Chapter Six - Playing it sweet

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Ruby’s P.O.V I had arrived at Cole’s house for our next session. I was not sure what his parents would think when someone like me shows up at their door to see their son? I have a feeling his mother will not be very pleased, but that is OK. I can be sweet when I need to be. I headed to the front door, knocking on it. I had text Cole that I was on my way and would be here soon. “I will get it.” I hear Cole’s voice ring through his house. By the time he arrived at the door, he seemed slightly breathless, like he rushed to answer it. I giggled to myself, in return, that made him blush because I think he had worked out that I knew what he had done to get down here. “Um…Hey.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “Hey, Cole,” I said, smiling widely at him. “Come in.” He smiled, stepping aside. I stepped inside, and you can tell it was home as soon as you stepped in, not just a house. There were family photos around, pretty and colourful things around, you could smell food cooking, and there was a hint of lavender in the air too. The complete opposite of my house, that stopped becoming a home many years ago. “Mum, we are going upstairs to study.” He called out. “Can you at least let me say hello to your guest son.” She called back laughing. And soon, she arrived. She was quite a small woman, maybe mid-forties with short dark hair, and pretty. Her eyes fell on me, and I was half expecting to see judgment in them, the same way most mothers do when they see me. I don’t know if it was the pink hair, the piercings or the way I dressed, but not many mothers took to me very well. “Hey sweetie it is nice to meet you. I am Cole’s mothers, Mrs Kirk, but you can call me Annie.” She smiled. I was a little taken back with her niceness, her kindness. I was not expecting it one bit. “Hey, I am Ruby. Nice to meet you too.” I said, smiling back at her. It would seem I don’t need to act friendly, apparently being around her makes me pleasant. “Ruby…that is a pretty name for a beautiful girl.” She smiled, “Have you ate sweetheart? We are running a little late for dinner tonight, plenty there if you have not?” She added. The truth was I haven’t eaten, not since breakfast. “Thank You, but I don’t want to be a bother.” I smiled at her. “Nonsense, you won’t be. I will make you a plate up when it is ready. Do you like Mac and Cheese?” She asked. I nodded, making her smile grow. I thanked her then she let us go upstairs to get on with the tutoring session, making sure she gave us something to drink and snack on until dinner. I think she is one of the sweetest women I have ever met, which is another thing it is going to make this thing a challenge. It would be different if they were not friendly people, but they aren’t, both she and Cole are lovely, but I have a game to play. I can’t let that get in the way. Cole led me upstairs to his bedroom. It was immaculate and organised for a teenage boy. I was surprised with it, most guys his age, their rooms are a mess and very disorganised. “I am a slight neat freak,” Cole said nervously as he watched me look around. “I can see that,” I said giving him a small smile. He already had everything laid out on the bed for us to start straight away. He climbed on to his bed, and I followed, Cole getting nervous when I got close to him. I smirked to myself, looking away from him when I did. I enjoyed how nervous I made him. “You want to go over the same work as last night again?” He asked. “Yes if you want,” I replied. I went to reach for the book we were looking at last night, Cole doing it at the same time, his hand touching mine but he quickly pulled away. “Sorry.” He said blushing looking down. “Cole, it is OK, will you please stop getting so embarrassed around me? I don’t bite.” I said giggling. He turned his eyes back to look at me. “Sorry, you make me nervous Ruby when I am alone with you.” He said shyly. When he is alone with me? He has been nervous around me always for the last twenty-four hours, not only when we have been alone. I decided not to bring that up; it would only make him more nervous. “Don’t worry; I won’t try to kiss you again.” I giggled, trying to lighten the mood. It took him a moment, but he laughed too eventually. At least that took some of the awkwardness away. We did get on with the real reason I was here when I would rather be doing other things but one step at a time. I can’t scare him away before I get what I want. ***** Cole and I have finished working. We stopped to have dinner in his room, which I preferred. I would have felt awkward if I had to sit at the table with his family. “Are you in any rush to get home?” Cole asked nervously. “Not really, why do you want rid of me?” I asked, turning to face him. “No, no, of course not. The opposite was wondering if maybe you wanted to watch a movie or something, but if you have something better to do, I get it.” He said shrugging. I was in no rush to get back to an empty house or never had any plans for the rest of the night. “Yeah sounds good.” I smiled. “Really?” He asked, surprised. I laughed, nodding my head. And we picked a movie together, both deciding on Aqua man. Cole headed downstairs to grab us some popcorn and something to drink, and I took that opportunity to check my phone. I had a couple of texts from guys wanting to hook up, but I deleted them…bored with them all. I then saw a text from Macy. Macy: You any closer to f*****g the good boy virgin? Ha-ha x Ruby: Give me sometime Jeeze ha-ha x I hear him coming back upstairs, quickly sitting my phone aside, pretending I was not looking at it. He came in, smiling snacks in hand before joining me again on the bed. He lay down next to me, and I slipped in closer to him, letting my hand brush against him, only for a moment before pulling away. It was enough to make him moan softly, something I think he didn’t realise I heard. Cole hit play on the movie, and I decided to see how far I can push him. I moved in close, resting my head on his chest, Cole freezing when I did. This poor guy was clueless. I giggled, grabbing his arm and wrapping it around me, his entire body tensing when I did. “Cole relax, it is only snuggling, nothing more,” I said. “OK.” He said, seeming to relax a little. I would play sweet tonight, not push things too much, will maybe see if I can get a kiss from him before I go, the rest is going to time.
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