Chapter 7-3

1643 Words

My appetite evaporated, I set my fork down. “Yeah, that matches the version Tally told me.” I sat back, shaking my head in dismay. “Wow. The whole thing sounds like a plot for a book or a movie.” She nodded solemnly. “It sure does—a real sad one.” I repeated the story Tally had told me about his Halloween night adventure with school friends to the old mansion and Ginger nodded morosely. “I heard tell she went to a bunch a doctors, even had a couple o’ surgeries someplace in Europe, but then I’m guessin’ they weren’t all that successful ‘cause she locked herself away in that big ol’ house. Folks in town still call it the ‘Shut-away’ house.” “Tally told me that too.” I pushed my plate aside. “I’m hoping when I finally meet up with Wanda that she’ll at least give me permission to

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