Chapter 15

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Trigger warning It was quiet. Too quiet. Skylar opened one of his eyes as he observed the room. He was trapped in a white box while his body floated around in the middle. He opened his other eye. He looked down to the ground and saw that his feet were touching the ground. "Why am I only wearing boxers?" He wondered. Out of panic, he lost balance and his whole body did a flip. He closed his eyes to avoid getting nauseous. The second he opened his eyes, he was lying on a table. "Hello?" Skylar's voice echoed through the room. He struggled to move his limbs as he heard footsteps approaching him. He shivered as he felt a finger going up his body. He tried to look at the person doing it, but he didn't see anything. He only felt their touch on his body. It stopped at his n****e. Skylar inhaled sharply as he felt the person pinching it. A pair of lips touched the other and Skylar began squirming as they bit it softly. "C'mon body, move!" Skylar tried his best to move one of his fingers, but they wouldn't. As if someone drugged his body. Wet kisses were going down his body and stopped at the waistband of his boxers. A finger traced the outline. "Stop!" He screamed. They took of his boxers and Skylar heard them chuckling at his semi hard. They fondled his d**k as it became harder. When it was fully hard, they grabbed it and circled their thumb slowly around his mushroom head. "P-please stop," Skylar begged. They spread his legs as something cold hit his hole. Tears welled up in his eyes and he closed his eyes shut. A finger pushed into it and Skylar's eyes widened out of shock as tears fell down his face. "No! Don't! Please stop! PLEASE!" He heard someone shushing him. "What's wrong? Everything is going to be alright, sweetheart," the voice whispered into his ear as they fingered him. "No! STOP!" Skylar woke up teary eyed and saw Lex hovering over him. Skylar looked at Lex, his hands and his own body. When he felt something up his ass, he processed everything and began to panic. "Calm down. Nothing's wrong," Lex assured with a smile. Skylar struggled against him and tried to kick or hit him. "Stop struggling. You'll make it much harder to make love to you." "No! I don't want to!" Skylar kicked him in his crotch and Lex tensed up. Skylar kicked Lex off of him and hissed at the finger quickly going out of his ass. Lex fell on the ground as Skylar got off the bed. His eyes fell on a vase that was next to him. Without thinking, he grabbed it and smashed it on Lex's head. Lex's body went limp as shards of the vase were stuck in his head. Blood ran down his head and Skylar put on his boxers. He grabbed the knife and ran out of the room. He ran through the hallway of the third floor as he tried to find the stairs to go to the second. He hid in a room when he saw one of the guards approaching him. He heard knocking on the door. "Hello?" The guard walked into the room. Skylar sneaked behind him and slashed his throat. He continued running and when he reached the second, he heard gun shots and multiple people talking. "We need more backup!" "Where is the master?! Someone find the master!" "And the young lady! If something happens to her, we'll be fired!" "You two! Go and find the young lady!" "Sir!" They ran to the second floor and stopped at the top of the stairs. One of them took the lead and ran through the hallway first. When Skylar heard his steps getting louder, he grabbed the knife and tossed it at his head. The half of the blade got inside his head and the guard's lifeless body fell down. Skylar pulled the knife out of the head and stalked to the other guard who was waiting for a signal behind the wall. The guard turned her back to Skylar and Skylar took that opportunity to stab her in the back and kick her down the stairs. He went down the stairs and  the first thing that hit him was the strong smell of blood. He peeked from the wall and saw many bodies on the ground. "I'll check upstairs. You two, stay here," he heard a familiar voice say. Skylar ran up to him and held the knife against the man's throat as the man held his gun against his head. Their serious faces drop as they lowered their weapons. "Dad?" Roy dropped his gun and hugged Skylar tightly. Skylar let loose of the knife wrapped his arms around him as he sobbed quietly. "We found him," Miracle said through the ear piece. Skylar looked behind Roy and saw Miracle smiling and Ashton wiping his tears away. Skylar went to Ashton and Ashton embraced him as Skylar did the same. "I missed you," Ashton whispered. "I missed you too." Ashton went to kiss him and when their lips touched, they both smiled. Miracle cleared her throat. "Great reunion, but isn't it better to go hone right now?" She asked. "And why the hell are you only wearing your boxers?" She added. Skylar kept quiet. "I don't," he mumbled. "I don't want to talk about it now." Miracle pressed her lips into a thin line. "Okay. But let's go home. Papa cooked some great food for you." Ashton gave Skylar his jacket as they walked out of the villa. Skylar didn't turn his head for a second to see that hell hole for one last time. They got in the car and Scott, Maddie and Oliver joined shortly after that. Roy dropped Oliver and Maddie at their homes and after that, he went straight home. He sighed happily when the car stopped in front of his house. They got out and walked to the door. "When's mom coming back?" "In two or three days," Roy replied. "Okay. I have one more question." He pointed at Ashton with a stern face. "Why was Ace there? And why the hell did he have a gun?" Roy turned pale and he hid behind Miracle. "Because he asked if he could join us," Roy answered as sweat dripped down his forehead. "And I said yes after a while." Skylar turned to Ashton. "And why did you ask to join?" Skylar demanded. "Because I didn't want to do nothing. I also wanted to save you. One way or another." Skylar calmed down a little and sighed. "If there's a next time, you are not going to join my dad. Understood?" Ashton nodded. "Good. Now I'm gonna take a shower. I'll be back in 15 minutes." Skylar went upstairs. "Do you think that he'll tell us what happened in that villa?" Miracle asked. "There is a high chance," Roy replied. "But there's also a chance that he'll lie about it." Ashton stood up. "I feel like there's something wrong with Skylar. I'll check on him." He walked to Skylar's room and knocked. "Skylar?" He didn't get a response. "I'm coming in, alright?" He opened the door and looked inside. At the furthest corner of the room, he saw Skylar curled up into a ball. "Skylar?" Ashton walked up to him and sat next to him on the floor. He lifted Skylar's head and was shocked to see his tear stained face. Ashton didn't say anything else and hold him tightly. And just like that, Skylar became a sobbing mess. After 30 minutes of crying, Skylar calmed down and looked at Ashton's tear stained shirt. "Sorry," he mumbled. Ashton kissed his forehead. "It's nothing. Do you want to explain why you were crying?" Skylar looked down at the ground. "You don't have to if you're not comfortable." "The man that kidnapped me tried to rape me," he whispered. Ashton became furious, but hid it from Skylar. "I was scared. I didn't know what to do." "Shhh, that man can't hurt you anymore," Ashton assured. "And I'll do anything to make you forget about that." "Thank you Ace." They were quiet for a while until Skylar spoke up again. "My dad already told you about me being an assassin right?" Ashton nodded. "Do you have any thoughts about it? Aren't you scared?" "At first I was scared shitless," Ashton chuckled. "I didn't believe it either, because I thought that you couldn't hurt a fly. But after that, Miracle told me stories about you at work and to be honest..." Ashton looked at Skylar with a smile. "I thought that you were a badass." Skylar showed him his infamous flat look and Ashton laughed. "But it's the truth!" "I thought that you'd be mad." "Why would I be mad?" "Because I didn't tell you," Skylar replied. "I was a little mad," he confessed. "But your dad explained why you couldn't tell me. Because of some risks and all that." They continued talking about Skylar being an assassin until they heard knocking on the door. The door opened and Miracle stepped in. "I forgot how pink this room is," she muttered. "So, are you two still coming downstairs or nah? It's been like a whole damn hour." She glanced at Skylar. "Did you even shower yet? Uh uh, Ashton. You're coming with me. Let him shower peacefully." She grabbed Ashton by the arm and pushed him out the room. Skylar opened his mouth to say something, but Miracle was faster. "And yes. I know about your whole history with your mom and dressing up as a girl. Your dad told me. Parker and Jumien know about our job too. Good luck talking to Parker." They went out of the room and Miracle closed the door. "Good luck talking to Parker?" 15 minutes later Skylar told them everything that has happened that past week. From getting forced to dress up to Lex trying to rape him. After that, Roy was boiling red. "I'm gonna kill that fucker! He can kiss satan's ass!" He yelled. Everyone told him to try and stay quiet. "Stay quiet my f*****g ass! You don't have s**t to say!" "Roy! It's 1 in the morning!" Scott whispered loudly. "People are trying to sleep!" Roy turned to Scott. "What if that happened to Miracle? Wouldn't you react the same?" "I'd be already in the car to kill that b***h," Scott replied. "You're not helping Scott!" Skylar and Ashton yelled. "Aw, you really do love me papa," Miracle grinned. "Dad, there's a chance that he's already dead," Skylar assured. "Really?" Roy asked. Skylar nodded. "I hit him with a heavy vase on his head." Roy nodded. "I hope so. I don't want to hear about that ugly face ever again." Roy stood up. "Now tomorrow is Monday and you know what that means." "Staying at home because we're all tired and don't want to do anything day?" Miracle asked. "Nice try but no! All of you are going to school. And talk to Parker about what happened. Also about your job. I wish you g**k luck on the latter." "Why are you both saying good luck to me? Is it that bad?" They all look at each other with worry in their eyes. "It is," they all responded. A few hours later Skylar inhaled and exhaled deeply. He opened the door and all of his classmates looked at him. As he walked in, they all began whispering about him being absent for a whole week. He sat down at his usual seat in front of Parker and Parker was sleeping on his desk. Skylar poked him. "Hm? I don't want no ravioli. Ice cream is fine," he mumbled. Skylar flicked his forehead and he immediately sat up. He rubbed his eyes with a frown. "Who is it?" "It's me." Parker stopped rubbing and did a double take. He slowly moved his index finger to his cheek and poked him. "Can I talk to you outside for a second?" Parker nodded and followed Skylar. Skylar stopped at a bathroom and they got inside. Skylar checked to see if there's someone in one of the stalls. "Now what is this about?" Parker asked. "You know about me being an assassin." Parker nodded. "And I didn't tell you anything." Parker crossed his arms. "I'm still mad that you didn't tell me," Parker said truthfully. "I get why you couldn't say anything, but still." He turned his back to Skylar and closed his eyes to think. "I'm sorry for not-" Parker turned back to him with a grin. "You know how awesome it must be to be an assassin? That would be a f*****g dream come true! Being like Nagisa of Assassination Classroom or Tatsumi of Akame Ga Kill or Killua from Hunter X Hunter! That would be so cool!" Parker ranted. "Can you teach me some things? Maybe how to use a gun? Or knife?" Skylar backed away a little with a smile. "So that's what they meant with good luck," he thought. "Of course his dumbass would fanboy." "I'll think about it, okay?" "f**k YEAH!" Parker cheered. The first bell rung. "Let's go to class. We'll get more info about our trip to Rome today." Skylar smiled. "Yeah, let's go."
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