chapter 86?

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The moment the Royal mother saw the things that the man, in front of her had in his hands, she could not control her emotions, and a large smile spread across her aged yet regal looking face. On the other hand, Royal consort Katherine was no better than her mother in law. In fact, she was more excited than the old lady to be exact. The old lady was eager to see the portrait that had the painting of the young lady whom her dear daughter in law was no fond of and praised do greatly. She wanted to see for herself and verify with her own set of eyes, where the above said young lady was as her daughter in law had described and wanted to check whether the mysterious young lady was a perfect match for her grandson, third prince Theodore. On the other hand, Royal consort Katherine was anxious and curious to get to know about the information of the young lady she had seen last time. Even though she was very fond of the above said young lady, she had a little bit of fear, well more like a sort of worry, as if the mysterious young lady was not from a good background, the already dissatisfied officials of the Royal court might use that sole reason to criticise the young lady and even the Royal mother and would definitely use that chance to eliminate this young lady and recommend someone else from their own family to be the bride of the prince. And another reason for her worry, was that she was afraid that, what if the lovely looking young lady might have a prospective bridegroom already or else might be having an engagement with another young man. Then, she cannot fulfill her wish to marry her favorite girl to her dear son. She had to accept the fate and only have to think that she and her son was not fortune enough to have that lovely young lady in their lives. All these thoughts have disturbed the Royal consort Katherine for the past few days, and when the moment came to confirm her speculations came, it all added to her nervousness, making her to be restless. Nevertheless she bit her lips and restrainted herself from grabbing the scroll from the man, as Royal mother Moira should be the one to receive the scroll and the report. Eventually, she stood still, and fiddled with her fingers, trying to keep her calm, even though, she was feeling totally the opposite. Soon enough, the Royal mother quickly got her hands on the scroll, wanting to see how the young lady was looking. The moment she untied the thread on it, and opened the scroll, she was stunned and looked speechless. The minute the scroll was opened and her eyes landed on the portrait of the young lady on the scroll, Royal mother Moira was stunned by what she had witnessed. Consort Katherine was eager to know what her mother in law was thinking about the girl and looked at the old lady’s face, wanting to see her facial expressions. But all she could see was that the Royal mother was simply starring at the scroll without blinking her eyes for a very long time. Consort Katherine was unable to read her emotions, so she too remained silent. “ oh my holy goddess! !! “, the Royal mother Moira exclaimed suddenly catching everyone’s attention in an instant. “what a lovely looking young lady, she is. My dear… .. . She is looking no less than an angel, who had fallen from the sky!!!. Such a noble and regal looking fine young lady. That’s it. I have made my decision, consort Katherine. “, the old lady of the Royal Family said making consort Katherine to be serious and curious all at the same time. “about what, dear mother??? “, consort Katherine gulped subconsciously, and asked in a hesitating tone. “I have decided. That this young lady is going to be my grand daughter in law. Period. I am not going to change my mind. Since you like this young lady so much, I will definitely sent a marriage propose to this young lady’s household, asking her hand in marriage for my dear grandson Theodore”, Royal mother Moira said in a resolute tone, making the others present in the room to be stunned by her sudden declaration. Consort Katherine, her maid servant Macy, and the Royal mother’s servant, all three ladies were struck hard by this sudden decision that they were too stunned to even speak. Forget about speaking. They were too stunned to think clearly. Their mind went blank. Because all the three ladies knew all too well that Royal mother Moira was not a person who would take such an important, and a serious decision in such moment’s time, and that too just taking a glance at the portrait of the young lady. Even though this decision was what consort Katherine had wanted to hear from her mother in law, but the speed of the decision making of the Royal mother had really left her baffled. “Dear mother. Is what you are saying is really the truth?. That you like this young lady just by a single??. You took such an important decision, without even going through the young lady's information, instead you have decided after taking only one look at the portrait, mother“, consort Katherine asked in a worried tone. Because she had her concerns. What if the Royal mother saw the information about the young lady and then might have a change in her heart. “Do not fret, consort Katherine. I am very much sure in my decision of making that young lady a member of our Royal Family. Nothing is going to change my mind in the future. Do not worry. I know, I took the decision in such a short time. But I have my reasons. One look at that young lady, and I can tell that she is a perfect match to my grandson and was worthy enough to be a member of the Royal Family. And also your words about her kindness and behaviour made me to be firm in my decision”, Royal mother Moira said with a satisfied smile on her face. ***
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