
1466 Words

Nathan POV. “Nathan is giving me up” that’s the word my baby used, not even daddy she called me Nathan not even daddy. How did she come up with the idea of me giving her up? We’re here because she’s a special little, we both need some help into setting a routine that works for both of us, one that would help her be happy and won’t give me a heart attack. We came in and Cora asked some questions about me then about Elli, she’s the most important one around here, it’s the reason I’m going through this whole path. But then she started to whimper in my lap, I tried to rub her back to calm her down but she just kept working up until she wanted out of my lap to cry. In her whole staying with me, even the days I knew her in during her hospital visits she never let anyone hug her while she c

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