chapter 22?

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Hence Avery thought that it triggered her step mother, and step sister Cassy's jealousy. But now it seemed to Avery that even her mere existence was a big thorn in Madam Gwen’s eyes. Soon Madam Gwen signaled her loyal servant Carrie, and Carrie handed over a bowl to her maid servant Zara, which had some sort of green liquid in her hands. Avery looked at that bowl with the dark green liquid warily, and was a little bit confused. Seeing her confused expression, Madam Gwen explained to Avery like the good mother she was. Note the sarcasm. “It’s the special health improving tonic, brewed using several rare medicinal herbs, that I got from the medicine man, specifically for you, my dear daughter Avery. I personally brewed this medicinal herbal tonic for you. Drink this, and get well soon”, Madam Gwen said with her fake smile marring her pretentious fake face. 'Are you sure that it was a health improving health tonic, and not the health deteriorating poison, dear old step mother', Avery thought. She really wanted to ask that question to Madam Gwen, but she knew all too well, and so she was wise enough to stop herself from voicing out those words. She didn’t want to expose herself infront of her step mother too soon, and alert them. She wanted to use the same tactics they used on her. She wanted to make them believe that she was as innocent as a little lamb, and wanted to strike them hard, making it difficult for them to find from which direction they were attacked from. “keep it over there, Zara. I will drink it later, mother”, Avery said, and avoided drinking it tactically. After all that she had went through in the hands of her so called dear old step mother, she didn’t want to make the same mistake again, and fall into her trap like a headless stupid lamb waiting to be butchered. When Avery was trying to search through her mind, for a convincing lie, to send Madam Gwen out of her room, but to her back luck, another person barged inside her room. The one whom she didn’t wanted to see, or welcomed in her room too. Well….they always say that misfortune comes in pairs, and in Avery’s case, it turned out to be so damn true!!! When she was trying to avoid one problem, another one came waltzing her way in to her room, that too uninvited….. There….in the entrance of the room stood Cassy, the second eldest Miss of the Hastings household Mansion, aka Madam Gwen’s birth daughter, and Avery’s step sister. Cassy came into the room followed by her maid servant Karen. Upon seeing Cassy, all the terrible events flowed out automatically, like an erupted volcanic mountain, from the deepest part of her soul, which was tortured, wounded, and scarred severely, beyond repair. All the fake accusations, the betrayal, the abandoned feelings, and the torture Avery was subjected to under Cassy’s hands, and upon her instigation, everything rushed to Avery’s mind without leaving any part in it, like a wild river, breaking it’s river banks, and destroying, and devouring everything in its way. Avery too felt the same way about her hurtful memories, which was more like that of a uncontrollable wild river. All these past events broke the last bit of self control, and the restrain Avery had on her emotional state, and the next second, her eyes teared up as if it was an instinct, for her to cry. But not wanting to expose herself, and not wanting to give some stupid excuses for her strange behavior, Avery quickly controlled her emotions, and quickly put on a blank expression on her face again. Her eyes were as clear as a spring water pool, clearly not showing that there were tears in that same pair of eyes, a moment ago. All the traces of the whirlwind of the emotions vanished in a second into the thin air, as if they were not present in the first place, for anyone to take notice of it. “Elder sister….oh my god…you are awake, and fine….thank the great god. I was so afraid about your well being, and so for you to have a speedy recovery, I went to the temple to pray for you”, Cassy said in her infamous concern filled tone. Avery must admit it. Cassy was really a born actress…no one….She meant it….no one, can act as realistic as Cassy does, Avery thought, and scoffed internally. If it was in the past, looking at Cassy’s concerned fake look, Avery would have believed her so much, and melted in an instant. But now all these acts of showing concern, made her insides to twist in anger. Avery had seen all these acts for a very long time. All because of Cassy’s flawless acting did she believed her so called second younger step sister Cassy blindly back then, and she was taught a lesson, and got her punishment for trusting the wrong people, and paid a heavy price, which she could not afford in the first place, but had to pay that with her own life in the end. Seeing Cassy’s face, reminded Avery of her unborn child, which was so unfortunate enough to be killed, without even having the chance to breathe in its own air. Avery clenched her hands into fists secretly under the blankets, and gave a little smile to Cassy in pretense, while gritting her teeth in hatred. It’s all because of Cassy, that she had to lose her unborn innocent child, and her baby brother whom she had brought up as her own son. “Yes. Second sister. I am fine..”, Avery responded calmly, and shortly, without any wavier in her tone, but in real, she was trembling violently, and all she wanted to do was to kill Cassy, who was faking her concern infront of her. “Second eldest Miss Cassy was so worried about you, first eldest Miss. She would come to visit you daily, and she even fell sick worrying about you”, Karen, Cassy’s maid servant spoke, and lowered her head. ‘yeah….yeah….she must be really sick in her mind', Avery thought internally. Madam Gwen, and Cassy stayed a little while, making small talks, and then finally they bid farewell to Avery, and went out of her room. Maxy too went to his room to play by himself, while getting a promise from Avery that she had to play with him, after her full recovery. “Okay, my dear daughter….see, how pale your skin is looking. It’s all because of fatigue, and tiredness, you are feeling now. Drink that herbal tonic medicine, and then take a good rest”, saying this Madam Gwen retired to her own living quarters. After they went, Avery’s sharp eyes fell on the bowl of medical herbal tonic, which was prepared by Madam Gwen. But Avery felt that something was very fishy. An unsettling feeling rose deep inside her heart, and a gut feeling like instinct got alarmed saying that it was not fine. After going through all sorts of terrible events under the hands of her evil step mother Madam Gwen, and her step sister Cassy, Avery was even more alert, and raised her defense mechanism to the brim. If it was in the old times, Avery would have believed in her step mother, and would have drank that medicinal herb tonic, the moment it was given to her by Carrie. But now, it doesn’t feel right to Avery. And upon seeing that how her step mother insisted in her drinking the medical herbal tonic several times, Avery was so damn sure about the gut feeling of hers, and soon enough she discarded the herbal medicinal tonic, and poured it on the floor so casually. Hearing the bowl falling down on the floor, Zara came rushing to her Lady Miss Avery’s side. “My hand slipped, and I dropped the bowl on the floor Zara. Just clean it as soon as possible. I don’t want Mother to find out about this. She might feel sad”, Avery said, and went to her bed. Zara cleaned the floor, and went out. When she was left alone, Avery silently sat on the fluffy bed, and thought deeply. ‘well….its a miracle that the great god gave me this blessing, and gave a chance to change my life', Avery thought, and thanked the god several times in her heart. Soon enough, her eyes turned cold and hard, without the presence of any emotions in it, except for hatred. 'Well….the God had showered his mercy on me. Let’s face it. Now the tide has changed in my favor, and I will definitely get my revenge from every one of them, for all the inhumane things I went through under the greedy hands of them', Avery thought. An evil smirk laced itself on Avery’s small face, and her pair of pristine eyes, which were as bright as stars were now gone, and all that remained in her eyes were hatred….pure unadulterated hatred. ‘Now let the game of revenge begin. Wait for it…now it’s my time to strike, and all those greedy people, who made me suffer, are going to pay for their crimes, and the injustice they did against me. I will definitely settle everyone’s score neat, and clean', Avery thought, and closed her eyes to control her raging emotions, which was so similar to a ocean on a stormy night. “Let the game of revenge begins………” the wounded and betrayed soul murmured deep inside its heart. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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