
1540 Words
Olivia POV. I didn’t sleep last night, it was one bad night, I was scared shitless of the dark, I felt like crying and calling out but to whom? Ian would just laugh at my face if I tell him I’m scared of the dark, I tried to get out of the crib but it’s locked, no matter how hard I push it wouldn’t bother or open, my leg kind of hurt, the doctor said it would hurt as it’s healing. I wish he gave me some med before bed, it’s night time that is the worse for me, at the foster home they’d give me Baby Calm, at the Neko company they gave me pain killers when I asked for it but Ian, he’ll probably just laugh in my face if he knows I’m in pain. I started crying quietly too scared of getting Ian's attention, I don’t want any kind of attention from him, I must have fallen asleep in the end. I woke up very grumpy to my crib being open, Ian looked at me and smiled, he could see how sleepy and grumpy I am. He took me out of the crib and stripped me, I stood there in just my wet nappy shivering from the cold, the room felt freezing cold this morning. He made me lay on the ground and changed the nappy for me, my whole body was shivering which he didn’t take well. “Settle,” he says wiping my bum slowly with a freezing cold wipe. “C…co…cold,” I tell him but he doesn’t do anything about the cold, he continued with his snail-like pace. He was placing the diaper underneath me when my legs shook so hard with the cold, I expected him to hurry up a little or maybe turn on the heating or not change me on the cold ground. I felt a sharp pain on my bum making me scream, followed by another slap and a third one, I was openly sobbing now, in my whole life no one ever slapped or spanked me this harshly. He finished setting the diaper on me and secured it on my body, he got an onesie on me, still, it left my feet out for the cold, it wasn’t even that cold of weather but us Neko are sensitive, we don’t like the cold, most families keep us wrapped head to toe to stay warm or turn the heating on or I don’t know when it’s time to go out in the sun where we are warm. I was sniffing while he lifted me on my feet, this time he did my hair, taking my French braid out and fluffing my hair up, it was all curly now. He added some hair clips in my hair, it was too girly for my liking, I wish I could cut it, cut it all out. He dragged me to the kitchen and washed my face with equally cold water, he was rough with me not really caring that I’m still crying or trying to get away from his touch, he got a toothbrush out, I extended my hand to take it and brush my teeth on my own. “Please…master,” I say not wanting him to do this for me, I used to do it, I always did it back home, the foster house, and even the lab. “No” he replied in a cold voice and got the toothbrush ready with toothpaste and a bit of water. He had my chin in his bruising grip and got the brush in my mouth, I gagged while he brushed my teeth, he got my face closer to the sink now. “Spit” he orders and I obey happily to spit the burning toothpaste, it tasted like mint. He washed my face again and carried me downstairs he gave me a bottle and told me to go sit somewhere, I ran away from him to find a spot for me to drink my milk. I searched through the house for a warm space for me to sit in it, I found a window seat with the sun shining, I tried to jump up but my cast weighed me down, I tried to jump but fell my leg flared with the pain getting tears in my eyes, I tried again and this time I succeed into getting on the window seat, the sun was warming me but the pain didn’t allow me to enjoy the feeling. After my sobbing fit, I decided to eat my bottle, after all, I was hungry, hardly sleeping, crying, and now the pain. I drank the bottle slowly still crying, in pain, when I was done, I went down slowly and walked toward the kitchen, I saw Ian still sitting on his chair, his breakfast was over but he was reading the newspaper. I went to his side and stood there quietly not knowing what to do or how to say anything, I waited until he was turning the paper over, he looked at me with the corner of his eyes. “Yes?” he asks. “Uhhhh…m…master my leg hurt,” I say quietly hoping for some pain killers or maybe getting a seat with my leg raised. “If you finish your chores I’ll give you something,” he says still not looking at me, what chores. I looked down at the bottle still in my hand, I dragged a chair toward the sink again and washed the bottle, I tried not to get my clothes wet but I did a very bad job at it. I took the chair back into its place and went back toward Ian and waited for the pain killers, this is all he asked me to do. He took the paper away and looked at me giving me his full attention, I was scared now, is he gonna give me some painkillers or what. “Go do your chores, that includes cleaning your room, your crib, my bed, your dishes,” he says in a dismissing voice. I sigh and move back upstairs, every step hurt so badly, I had to jump upstairs to reach the top floor and went to my room first, I tried my best to fix the bedding of my crib, I moved way too much last night and the whole covers are messed up from me. It was hard to fix it with all the bars and me being too short to reach the top of the crib, finally, I fixed it, my old onesie and my used diaper were still on the ground. I took them off and went on to search for a bin and hamper, I found both of those in the bathroom, I threw the used diaper away and the dirty onesie in the hamper. Other than that my room was clean, I noticed I did have few toys in the room, I took a teddy and put it in the crib for the night. I finished with my room and went on the search for his room, he never told me where his room is nor did he showed me the place around here. I found his room and went in, his bed was messed up and he had some clothes around the floor. His bed was so big, it would fit both me and him not that I would ever ask to sleep next to him, I hate him already. The bed took me forever to be made, I had to move from one side to the other to get it made, then I had to get on the bed to fix the pillows, then when I got down I had to fix the bed again. Groaning I finally finished with the bed, I picked all the clothes from the ground and took them to his bathroom searching for a hamper, I found one and put them all in, I was done with my chores finally, I went to go down the stairs to find Ian to give me some pain killers, my leg was screaming with pain now, I couldn’t go down the stairs. I sat down on the stairs and crawled downstairs and went on the search for Ian when I finally found him I moved toward him with tears in my eyes. “Master, I’m done,” I say sniffling, he got up from his place and went to the kitchen, I followed after him dragging my casted leg, he gave me a spoonful of the med. I shook my head no first, it was instinct to say no, I’m a little no little likes medicine. He raises a brow at me and this time I open my mouth my pain winning over my instinct, he gave it to me and told me to keep quiet before leaving the room.
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