chapter 71?

648 Words
Early in the morning, Avery got up quickly, as that day, she have to go to the mountain temple, for her secret training. As usual she got ready with the help of her maid servant. “my lady, I have brewed the herbal medicine. Shall I bring it now”, zara asked, while waiting for her first Lady to give a response to her question. “yes, zara… . Go and bring it quickly. I have to leave soon for the mountain temple “, Avery said, making zara yo frown a little bit in sad. Zara was not very fond of her first Lady Avery, going to the mountain temple all alone, without even taking some male servants with her for safety purposes. She wanted to accompany her first Lady to the mountain temple, but her Lady Avery refused her help and denied allowing zara to follow her, saying that she had prayed to the God that she will come to the mountain temple alone. Since Avery had said that she had prayed, and made a wish, the people in the mansion too did not think too much and allowed Avery to go to the mountain temple alone as she wishes to do so. “My lady. I am still worried about you going to the mountain temple all alone. Shall I come with you till the foot of the mountain for your safety?. Then you can go up alone as you had wished”, Zara asked hopefully for the nth time, trying to convince her first Lady Avery to give permission for her to follow her lady. Seeing the hopefully looking expression on zara's face, Avery felt helpless and sighed heavily. She cannot afford to bring zara along with her to the mountain temple, as her main purpose to going there might get exposed. Avery did not want others to know even a little bit of what she was up to. Also she does not want to bring zara along with her, just in case, she might put zara in trouble. “no, zara… I can not do that. Then my wishes won’t be granted, which I does not want to happen at any cost “, Avery said with a mysterious look in her shinny eyes. Then Avery blinked her eyes to get out of her own train of thoughts, and looked at Zara, whose face fell in defeat. “Do not fret too much, Zara. I will take care of myself and give more importance to my safety. I promise, I will be safe. Now stop pouting and go to the kitchen to bring my medicinal soup… go… “, Avery said, making Zara to go out of the room reluctantly. The moment Avery was sure enough that Zara had went out, she looked around, just in case, anyone was around. When Avery was sure that no one watching her moves, she quickly disappeared into the changing room and opened a small drawer in the wardrobe locker. The drawer was located at the bottom of the wardrobe locker and looked like it was built in a hidden place. One has to take a closer look twice to know that there was a hidden drawer at the bottom of the wardrobe locker. Avery bend down and opened the locker slowly, not making much noise. The locker was opened and inside there laid a small dagger and some cylindrical container that has needles that was used in the acupuncture treatment. But Avery use those needles as a weapon. She quickly took the dagger and one of the cylindrical containers, and hid them deep into her clothes safely. Then she came out and waited in the front room, waiting for her little maid girl Zara yo come back with her medicinal soup, with a straight face, not giving her inner thoughts away to others. *****
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