her to get out of her car. “Are you sure this is OK?” She asked. “Yes, it is fine.” I smiled. My parents were soon in the hallway to say hello to us. My father introduced himself to Ruby. I appreciated that Ruby was friendly to them, the attitude she has most of the time not present around my parents. “Have you both ate?” My mum said, fussing over us. “Yes, we had pizza at the diner.” I smiled. “OK. Well, let me know if you both need anything.” My mum smiled, looking at Ruby. “Thank You and thank you for letting me stay, I appreciate it.” Ruby smiled. My mother and Ruby chatted back and forth for a few moments before Ruby, and I head upstairs to my room. It was not bedtime yet, which meant Ruby could hang out in my room. “That is the spare room in there that you will sleep in tonight,” I said, pointing to the door. “Can I not stay in your room with you?” Ruby asked smirking a little. I swallowed hard when she said that, the thought of her sleeping in my bed all night making me nervous but also temped but I couldn’t, that would be disrespecting my parent’s rules even though it would only be sleeping. “I am only messing with you, Cole.” Ruby giggled seeing how nervous I was. I let out a chuckle, nodding my head and led us into my room to hang out for a bit before bedtime. “What do you want to do?” I asked, “Watch a movie or something?” I added rubbing the back of my neck nervously. Ruby shook her head, stepping in closer to me. I gulped with her being this close to me again. I looked at her, nervously, not knowing where she was going with this. “T…T…Then what do you wanna do?” I stuttered out. Ruby placed her hand on my chest, leaning into my ear. “We could make out a little instead.” She said, her words made me shiver. I was not sure how I feel about that suggestion, not after the way it made me think last night. “What is wrong? Don’t you want to kiss me?” She asked pouting. My breath hitched in my throat, my heart beating faster in my chest. “No…No, it is not that.” I said, “I just don’t want to get those impure thoughts about you again.” I added. Ruby pressed herself against me, looking at me. “I don’t mind you getting those sort of thoughts about me.” She said it was more like in a purr, “I like that you get those thoughts about me.” She added. I could feel myself giving in. My tongue ran along my lips without me meaning too. “Kiss me, Cole. I know you want too.” She said. I couldn’t take anymore, and before I knew what I was doing I placed my hand on her hip and kissed her, something I never thought I would be able to do, make the first move on a girl. Ruby smiled against my kiss, kissing me back. I found myself whimpering into the kiss. I was still nervous, but I enjoyed the way her lips felt against mine. She walked me backwards towards my bed, pushing me down and coming down on top of me. Oh God, this is new. What do I do? Do I stop her? Continue? Where do I put my hands? “Relax, we are only kissing.” She mumbled against my lips. I nodded, her lips meeting mine again. I was not sure what I thought about this, but one thing I do know is I am enjoying in ways I probably shouldn’t be. 
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