chapter 72?

429 Words
Then she came out and waited in the front room, waiting for her little maid girl Zara to come back with her medicinal soup, with a straight face, not giving her inner thoughts away to others. Avery waited in the living room, for her maid servant Zara to come back with her herbal medicine. Soon enough, Avery caught sight of her maid servant along the corridor of her courtyard, holding the bowl of herbal medicine with the utmost care, so as not to spill or drop the bowl by mistake. Zara was like that, because only she knew how precious those medicinal herbs were. Also not to mention, the amount of time she very carefully spent on brewing the medicine for her first miss. “Be careful, my lady. It’s still hot”, saying that Zara placed the bowl that contained dark brown colored medicinal liquid. Without much thought, Avery picked up the bowl and blowed twice to cool it down, and then she gulped the dark brown liquid in a single go. Then, Avery stood up and left the Hastings mansion, with the mountain temple as her destination. All throughout the way, Avery was vigilant and careful, looking around for anyone suspicious, who was following her. Because she did not want to expose herself very soon. Once she reached the foot of the mountain, the familiar and lonely muddy path that leads the way directly to the back of the mountain temple greeted Avery. For the last time, Avery stopped and looked around for anyone following her. When she was sure that no one tailing behind her, Avery sighed a breath of relief and went ahead in the familiar path. The path that leads towards the back of the mountain, packed with trees that grew closer to each other, which looked more like a thick forest area. All of a sudden, out of no where, Avery felt that something was not right. She had a very strong gut feeling that she was being watched. She can feel a pair of eyes keeping an eye on her. Once she realised that there might be someone who was watching her moves, Avery’s heart beat picked up the pace and started beating rapidly. She stopped in her tracks, and scanned her surroundings, for the source of her bad feeling. Then, she found it. The reason for her feeling not good. At quite a distance, which was not very long, she saw a pair of eyes, watching her moves, without even blinking the eyes, scaring the hell out of her. ***
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