Chapter 7-2

2109 Words

I repeated Clara’s story regarding Glendine’s wish to have her ashes interred beneath the old church. “There were wilted flowers strewn around some of the gravestones at the cemetery, but he didn’t leave the fresh ones there. He drove off with the bulk of them stuffed inside his pickup.” Ginger pondered that briefly. “That does seem mighty strange. I heard he does a passel of odd jobs to make ends meet. Maybe he’s makin’ an extra buck deliverin’ flowers now?” She waved away her own hypothesis. “Anyway, let’s git back to Clara’s story. Yours don’t match the one I heard about Glendine.” That prodded my interest. “Oh? What did you hear?” “I’m purty sure I remember hearin’ that Doreen’s middle daughter who went to school with Nelda’s girl overheard Glendine saying that she wanted

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