Chapter 9-2

2838 Words

I thumped the pillow and turned it over. One thing I did know for sure. Up to that point, I hadn’t decided whether I would attend the open house at Youth Oasis on Saturday. Now I most definitely would. And, my mission would be to corner the disagreeable Dr. Mallick, quiz him about the uses for Phenoxyethanol and hopefully dig further into his background. That decision made, I finally drifted off into dreamless slumber until the annoying, repetitive buzz of the alarm clock woke me at six. After a forty-five minute jog in the brisk morning air, I felt energized and ready to take on the day. I fed the cats, packed up the Jeep and headed for the office where I dove into the daily routine. The first email I checked was from Marshall. The surveillance footage of Holly would be provided

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