
1491 Words
Olivia POV.  After my forced nap, I woke up still in the crib and it was still locked, I needed to pee badly but there was no way for me to leave the crib and head to the bathroom, I thought about calling Ian but changed my mind. I tried my best to hold it in but it was hard I really needed to pee, at least I had my pull-ups on, I might have a little accident. I felt tears start going down my face, I hate when I have an accident, I usually run to the bathroom and change it right away or ask mom for help, she never let me stay in wet pull-ups. I stayed in the crib crying quietly until Ian came in to get me, he didn’t say anything about my tears, he opened the crib and picked me out. He got me by my waist and saw the little wet mark on my skirt, he tusked at me before setting me on the floor. “I see the little baby had an accident huh!” he says in a mean voice and I’m scared, I try to take a step back away from him but he doesn’t let me. Instead, he takes off all my clothes, he doesn’t need to take everything off for just changing my pull-ups, the way he was looking at me didn’t make me feel any comfortable. He kept me naked standing in the middle of the room, I tried to cover my chest and private parts with my hands. He just smirked and went to the closet and picked some clothes for me, it was a onesie with nothing special on it, the color was pastel yellow, nothing exciting about it. Instead of a pull-up, he got me a diaper, I hate those, they are hard to change on your own. He came back and made me lay on the ground, no table, no matt nothing, my back touched the cold floor and made my whole body shake with the coldness. He raised my legs and slipped the diaper underneath me, he did it very slowly his eyes roaming around my area before letting my legs down and taping it tightly around my waist. “If you touch it or try to take it off, I’ll make your ass black and blue” he threatens and I nod my head in fear. The onesie came in next, again with the slow-motion he slipped it on me, he kept me on the floor for a bit longer before allowing me to get up. The onesie covered my hands and had pants legs with a hole for my tail, my feet were still uncovered and cold. I hate putting shoes on or socks, our home used to have carpet all along with the place so I’ll stay warm, here he got none, probably a way to torture me, my hair was already done for the day he didn’t take it off, my ears were flat on my head and my tail wrapped around my waist. He drags me with him downstairs, letting me go down on my own on the stairs, it was a struggle but I made it finally. Once down he calls to me from the kitchen, I went over and saw a white bottle in his hands, nothing on it, he handed me the bottle, I see this must be my lunch. “You’ll be bottle-fed from now on,” he says in his cold voice, he doesn’t bother to help me eat it or to even get comfortable to sit down and eat it. I don’t take a seat next to him on the couch, instead, I sit on the cold floor, my leg hurt, I should probably raise it but no one is gonna help me. I drank the whole bottle from my uncomfortable position before giving it back to him I was full now, he looked at me with a raised brow, making me lower the bottle and my eyes. “Let’s set some rules for you,” he says in a cold voice and I gulp. “You take your bottle to the sink, wash it, and put it away,” he says, wait aren’t I supposed to be a little, I shouldn’t be made to clean dishes even if it’s my own bottle. I struggled to get on my feet but managed to, I got to the kitchen and to the sink, it was too high for me to reach it, I got a chair from behind me, that was too heavy for me, but I managed. I got the chair in front of the sink and climbed on it, I opened the water and it splashed me while I washed the bottle. In the end, it was clean but my onesie sleeves and chest were all wet, I took the chair back to its place and walked back into the living room, I wanted to go hide away but I didn’t know where to go. I went back and sat on the floor quietly, is this what my life came to, I was so sad, it felt like my life is ending now, would I ever get the chance to play or run around again, not with my broken leg anyway. We stayed quiet most of the day, he watched TV, not the one I watch, not cartoons but actual news and football, I got so bored that I ended up laying down on the floor pouting. He ignored me the whole time, I tried whining and pouting but to no use, he didn’t pay me any attention. I stayed there while he stayed in his place, in the end, he ended up putting some random baby cartoon for me, it was tom and jerry, it was okay with me. I actually sat up to watch the cartoon giggling at the silly cat, poor tom he always got in trouble. “Keep it quiet and stay on the floor,” Ian says in his cold voice, I don’t reply and he comes to stand in front of me, he got on his knee so we’re at the same eye level and raise my chin up with his hand. “What do you say you little brat?” he asks. “Uhh…” I say not really sure what he wants me to say. “If you are going to be ungrateful then,” he says and turns to turn off the TV, this was my only entertainment of the day. “No…no please,” I say quickly. “Please what?” Ian asks in a firm voice turning back to me and holding my chin with a bruising hold. “Please…master,” I say remembering what he asked me to call him. “Okay and now what you say?” he asks again, does he have to be this mean to me. “Thank you, master,” I say hardly with how badly he’s holding me. He nods and lets me go, suddenly the cartoon isn’t that interesting anymore, I rub my chin where he held me it hurt. I felt some tears going down my face and I wipe them away quickly, I went back to tom and jerry, I tried to watch the cartoon and laugh at the jokes but it didn’t feel the same now, I stayed where I was, this is a new rule no sitting on the sofa, what does he think I am, I still have feelings. After few more episodes the tom and jerry, Ian calls me into the kitchen, I saw him standing next to the table with only one plate on the table. “Sit down,” he says pointing to the ground, I do as he asks and sits slowly watching my leg. He started to eat his food with me watching him, he fed me few bites of his food and that was all I got to eat for the night. He gave me a bottle when he was done and I drank it from my place on the ground, he washed it for me this time and carried me to bed, he changed me on the cold floor again and placed me in the crib locking it. He turned the lights off leaving me in total darkness and I whimper, I hate the dark, why does he have to turn the lights off. I whimpered in fear waiting in the dark, I stayed awake most of the night every sound scars me, every creak in the house made me jump up.
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