21-Obedience Classes.

1389 Words

Elli POV. Zander guess who won last night, we did insert evil laugh, hehehe, we got to sleep in daddy’s bed, it’s much better than the crib. Now only if he’d let me sleep with him every night, his bed is much more comfortable and big, I can move around in it and Zander gets a place to sleep in with me. When daddy slept next to me and Zander he was so warm, that I cuddled closer to him sleeping happily. I woke up to daddy kissing my cheeks, making me wiggle wanting to get away from him, I pushed him and placed Zander on top of my face. He can kiss Zander he likes kisses and hugs, I heard daddy chuckle before moving Zander and kissing my face again. “It’s time to get up little kitten” I hear his voice saying trying to get me out of bed, with a big pout he succeeds in getting me out of t

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