
1317 Words
 Olivia POV. Staying in my room the whole day was hard but I managed until I heard the sound of my father coming home, I knew they would be talking about me, but would they talk about punishing me or not was the question. I sneaked out of my room quietly and stood on the top of the stairs waiting to hear their chat. They talked about me, about what happened today and me not obeying, it's not fair not to be allowed to run in the house. I wasn't allowed outside either so what should I do? She said she couldn't take this anymore, well neither could I but you don't see me complaining. Next, I heard my father asks if I ate anything, the answer is no, I haven't. Food used to be fun and yummy, but when presented in princess plates, it wasn't as appealing. I always knew something was up with me, but well last year was when I finally understood what's up. I wasn't sick or a freak like I first thought, I was just born in the wrong body. I sneaked mother's phone and Googled it, yes I have no one to talk to! What did you expect from me? I don't judge how you get your information, so don't judge me. They kept saying it's time, but time for what? Time for dinner? I'm kind of hungry now, I should've sneaked something up before he came home, wrong move on my side. Mother was full-on crying now and hugging him, I wanted to be hugged too. I didn't understand the reason for the tears, I heard them whispering, even with my sensitive ears I couldn't understand what they are saying, believe me, I tried. Then father went and got his phone, I heard the whole conversation, him describing me, describing how I act. He told whoever is on the phone I'm a fussy eater, I don't regress, he even said they might have miss-classified me. That made me cry, it hurt me on the inside knowing that he thinks I'm such a bad little, I'm a little they just don't get me anymore. With all everything pink, I don't even get to chose the cartoon I watch or even the toys I get. I used to be daddy princess but then it clicked I'm not a princess, to begin with, I'm a prince but they wouldn't listen or hear me out. He went to his mother and told her they'll be here tomorrow to pick me, I couldn't help my gasp that time, they are giving me up for real. No joking, no threats, he really told them to come to get me. I know some Neko move in with other owners after they grow up, depending on your category you'll get a new owner. The one who stays with their family, they get to stay there forever, but not mine they're giving me up. Mom tried to call me but I was too mad at her now, she just gave me up, I felt abandoned. I ran back to my room slamming my door close, I don't care anymore they don't even want me. I jump over my barbie bed that I hate and start crying, I had my head buried in the pillow, I hug one of the stuffies, they aren't my pick, mother got them all. Even when I'm there with her she won't let me chose my own stuffies. It's little things over little things that got us to strain apart, me and her we don't agree on anything anymore. "Olivia" I hear my father's voice, I was so busy crying I haven't heard him walk in. "Princess can we have a chat," he says lifting my face off the pillow, I tried to hide in the pillow again but he wouldn't let me. "Olivia please," he says and I shake my head no, I heard all I needed to hear already. "Baby just knows we're doing this for your own good," he says before leaving the room. I kicked both my hands and feet on the bed several times crying, how's that for my own good? They are giving me up, this isn't me being punished or him taking away my cookies. This is goodbye little Neko now and forever, I hated this so much. I cried for an extra hour in bed until there were no more tears to shed, I felt exhausted, emotionally and physically. If they want me out of their life I'll be out of their life, just under my terms and not theirs. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, my nose was puffy and red, my eyes were hardly open. I looked like a mess my ears were flapping around on my head a sign of how tired I am. I should be asleep by now, but I refuse to sleep, sleeping means waking up to meet whoever they are giving me up to, probably the meanie, I know they hate me now. I got my backpack and stuffed some essentials in it, another pull-up, candy, and an oversized hoodie I stole from my dad's closet. Closing the bag, I tiptoed to the door, dad didn't lock it since I was crying, he probably thought I'll cry myself to sleep, the joke on him. The house was extremely quiet, they're probably asleep, still not taking any chances I tiptoe downstairs, the six stairs always creeks when I got down on it so I was extra careful with that one. It was dark, I'm afraid of the dark, well my little side is but since dad doesn't even believe I'm a little, maybe I shouldn't be scared of it. I made it down and went through the living room, dad always put his stuff away, but tonight was different. His keys and wallet were both on the coffee table, I took the wallet first and stuffed my pocket with the money. Then took his keys and tiptoe again toward the garage door, I had to go through the kitchen, hopefully, they'll just think I'm thirsty from all the crying and stay upstairs. I walked toward dad's car and used the keys to open it, it did a quick beeping sound but hopefully, it wasn't heard upstairs. I went to the driver's seat and got in, the seat was far too away for me to reach. I fiddled with the many clicks and handles next to the seat until finally, I got it to get closer to the steering wheel. I knew how to turn the car on from watching them drive in front of me all these years, that wasn't hard. I even asked dad before about the different letters and he taught me what everyone one of them does. I had to leave the car for a second and open the garage door, the remote wasn't along with dad's stuff. The door was too loud, I had my finger crossed it won't wake them up but I doubted, they were light sleepers. Well they lived with me, they had to have light sleep or I would've burned the house up a long time ago. I hit the accelerator knowing I got a short amount of time to make my escape now, it would only take them few minutes to be down here searching for me. I took off with a strong turn knocking down our garbage cans on the way out, oops. I didn't really know where I'm going, I just kept driving, I didn't make it long not with my driving skills. Even with the seat being closer to the steering wheel, my foot doesn't really reach. I had to slip a little down to reach the paddles, that's when it happened I felt myself hitting something and every bone in my body began to ache.
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