Chapter 16

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2 months later "This is gonna be so cool!" Miracle said to Parker. "We definitely deserve this after all those tests." Parker nodded. "I can already imaging the food that we're going to eat." Parker rubbed his stomach with a dreamy look on his face. Ashton slept on Skylar's lap as Skylar and Jumin kept quiet. Miracle glanced at Yukine who was talking to some girls of our class. "Looking at your crush again?" Jumin asked. "It took you two damn months to make her a part of our group." Miracle glared at him. "And by the way, you know how early it is? I don't have time for your bullshit now." "Aw Jumin, you're no fun without your bandana." Miracle grabbed her reserve bandana from her pocket and stalked to Jumin. "Here, let me help you put it on," she smiled creepily. Ashton woke up, stared at Jumin's face for a minute and closed his eyes back. "He said no," Ashton mumbled. Miracle turned to Ashton and then to Skylar. "What did he say?" She asked. "He said that Jumin said no," Skylar answered, playing with Ashton's hand. Miracle sat back down next to Parker. "You're no fun Jumin." Jumin raised his eyebrow. "I'm too tired of your bullshit Miracle. We all had to wake up at 2 AM to be here at the airport at 5," he replied. "Do something useful and bring me some coffee from Starbucks or some shit." "Do you want just a coffee or some basic white girl s**t?" She asked, holding her hand out for his money. He slapped the money in her hand and clicked his tongue. "Do I look like a f*****g basic white girl? Just buy a black coffee. And I gave you extra money for you to buy something to keep quiet for a while." "Hey, I'm just asking," she shrugged. "Maybe you're in the mood for something sweet. But with your current personality..." She winched. "Never mind. Now who's going with me? Skylar?" "Give me a minute." Skylar softly shook Ashton. The only response that he got back was his snoring. Skylar poke Ashton's rib cage. "Ouch," he mumbled. "Hm? Cherry? Why did you wake me? I had such a nice dream." He looked at Miracle who was standing next to him as she swiped through her playlist. She saw Yukine walking up to her and asked her if she wanted to go to Starbucks with her and Skylar. "Yeah, sure," she smiled. Skylar continued poking Ashton until he was fully awake. "Do you want some coffee?" Skylar asked. "That'd really help me," he yawned. "A double espresso right?" Ashton nodded. "Alright." Ashton tried to get his wallet out of his pocket half asleep. Skylar took his hand with a smile. "I'll buy it for you." Ashton kissed him. "I have the best boyfriend ever," he groaned and fell back asleep on the airport chairs. Skylar glanced at Jumin who was reading a book with a black face mask. "Hey Min! Are you coming?" Jumin looked from his book and shook his head. "Okay then. Let Jumin back in control when we get back." Jumin nodded and continued reading his book. They both looked at Parker who was on his switch. Skylar walked up to Parker and hit him on the head. "Didn't I tell you to let that at home?" Parker tried his best not to flinch and continued playing. "I brought it because I still want a rematch!" He replied as he tried his best to ignore the pain. "You became really rough after you told me the truth." "That isn't even my full strength." "Huh?" Skylar sighed. "Do I have to bring a hot chocolate for you?" Parker paused his game and looked up at him. "Yes, please." Skylar nodded. Miracle, Skylar and Yukine walked quietly to the Starbucks. "Is Min one of Jumin's personalities?" Skylar asked. Miracle hummed as she peeked at Yukine. "Yes. Next to his normal personality, he has the berserk Jumin who actually goes by Kyung. Kyung would actually really appreciate it if we call him his real name. The only reason why he says that his name is Jumin is because he is used by people calling him Jumin," Miracle explained. "Really?" Yukine asked dumbfounded. Miracle nodded. "Really. And super quiet Jumin goes by Min. He told me that it took him a few years to get them under control. And that whenever he's wearing something specific that someone else in under control. It's true that he got a hang of it, because I can definitely see a difference between four years ago and now. We were both 12 that time and our classmates back then didn't know s**t about that part of him. So they all were scared of him, because he either was quiet or was acting crazy." They stood in the line behind two girls of their class. "I always stood up for him. But most of the time I threatened to kick their ass," she chuckled. "That's very nice of you," Yukine replied. "Except for the threatening part." The girls eyed them and began whispering. Miracle overheard them talking s**t and tapped one of them on the shoulder. "What do you want?" She asked as she gave her dirty look. Skylar glared at both of them and her look dropped. "S-scary!" Yukine thought. Miracle smiled sweetly at them. "It's your turn." They looked back at the front of the line and saw the cashier waiting for them with a irritated smile. "Oh, sorry," the girl mumbled as they scurried to the cashier. Miracle's smile turned into a scowl in an instant. "f*****g b***h," Miracle muttered. Yukine did her best to calm her down. "They got me f****d up. Our whole damn class got me f****d up. I don't know why they act like we're a different breed of people." "Maybe they do think that we're a different breed. For example, there's me who's a trap. Parker who's a huge nerd and weeb and doesn't tried to hide it. Jumin with his multiple personalities. And you who's a nerd, weeb AND BL crazy. At least you tried to hide it when you're not with us exept Ace." He paused. "Now that I think of it, the only normal ones in our group are Ace and Yukine. But the rest of our class think that Ace dating me is a flaw." Miracle rubbed her chin. "It's true," she sighed. "Everything you just said was the truth." It was their turn and they ordered the drinks. After receiving them, they walked back. Skylar gave Parker his hot chocolate which he happily took as Miracle was arguing with Min to let Jumin back in control. He blinked as response and took off his face mask. Jumin took the coffee and held his hand out. "Where's my change?" He asked. Miracle laughed nervously. "The thing is, there wasn't any." Jumin put his coffee down and patted Miracle down. "What the hell! Pervert!" He sat back down with a frown. "There really wasn't any," he mumbled to himself. The whole time that that happened, Skylar was trying to wake Ashton up. "Ace. I have your coffee," he said softly while shaking him lightly. Ashton groaned in his sleep. Skylar put his own drink down and put Ashton's drink under his nose. Ashton hummed at the strong smell of coffee. He sat straight up and took it. He gave Skylar a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you," he mumbled. "Attention all passengers. Plane XXX will begin boarding in 5 minutes. I repeat. Plane XXX will begin boarding in 5 minutes." Parker and Miracle looked at each other with smiles of excitement. "You know what that means." They stood up and Parker pointed at Skylar. "Skylar! Were gonna have a rematch in the plane! I can't let this opportunity slide!" "I don't feel like it," Skylar replied while Ashton wrapped his arm around him. Parker stood his ground. "It's an 9 hour flight! We will have a rematch! If you say no, I'll annoy you to death." Skylar sighed. "Fine." 11 hours later (A/N cause you got me f****d up to give details about the flight. Parker lost though) "This hostel is pretty okay." Miracle glanced at the rooms. "And the rooms are great! I'll rate this hostel a 8 out of 10." "I agree with Miracle." Parker nodded and high fived her. "There are 5 beds, but the other guys in our class have rooms already. And Miracle can't join us." "Isn't that something good?" Jumin asked. "We four don't have to share a room with a alcoholic classmate. You know that they are only drinking the days that were here." Everyone agreed on that. Jumin turned to Miracle and Yukine. "So you two, if you want to, you can sneak into our room every night. Or even stay if you're comfortable with four guys. Because our half assed teachers aren't going to care if people of the opposite s*x are sleeping in the same room." "D-do we have to s-share a bed then?" Yukine stuttered as she bit her lip. Jumin shook his head. "Don't need to. Those two are already sharing a bed, so there'll be 2 beds available," he replied as he pointed at Ashton and Skylar. "What made you think that?" Ashton yelled embarrassed. Skylar shrugged. "He's telling them the truth." "Oh," Yukine mumbled slightly disappointed. "But I think that I'd like to see what it's like with you guys one night and if I do like it, I'll stay. What do you think Miracle?" She asked as she looked up to Miracle. "It's a good idea," she smiled at her. She looked at her watch. "It's almost 6. What's the plan of tonight? Are we going out? Or are we staying inside?" "Of course we're going out," Parker scoffed. "Everything here in Italy is a Jojo reference and I need to see it!" "I totally forgot about that!" They kept on talking and Yukine turned to Skylar. "Are you sure that they're always like that?" She asked for the nth time in 2 months. Skylar nodded. "Yes." Yukine sighed. "Isn't it annoying to keep hearing things about you land?" She shook her head. "Not really. I love seeing Miracle talking so excitedly about something that she loves." Yukine's cheeks became crimson after she remembered what she said. "N-not that I like her or anything! It's j-just nice seeing people who like my culture." "Oookay," Skylar replied, clearly not believing her. "Let's drop our bags and suitcases in the room. After that we can find a restaurant." They put their bags in the room and Skylar took the key and locked the door. They went outside and they all opened their phones to save their location in google maps. "There's a restaurant nearby. It's a 8 minute walk from here," Yukine said as she showed them on her phone. "It has a good rating too." She pointed at that 4 stars. They all looked at each other and nodded. "You know know what I noticed?" Parker said as he walked more quickly to stay with the group. Jumin let out an annoyed sigh. "What did you notice Parker?" "That the air here smells different. It's less fresh than at home. But we all got used to it already so you can't smell it now." Jumin narrowed his eyes as he glanced around the group. "Um." Jumin looked around. "Good to know." 7 minutes later "Hello? Is someone in here?" Miracle asked as she walked into the restaurant. There weren't many people in there and most of then didn't even look Italian. A man peeked from the kitchen and walked out of it. "Welcome! Table for 6?" The waiter asked with a heavy accent. "Yes please," Ashton replied with a polite smile. He showed them a booth Skylar, Miracle and Jumin slid in one as Ashton, Yukine and Parker sat in the other. They ordered their food and drinks and 20 minutes later, they got them. Skylar took a bite of his pizza. Skylar, Miracle and Jumin all tensed and their eyes shot to a window. They all glared at it until they didn't fell someone watching them. Ashton, Yukine and Parker frowned. "What's wrong?" Ashton asked. Skylar shook his head. "It's nothing," he smiled as he glanced at Miracle and Jumin. They were all thinking the same thing. That someone was spying on them. "We just thought that we saw a bird," Miracle laughed. "I think that it was a crow." "Yeah. It was one. It was full black and it was looking at us," Jumin stated as he poked at his pasta. "But it wasn't the first time that we saw it." "Yeah. I think that we also saw it when we arrived at the airport." Skylar thought. "And when we left the hostel." "Huh. Bizarre," Parker commented, not knowing that they were talking about someone who was following them. "Is that a f*****g jojo reference?" Miracle asked to change the topic. "Holy s**t. It is." "Are you sure that there's nothing wrong?" Ashton asked with a worried expression. Skylar leaned toward him. "I'll tell you back at the hostel."
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