4-Broken Leg.

1421 Words
Olivia POV. Everything hurt, my ears have a loud buzz in them, all I could hear in the buzz and the car beeping. Why is the car beeping, my head hurt too much, maybe I should move and see what happened. No no, wrong choice, every bone in me is screaming with pain, I hate pain, it makes me go to my little space. I haven't been there in over a year, since the day I found out what I really am, I was too afraid little Eliot would introduce himself and all hell would break loose. So I kept it in, I avoided little stuff, avoided anything that would send me to little space, and even with my mother insisting on me to go to little space I stayed strong. All my injuries, all my pain, they were never this bad, I never needed to be little like right now. I started to cry to myself, I want a mama or daddy to hold me tight, I want them to tell me everything is okay but all I could imagine, all that could come up was the picture of my mother mad at me or my father promising me a spanking once we get home. I got busy crying, I heard the voice of sirens coming from behind me, they're going to take me to jail now for being a bad little and pet. I don't want to go to jail, I cry even worst, I kept crying until I felt someone on my side, he had a dark suit with neon yellow stripes all over it making him glow, he also had a hat on with number 66 on top. "Hello little one are you hurt?" he asks and I nod yes. "Stay where you are okay," he says and tries to open the door but it's stuck, now that the light is shining on us I could see that I've hit a tree, badly. He calls to someone else wearing the same uniform, they talk something before they move back toward their truck. I scream wanting that guy to stay with me, why is he leaving me now, he looks at his friend and nods before standing next to me. He got his hand in through the window, I accidentally rolled it down while trying to move the driver seat and left it there. He pets my head and ears, it's been so long since someone touched me so lovingly, I wanted to purr with joy but the pain in my body was way too much to enjoy his temporary touch. His friend came back with a big metal bar, he moved away and they both pulled at it until my door opened. They hurried and placed a neck collar around me, before sliding me out of the car and into a plastic stretcher, I screamed, I was scared and in pain. They strapped my whole body into the stretcher making it impossible to move, I just cried and screamed. The same guy as before came in the truck with me, he sat next to me and started doing things. He got a mask over my face which made me trash around, I didn't like that, he took it off right away. He tried to calm me down just talking to me and telling me it’s okay, I’ll need the mask to help me breathe, I still didn’t want the mask and shook my head no to it. He let the mask go for now but had to get an IV on me, I hated the needles, only Nathan ever gives me the injection and even then it hurt but not too badly. I cried and screamed but since I was already strapped on the stretcher I couldn’t move much when the IV was hooked to my hand, I just cried softly, the same guy tried to calm me but now I was so mad at him I didn’t want his comfort. I had no idea how far I went with the car or where these people are taking me, is it the jail or hospital, I didn’t know and didn’t care anymore everything hurt. The IV was kind of burning like something is going down through my veins, it burned, my pain and cries finally got to me and I blacked out. When I woke up we were in a room I knew very well, I’ve been here too many times, this is the local Neko hospital, the ER to be exact. I tried to look around I’m searching for my favorite nurse, the collar wasn’t allowing me to move much, I wanted Nathan where is he. He’s the only nurse who doesn’t hurt me and he knows how to give me medication without hurting me or yelling, and he never ever gets mad at me. Sadly for me, Nathan wasn’t here, there was another nurse, she hates me, she always calls me a brat every time. I tried to hold the guy's hand, the one in the firefighter uniform, now I knew what his job his, I’m trying to keep him here with me, he saw me fiddle around trying to get him to my side. He held my hand this time and kneeled a little to be at the same eye level as me, I held his hand as hard as possible to keep him here with me. “My name is Dylan, what about you little guy?” he asks. I was in my little space, where I know I don’t want to be a girl, I know I’m a boy, I hate the name Olivia, I wanted to be named Elliot. Instead of telling this nice guy my name is Olivia, Yukk. “Elli” I reply, it’s a shortening for Elliot, I wasn’t ready to come out fully yet but for now while hurt and in little space that’s all I could manage. “That’s a pretty name for a pretty girl,” he says, I wanted to growl at the girl part and tell him I’m a boy. I was just too tired to speak or say anything, the same evil nurse walked in to take me to the radio section, I kept my hand on Dylan to take him with me. “I think I’ll stay with the little” Dylan says and walks me to the radiation. They said they’re going to take an X-Ray for my leg, they think the hit might have broken it, they did the stupid X-Ray with Dylan holding my hand the whole time because I’m scared. I was moved back to the ER where I got a cast put on, they asked if I want a pink one. To which I just growled and they went with a white cast, no colors for me thank you, Dylan stayed with me since he saw how badly the nurse hates me and I was crying. No one wants to leave a crying little Neko alone, he stayed with me since I was just alone, they said they’ll call my parents but I kept my tight hold on Dylan. We stayed in the ER most of the night, my parents did come but they didn’t come to stay with me or talk to me, they just talked with the doctor. They were talking about sending me away, about who would take me and that’s the police is involved now, whether I want to or not, I’m not going back with my parents, they are taking me away. I was scared, even with all the medication they gave me I refused to sleep just holding Dylan down with me, he knew how bad my situation was so he just stayed in with me. After the morning came up, Nathan walked in, he saw Dylan and came toward him asking what’s wrong, those two knows each other. The police came in next and asked Dylan to leave, I didn’t want him to leave but he had to, they said a caseworker would be assigned to me until the court can decide what they’ll do to me.
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